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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. 😫 dammit it's so nearly true
  2. What? Who me? A gear whore? NEVER! Although when you reflect on all the things I don't have which make it possible for me to surround the howling emptiness of my miserable life with endless bits of bass gear, it doesn't seem such a wonderful thing.
  3. Hi folks, and especially you @Dood. I love these kind of approaches, the home made cost saving fun alternatives. However I notice the price of the Eneloop batteries appears to make this an almost obselete idea given the low cost of dedicated recheargeable power supplies. Unless of course these batteries are so expensive because they will outlast a shop bought power supply by some margin. Here then are my questions. 01) Why did Dood use 8 batterries when 6 give you 9v? 02) Have they carried on only needing charging every couple of years? 03) How many pedals are they powering? and finally 04) Where does one buy the best recheargable batteries without paying an absolute fortune?
  4. I agree. Except I'm not sure if it's intriguing or just a really remote and unlikely proposition. With so many variables and with us bassists able to disagree over such trivialities as a couple of mm of nut width, achieving consensus on an entire bass might be a step too far.
  5. I have never had an issue with anything Donner branded. My space is very limited at home and rehearsal. Going to get me a pair of these.
  6. stewblack


    Anybody using one of these?
  7. Thank you. One of the difficulties I have is knowing if I face a hard and fast rule or a matter of personal preference. I feel as a total beginner I should err on the side of caution
  8. Hope you good people don't mind if I stick on this crotchet - bar - subdivision theme for a little longer until I'm sure it's actually gone in. I have altered the bar on the left to what I assume is now correct i.e the one on the right.
  9. Because of my Chronic Fatique, learning, and indeed thinking, is considerably harder than that to which I have been used. So playing this song (not learning it) while reading has taken me many weeks, working in small bursts. But however long it takes it is still a wonderful example of the craft. I am also using my questionable transcription skills to correct the interpretation in the book.
  10. Well, I've joined the Jack & Danny club. Managed to score a green mini jazz for loose change and have played it for a couple of weeks now. I'm not a hugely demanding bassist. I have my preferences, but I'm fairly adaptable. Even so I found a couple of issues with this one, nothing major, and I judge it against similarly priced basses not something costing 10x the price. Good things first. Lovely finish, colour is a bit strong, some might say garish, but it's fine. Neck is straight and plays OK up to frets 15 - 16 then becomes too cramped to venture any further. The set up was non existent. Spoiled by Thomann, I was surprised at how far out it was in terms of intonation and neck relief. Not a difficult or time consuming fix but if you were a total beginner it would be very difficult to get a good sound out of it. Next problem was strings. Again the inevitable comparison is with Harley Benton. Like many bass players, I have long since discovered how good the Thomann brand strings are. These were flappy and listless, impossible to play cleanly on the lower frets of the E string. Again not a huge problem I have a few sets of round wounds kicking about so shortened a pack and presto problem solved. The tuners are tiny toy like versions of normal ones and feel a little flimsy as does the bridge. But both work so at thus price point nothing more or less than you'd expect. So a usable, striking little jazz with a couple of niggles. Not in the same league as some other affordable basses, but I imagine on a par with what most would expect.
  11. If I had the spare dosh I'd buy this. And I already have one. Yes, I think they're that good.
  12. Don't hesitate folks. An extremely versatile, useful bit of kit for very little cash.
  13. Thank you all so much. Another valuable lesson. @jrixn1 I am very mildly autistic and struggle sometimes to separate the obvious (or most likely) interpretation of an instruction from all the other far less likely to be correct interpretations. So yes I read your post and thought I reckon probably he means I can please myself! This of course makes me a royal pain the bum to teach.
  14. Great to meet you both. Hope you enjoy what I think is a special instrument
  15. @dodge_bassif I understand correctly, the second bar, with rests combined and a clear demarcation of crotchets (only crossed by a tie) should look like this. (Purely rhythmically. I'm aware the notes are all the same in my scribble.)
  16. I think someone said they would have chosen a different key, which kind of implied it was a matter of choice. Is that not right?
  17. I recall one gig where we were extraordinarily short of room and time to set up. I bunged everyone through one of my RCF cabs (except vocals) and stuck it on a seat behind us. It happily coped with two acoustic guitars, a mandolin and a keyboard. In fact I believe that band would get a better sound if we all went into my pa instead of the ragtag pile of amps which generally produce a cacophony. Not sure if it would cope with the bass though.
  18. I get it regardless of what I type. Smileys or otherwise
  19. That's one thing you could never be. Especially with your pink organ giving us all so much pleasure.
  20. I feel like I ought to buy it because I already have the American and Californian and so need to get the others in the set 🤦🏼‍♂️
  21. Bought a splendid little combo here a while ago. RM series, really, really good little amp and speaker. But the pots had become a little dirty. And I kept on and on meaning to give them a wash and brush up, but just never got a round tuit. Until just now. Well done Ashdown! After using your knob puller of choice (mine is the shaved remains of the handle off a long since dead kitchen utensil) you will discover, adjacent to the shaft of the potentiometer, a little hole in the fascia, just about perfect to shove in the straw on your can of Servisol Super 10. Squirt squirt, wiggle wiggle, job done. All made easier by Ashdown's little hole. It's good news week.
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