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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. @uk_lefty whereabouts are you BTW? Roughly speaking?
  2. Too_Much_Too_Young.pdf Too Much Too Young, from the live ep (i.e. the fast version!) by The Specials, featuring Horace Panter on bass.
  3. Ha ha! Sorry should have used DM. Never know it might be £250 less than we think...
  4. Did several years in a Specials trib and 7 of us were in constant motion only 'Terry' and the drummer were stationary. Again you couldn't really call it dancing...
  5. I can't not dance while playing. It's part performance but it's also an integral part of making music. Of course I use the word dance in its loosest possible interpretation.
  6. No neck dive on any of my HBs. One or two quite heavy , others not heavy at all. The best of them hold their heads up in Squier company. The last one I bought, a £100 P-Bass is extraordinarily good. I prefer it to my Mexican Fender PJ. Now, what some people consider a serious problem, others do not count at all. So my, or anyone else's opinion is really hard for you to measure. I sold a bass once and the buyer returned it unhappy with a couple of things I hadn't mentioned. He wasn't picky and I wasn't a scammer, I just didn't think of them as issues or worth mentioning, for him they were a big deal. It's like the HB preamps. For me they are absolutely perfect. The only active basses I've ever liked other than a Sandberg. There's a gentle subtlety to them which is just what I want from tone controls. Others have said they're rubbish, don't do anything, need replacing immediately. It's what you like, how it looks, feels and sounds to you. All I can say is Thomann are great to deal with.
  7. Some transcriptions make me want to leap out of bed and start playing - this is one of those. Thank you.
  8. On the topic, ease of reading, you guys were on my mind during last night's rehearsal. I pulled up the chart I'd made of a tune way back when all this started. As we progressed through the song and I became lost and confused I thought, my god this chart is a total mess. The thing is I never thought that before, back when I wrote it. I realised that for a total beginner the entire page of any score was a kaleidoscope of bewildering, alien hieroglyphics. Whether it was laid out neatly or not I couldn't tell! As more of it starts to make sense, all the 'rules' or accepted practice, become increasingly apparent and important. All this is my fault. I started out trying to learn to read music by downloading a score, laboriously working out which notes were being referred to by which dots, and then taking it to a gig 🤦🏼‍♂️ Had I learned systematically, from the ground up, things would have made more sense. So thanks again for helping me unpick it and put it back together properly. Without your input I had just as well have used TAB.
  9. Yeah, I can be excited by the word 'bass' on a pedal but honestly I don't think it matters at all. Not because every guitar pedal can do all the same things, I don't mean that, an eq pedal which starts at 100hz isnt going to help if you want to boost 60hz, obviously. What I mean is I just use my ears. If I like the noise then it's good. Regardless of what it's called. When I was studying photography, the lecturer encouraged us to shoot similar scenarios but use all the different presets built into the camera then use our eyes to decide which we liked. Didn't matter if we took a landscape in 'pet' mode or a portrait in 'fireworks' mode - labels had no bearing on our creativity. I see this as the same thing.
  10. £1 a watt. Very fair. Give in @paddy109 😂😂
  11. stewblack


    Thanks. I have a bit of thing for such filters. It used to be distortion /fuzz/overdrive pedals but I kind of exhausted them before getting into the real pricey stuff. Swore I'd never need another envelope/auto wah type pedal after realising what I can create with my Future Impact. However need and want are not the same!
  12. I wish I could think and type as coherently back when I used to drink. Thank you as ever @Dood
  13. Yep. That's the one as you say, glaring, mistake. And it's not by much either. Maybe they assumed folk would just shove psu under there.
  14. The algorithm which decides what ads we'll see must be broken. I seem to get lots of offers for ladies underwear but never SBL.
  15. It is fixed! Don't know if anything has been done behind the scenes, all I've done is hit 'mark all as read' and ever since it works.
  16. I marvel at the price of pedal boards. They always appear somewhat low tech, easy production items to command such extravagant rrp's. Add a couple of useful innovations (built in power supply for instance) and the cost skyrockets. So I've usually made do with cheapies from ebay or second hand from Basschat. At £85 the Nux Bumblebee is far from the most expensive, comes with a very nice bag has a small footprint and looks to me like it's actually worth the money. It arrived nicely packaged in a handy box which I shall definitely put to good use. The components have taken a bit of work to design and produce, and for people of a certain age will bring back fond Meccano related memories. The key to the success of this board is flexibility. I've spent a long time narrowing down my pedal needs, but no matter how I try I can never arrange them to suit. Always I have to make compromises based on board size and dimensions. With the Bumblebee we can get a lot closer to how we want everything set up. It's a two tier board so 'always on' pedals, and power supplies can slide beneath the top level. The slats can be bolted in where you want them, and are strong and secure. The upper tier is angled, tilting the pedals slightly towards you and the board is supplied with 3M dual lock tape, which is superior to ordinary velcro and not cheap. As with all things the Bumblebee isn't perfect. The first problem is the dual lock tape. The supplied strip is nowhere near enough. Not even by half. But the really irritating issue is the height of the second tier. Just another 10mm and any pedal I own would fit beneath it. As it is the LS-2 pictured above is too high. Back to the positives. The design of the rail incorporates a slot allowing you to fit cable tidies. These are supplied with the board and click easily into place after assembly. Again I can see where my money has gone with these kind of features. Someone has thought about the board and designed solutions to the most common problems. The cable tidy allows you to run the cable beneath it or has a series of clips, each set at different sizes, it really is well thought out. I also found when linking everything up it was a simple matter to remove one of the rails to make access easier. I have wrapped some velcro ties around as a temporary measure until I get some more dual lock, and can't finish wiring yet as my set up needs some longer patch leads. I am however very very happy with what I've achieved and how easy it will be to accommodate future improvements and alterations to my lay out.
  17. There's your problem in a nutshell. People like what they like. Why would you expect them to conform to your ideas and your tastes?
  18. I like them, very much. There's a fair bit of variety in shapes and sizes. The one thing I can't tell you is what the neck in the kit is like. But others here have built them.
  19. Only used mine in anger once (and that was a rehearsal in a small room so not really in anger even then) and I liked what I got from it, but I did have to roll the tone all the way back on the bass and kill the treble on the amp! Sounded OK once I'd done that though. Using flats and through a RM500 and 2 12s.
  20. Interesting. What didn't you like about the PUP?
  21. Many reasons. Often because I have no space for more, and like a crack addict I have to have more. Once to pay for car repairs and car tax fines. Once to buy my daughter a pram. A couple of times because I just wasn't using the stuff and I mistakenly thought I could control my gear hoarding. Occasionally to fund a new purchase. A couple of times because I could no longer lift the stuff nor fit it in my new tiny car. And sometimes I just cannot fathom why. I sold my Orange Terror and my Markbass NY115 cabs, and where is the money from the sales? Where did it go? Nothing tangible to show for it, and let me tell you an Orange Terror into 2 Markbass 15" cabs is a thing of tremendous wonder.
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