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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. It's a beautiful work of art. I've never heard of Cooper Effects, I'm none the wiser now but I know I want to find out more. You're soundtrack work is astonishingly good. Bravo.
  2. If you decide to do it yourself it is surprising how easy it is. However, it's also surprising how easy it is for something utterly unexpected to go horribly wrong. However if you're planning on replacing the neck anyway, I say give it a go!
  3. Annoyingly enough I had the expensive system and the guitarist's cheap and cheerful one csused my bass to drop out!
  4. Art, like beauty, is subject to the subjectivity of the beholder's eye. It's doing no harm that I can see.
  5. I recently tried a shorty from Dv247. Been spoiled by Thomann who always set up their basses. This will need a bit of work to make it playable, and I am not very fussy. Quite off putting for a beginner because it is so hard to get a good sound out of it. If you're confident in setting up and restringing then the bass itself is a good size and very light. Oh and very affordable.
  6. I find this quite an interesting subject. I have always been drawn to the world of effects, but then would shy away from the godawful racket I invariably produced with them. I'd then tell anyone I could back into a corner for long enough that I don't need them, it's all in the fingers. I try not to be so pompous these days. I've come to realise that I was the problem. You see for all the ill chosen words the op has a point. The less between the bass strings and the speakers the easier it is to get the sound. Once you start adding variables it is more difficult to narrow down the options. I could never be arsed with the hard work. In lockdown I've spent a lot of time learning how effects dovetail with my style. What works and what doesn't. Invariably now I use them sparingly. A couple are always on, a couple produce specific sounds for specific situations, and occasionally, just occasionally, I use one because it sounds so damn cool!
  7. Not a trade offer just asking for clarification. You after a straight P or are PJs on the radar too?
  8. A Zoom of one kind or another sits in all my pedal board set ups. Its just as you say, a great back up or extra. Even if it's just HPF and tuner it's paid for itself
  9. The only darn thing I can remember, and in fact cannot unremember, is the notes of the treble clef.
  10. Sly And The Family Stone - Thank You Thank_You.pdf
  11. Yep. Talking to him about a red one. Wasn't until I saw this that I realised it's the classic tele headstock shape I don't like! This I love.
  12. She's a bit good isn't she? You sound familiar with her work. Is this via YouTube or she a student of yours?
  13. You may be joking, however, would you like to see a picture of my bedside table?
  14. I'm not the world's greatest slap bass fan, but this is so wonderfully rhythmic, even out of context it had me tapping my toes.
  15. It's nerve racking, general anaesthetic at her age, but needs must.
  16. I also replaced the pick up in my SB with an Armstrong and it is every bit as good as the original.
  17. Well, if you want to wait for my review before you buy I'm afraid it'll be a few weeks. Dog needs an operation so I'm watching the pennies.
  18. The name alone deserves an award
  19. As everyone knows I am getting as much HB stuff as possible before the drawbridge is pulled up and we can't buy from the continent any more. However I have no room for any more cabs, dammit!
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