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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I often come across this sentiment. I have no reason to question anybody's judgement or taste or opinion - and I am definitely not doing so here. I'm just interested to know how many of us could tell in a blind test what we were playing through? How much is a result of confirmation bias, or just an unavoidable mental connection between big heavy objects and big heavy sounds. Effect pedals housed in plastic are sometimes described as having a less substantial sound than similar pedals in a metal case ( I've also read where these described as toys). Not having a go at anyone especially not @DiMarco who accepts the role played by valve snobbery in his own thought process. We make similar judgements based on price (you get what you pay for - ever heard this before?). Today I was browsing cheap wireless bugs. I found the same unit for sale at £11 new and many price points up to £25. Following tise logic if I wanted better quality I should buy the more expensive one, right? If I do buy a £10 wireless I expect it to sound worse than my Line 6 right? How does this expectation alter my perception of the quality of the unit? Anyway carry on, sorry for the diversion.
  2. Thanks for the sympathy. 🤦‍♂️ Checking the reviews it isn't the first time one of these overheated. I am not giving up!
  3. Really tidy job. As you say, you'd hope that a 600 quid bass would sound better, but isn't it astonishing how close an £80 kit can get? Looks very good.
  4. Put this together as a small board for simple rigs when I don't want to fuss with my bi-amp set up. Not that I seem to be gigging now or anytime soon. But board building is fun isn't it? The ms-60b is set as a Flanger and noise gate. Whole thing is powered by a Harley Benton battery.
  5. I've heard great things about the Ibanez - not so easy to find these days. That sounds nice
  6. Houston, we have a problem. The love seat just blew up! The audio exciter got audio over excited, overheated, melted the glue holding it together and prolapsed onto the floor. Back as they say, to the drawing board.
  7. That's great. I have various flanging options on multi effects. I wondered if the standalone pedals offered anything more.
  8. Definitely take a quick video with your phone for the ammoon seller. I've done this and been sent replacements with sellers. Takes seconds. Guitarist I worked with used one of these generic affordable wireless bugs for at least 35 gigs before lockdown and never experienced any issues.
  9. curious the same thing happened twice.
  10. Really nicely done. I too dislike bridge pups on a P. I love your solution, all the benefits of flexibility without spoiling the classic look.
  11. I guess if enough people think it's great then it qualifies. There was a time I might have debated intrinsic greatness versus subjectivity, but now I just go with the flow.
  12. I disagree. Except I actually agree. Let me try that again. I agree that a great bassline doesn't need to be flashy. Imagine AC/DC if the bassist was running up and down the fretboard. It would rip the guts from the song. So there is such a thing as a great bassline. It just doesn't necessarily have to use all the notes all the time.
  13. Not yet, not contacted them yet, still learning the ins and outs.
  14. I quite like these lists. If it introduces me to a great line or a great player, then happy days. Thanks for sharing.
  15. I've had the chance to set up my Bi-amp rig. Main effects board covers both rigs, this went into the loop of the 'treble' amp. It's spectacular! Really good hearing it at volume. I like being able to hear distortion, chorus, envelope filters and so on, working on the higher end of my sound while my big bottom remains solid. I then tried this as a stand alone through a straightforward amp/cab set up. And it's absolutely fine for bass. If you want distortion then this has every conceivable option. I'm even warming to the idea of reverb on a bass! Considering the price point this is an excellent option for recording and live work. It ain't a Helix, but it doesn't claim to be. It's not as flexible as a Zoom but the simple way the menu is organised makes it incredibly easy to use and to understand. The only weakness I've found so far is a small delay when switching between patches. A real issue if you want to bring a different patch in and out during a song. Definitely needs ironing out.
  16. Any flangists out there? What's your favourite, what's it do that you like so much, and where does it sit in your pedal chain?
  17. Not that flush I'm afraid! now that's a great idea.... Just sold my most recent fretless, not for me I'm afraid Now you're talking!
  18. Ha ha - it's for me. But so far we have p bass and shortscale... Oh and jazz...
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