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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thank you. I love how bassist you are with your answers. P-bass trumps baby news 😂😂😂
  2. My first grandson was born in the wee small hours and I just got paid for a bit of work I did. So. What bass related thing should I buy myself to celebrate?
  3. I only ever mean in my experience when I post. I can't compare with this as I've not used one. Is it really enormous or is the speaker up the wrong way? 🤔
  4. Yep. Same here. Nothing else comes remotely close. It's not a sound, it's an experience.
  5. The maths sounds good and I firmly believe that you cannot have too many amps and cabs in one rig!
  6. Sorry! The only way I could fund it would be to sell my Maruszczyk. Which doesn't make a lot of sense 🤔
  7. I love a Maruszczyk. I love a P bass. I love a red P-bass with a dark fretboard and tort plate. I don't have £850. If anyone looking at this doesn't know how good these instruments are and does have that amount of money, don't hesitate. Good luck with your sale.
  8. God yes. I wouldn't spend Apple money even if I had it! It's a refurbed Huwewaweiwawei I got off ebay.
  9. I would say that is very, very cool logo.
  10. It's this little thing - I use an Android tablet for all my setlists, chord charts and sheet music. My software of choice for reading dots is Mobile Sheets Pro. I have no complaints, but turning the page or setting automatic scroll can be a pain. These two little pedals, once paired and connected via Bluetooth, allow me to flip that page with my toes! I am so happy it's embarrassing.
  11. Happy to agree with you there. You can't make bad music better by turning it up. But I was specifically talking of the phenomenon where something appears to sound different when actually it just feels different
  12. I took it to mean that I am not hearing it but my brain presents it to me as if I was. Like a placebo isn't doing what my brain decides it is It's all a bit beyond me tbh
  13. Almost certainly, but at the very least it implies that we 'hear' in ways we don't fully grasp
  14. It's curious. When I sit on my vibrating love seat (home made version of the vibrating board thingy) and play with headphones I swear the sound of the bottom end becomes louder. Switch off the seat and the bass is thin and reedy, turn it on and it once more sounds rich and full. But here's the thing - I can't hear the seat when I'm wearing headphones. At all. So I'm feeling bass and my brain is telling me I'm hearing it. I don't understand the science at all, perhaps someone else can shed light.
  15. I'm sure you'll be able to find a 400 dollar strap for it Jack.
  16. I put 'intervals' in brackets with a question mark to indicate just this confusion.
  17. If @Woodinblack gets it to Yeovil I can get it from there. Then we can sort out the M4 / M3 corridor.
  18. I can't ever decide between LTBR and Powerage, then I realise I don't have to! I can just like both.
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