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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Now don't this is a red light for everyone to start trying to unload their Mr Black pedals onto me. I'm made of much sterner stuff.
  2. The finish on the P is very very nice. If this is as good, I know it's expensive, but even so. My only concern is neck dive. I read the standard version of this suffers. Assuming this is merely a refinish and not a whole new beast then that is a deal breaker for me.
  3. No idea if this will be of interest to any of you but I thought I'd share. Joyo produce a small head called the Zombie. It's referred to as a micro Amp, and uses a 12AX7 Preamp tube. Here's the spec: Clean Channel Distortion Channel FX Loop Bluetooth Headphone Out Built in Cab Speaker Amp Simulation Rated power:20W Speaker impedance:8Ω/16Ω I got to wondering if they had any plans for a bass version. So I asked them. And the rather interesting reply was, no. Not officially. Unofficially ... yes. So whether Joyo or otherwise I'm keen to learn whatever any of you can tell me about the world of micro headery.
  4. Coming soon (about 3 weeks) a kind of upside down neck Thunderbirdish shaped thing. It's the same finish as the utterly stunning p bass I bought from Thomann a while ago...
  5. I use my ms-60b on most of my boards. A great space saver, it is also so versatile. By spending a while programming in patches then allocating letters to them in set list order no reason not to gig with it. However I tend to use mine either as an always on (HPF, compressor, drive) or as a standalone for whatever I need on a particular board. I love mine so much I'm building a small board entirely made from ms-60b 's.
  6. Thomann have a line 6 g10 for what appears to be a reasonable price. B-stock, but that's never been an issue with Thomann.
  7. Congratulations! I love a purchase with literally zero legitimate reason behind it. And boy have you chosen well. Two absolute beauties.
  8. Yep, crazy the bargains you can get these days. I used to sit this atop a Barefaced 15 and boy was it mighty! I bought it from a Basschatter many moons back, let's keep it in the family folks!
  9. Very good points, thank you. I have been using two long cables to/from effects loop and the wireless receiver at the amp. I suppose I was a bit irked having gone wireless to still have these blimmin' great loops of cable to lug around, and then cluttering the stage (pub floor). Instead I am looking at the possibility of a clean set up. As you say it's more to go wrong, and I'll still carry the cables as a 'just in case' so really it does seem a bit pointless. But it gives me something to think about while twiddling my thumbs in this gig free world, and who knows, one day I might get to try it.
  10. I fear i have misled you with my poorly written post! I meant to use wireles transmitter/receiver between bass and board and another between board and amp.
  11. What's this? New Harley Benton?? Why wasn't I told? I shall prepare to become excited.
  12. No, I loaded (bodged) it into my rack at the start of the lockdown, I've always just plugged into it rather than get the wireless pack out and find the strap with the pouch on it. Quicker to plug in with a cable. Never gigged with it in there. I bet I know what would happen if I did.
  13. That looks really cool! I would say, if the chips were down I had to play for my life, I would go with my Bruce Thomas Profile. It always used to be my Aria Pro 2 which I've had since I started, but the Profile seems to fit me and I play that little bit better when I use it.
  14. Darn it. A bit closer and I'd have popped round and left you a handful of Harley B's to try.
  15. I didn't know this! Mine lives in a rack 🤦🏼‍♂️
  16. Anyone here entirely cable free? Including pedal board? Effectively two wireless transmitters/receivers in the same chain. Is it even doable, or does the latency make it unusable? I suppose I'm after the views of the average user here. Not those who can happily play a mile down the road from the rest of the band and not care about latency, nor those who are put off by the tiniest fraction, undectable to the unwashed herd. Of which I count myself as one.
  17. Same here. Had a moment of interference from another wireless transmitter, which was so easy to fix, otherwise it is perfect. Worth noting too it uses AA batteries. So should you forget to charge it you don't need to plug the unit in to recharge. Just keep a couple of spares in your gig bag. Not that it is likely to run flat, it switches itself off if you leave it alone for any length of time. I like the on board tuner, the ability to scan the venue for the least busy frequency, the ability to save different 'scenes' for different instruments and the robustness of the unit. I dropped mine from a reasonable height without any damage. Also should you somehow break the jack, its just a normal 1/4 plug so can be repaired/replaced. It has multiple outputs including xlr, and you can even choose the colour of the light around the jack socket. Fair to say I recommend it.
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