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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'm not in Taunton but I'm in Somerset, if there's anything I can do to help just say the word.
  2. No argument from me at all. I was only sharing something I'd seen I thought might be of interest given the topic. I certainly wasn't suggesting that would be appropriate down the proverbial Dog and Duck! I wonder, has anyone actually played a pub called the Dog And Duck?
  3. I think I get it. I was definitely confused about the term interval. But my first question is answered. The E is always the 3rd regardless of whether it is high or lower than the root note. Thank you. (assuming the key is C)
  4. I was listening to Let There Be Rock and it occurred to me that it is one of the rarest of things. The perfect album. Each successive track sounded like the best song on the album. So I contacted a guy I know who plays like Angus and sings like Bon and said how about it? I have recruited an unfussy drummer and a guitarist who is strictly rhythm - he doesn't want to make it cry or sing. We're learning (separately) all of LTBR and Powerage (the high points in their career for me) and are going to put on a gig when the bug passes. Just for fun, like.
  5. No work for me at present so playing with different rigs as I plod on trying to learn new tricks. This compact but fierce little rig is an Elf on a 2x8 on a 1x12. Light, bijoux and loud.
  6. Great idea for a song. You hum it.....
  7. Also the sound engineer didn't seem in the least bit concerned, quite happy to baffle the cab. Don't recall any audience member leaving upset after seeing them live either. Strange how cross some people get just because the rest of the world chooses to do things differently from them.
  8. This is what I need to know. I am studying a Jamerson score and annotating the notes. So say he starts with R(oot) O(ctave) R 3rd 5th R. All is well, but then he plays that E and G below the root C and I am blithely still calling them 3rd and 5th but I don't know if I should be.
  9. So blooming annoying to have to use flipping words which don't give our dratted posts the emotional force they jolly well need.
  10. Played the first exercise and felt rather smug. This time last year I'd have been working out what the notes were and writing their names under them in pencil. Today I breezed through. On to number two. It's going to sound good once I get above 20bpm!! Damn that timing is tricky 🤦🏼‍♂️
  11. But seriously folks.. I'm pretty sure that in the key of C the 3rd is an E, and when flattened a bit becomes E flat. However I may have explained myself badly in my first post. EDIT I am a dufus. I meant 3rd not 7th. Soz.
  12. I watched a rig run down with Tadeschi Trucks (both of them and the bloke named after an octave pedal) and Mr Trucks not only doesn't use in ears he doesn't use monitors either! Whatever size the stage he cranks his amp so it sounds how he likes it to sound. Quite right too. What other artist would be dictated to like a musician is? Imagine telling a photographer what iso they're allowed to use because you think pictures look better taken the way you like. His rig is baffled to hell and back in an attempt not to have slide guitar in every other mic on stage though!
  13. Just arrived home to find this waiting for me. Hugely excited to incorporate it into my sight reading regime. Alongside the less musical (but no less beneficial) scale and mode work, this promises to be a really enjoyable way to learn. And I'll end up with some great soulful licks to boot. Heartily recommended.
  14. Having only just joined the Ibanez club I have nothing but admiration for them. Beautiful neck, piano like sound. Congrats!
  15. Do you still refer to an E below the root note C as a third? Similarly once above the octave do notes (intervals? 🤷🏻‍♂️) automatically become 9, 10, 11 and so forth? Also, once again using key of C purely as an example, if the major 7th is flattened from E to E♭ is that referred to as a flattened 7th, a flat 7, or by some other term? Thank you.
  16. One band I dep for are all in ears (they provide me with a monitor when they use me) and if I got the regular gig I would buy whatever needed to comply with their way of working - but only for them. I can't stand the isolation of everyone in their own little bubble unable to hear each other talk. It kills interaction. Also I really like amps and cabs. I mean really like them. I don't want to use a backbeat and in ear monitors and effects to attempt to simulate what I can get by just plugging into an amp. You may well feel differently and that's fine. I would never tell someone else that my way is better for them. I'd also hope to be treated with the same respect.
  17. That's a very good point. 🤔 I'll go and check, hang on...
  18. Well actually, I tried it out on Dolly's 9-5 and there is a distinct chromaticism going on at one point!
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