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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I posed the question 'who will make our cables' the thread is just there 👇 a few below this. I alluded to the retirement of our very own obbm aka bassic bits aka Dave. Well, I'm delighted to tell you that @Chienmortbb has recently made and delivered for me, a bespoke instrument cable at a very competitive price and in very good time. I know the test of a cable is time, and only time will tell if this will prove entirely reliable. However, it looks and feels excellent, is noiseless and I am happy to recommend it. After all, if no one on Basschat had made a noise about obbm cables I would never have discovered them.
  2. Nowhere near as heavy as you might think. Bargain of the year.
  3. Ooh I say. That's a bit of a looker. Great basses, good luck with your sale
  4. On my hit list this one. Sadly (or happily) two hit list basses came up recently and I've been cleaned out getting them. So all I can say is good luck with your sale.
  5. Every now and then a Basschatter goes above and beyond. Not easy to do in a market place dominated by excellent people, both buyers and sellers. Frank not only prices his sales incredibly reasonably, but offers to deliver to a half way point far from his Southend home. I can't tell you exactly how he went so far beyond the norm for me in this particular transaction. You will have to take my word for it. I will say this, those who I've found to be the most trusting in life are so often the same people who are the most deserving of our trust. You can trust and rely on Frank. I owe you one mate.
  6. Not disimilar (in someways) to the Washburn I bought recently. In shape - not price,
  7. Needs pedals fixing, and a cable tidy but there it is. R to L = in to out. Joyo OJ - always on dirt and tone TPM - loop 1 = California Drive set up filthy but blended with the clean signal. TPM - loop 2 = Boss LS2 blended with clean signal. Boss LS2 - B loop = Ricochet dry + octave down, or 5th up. Boss LS2 - A loop = XVI octave up + clean + a smidgen of octave down GEQ - as and if needed. B1 Four - individual stomps Phaser, Flanger, Chorus Auto Wah, HPF (always on). Midi controller - select FI patches FI - all sorts from weird noises to filthy funk. Powered by Harley Benton PowerPlant Powerbank.
  8. Now where's my bloody footballer?
  9. Ha ha! My top bass is a gold Maruschkchsyk
  10. I bought a Mooer power pack rechargeable battery thingy before getting my Harley. Unfortunately I must have trodden on it as the little led broke and now I have no indication of the charge level. Not a problem, I keep it on my desk and use it to save trailing wires from wall sockets when I'm a-noodling. Yesterday I set up pedal board number 4,548 (wonder if I'll ever actually stick with one layout) and the number of pedals (8) gave the mooer palpitations. It was charged and working but just could not power then all. Checked my Harley, it was down to its final light so, not expecting much, I connected it up. Needless to say the whole thing worked perfectly and I got a good hour out of it before it gave up. This board has a Line Selector and mixer pedal, both of which run separate loops, to enable single press access to multiple pedals. This means that the pedals in said loops are always on. Pretty impressive I'd say. Oh and they're much slimmer than the Mooer and charge my phone and tablet.
  11. Sounds fine to me. I run mine off my Harley Benton battery pack and it's fine, but it works well from a 9v rechargeable too.
  12. Looking forward to seeing /hearing this if it makes it to the SWBB
  13. I love this 👆 You've literally listed the brief I would hand to a luthier were I in a position to do such a thing! I love all of these things , but you are wonderfully offended by them. Bravo!
  14. The end is nigh. Two more handovers (handsover?) the second one of which will be @BreadBin to me. What a great advert for the fine folk hereabouts. I might not wait as long the next time UPS delivers a bass but neither will I have anywhere near as much fun. Glad to have helped facilitate some Basschatters meeting up and finding common ground on more than just music. And just so so grateful to everyone who has taken part. NBD approaches.
  15. I purchased a cable from @Chienmortbband it arrived precisely when I expected it and in the exact condition described. A straightforward transaction, clear communications and prompt delivery - can't ask for much more than that! Happy to recommend this fine Basschatter.
  16. Not a bit of it! I always enjoy the vicarious thrill of someone else getting a new bass.
  17. I couldn't bring this to mind so I looked up Lakland basses. Oh dear. I see what you mean.
  18. Is there any one particular thing that can turn a work of art into a rotten egg? Do you look at the rear of a bass, shiver in anticipation, only to gag and stagger from the room the moment you see the headstock decal? Or scratchplate colour or shape? Or lack of a scratchplate altogether? Is a hideous headstock, a brass nut, gold nob or a side mounted jack socket enough to have you turn on your heel and leave? Do you wonder if you've chosen the wrong instrument when someone puts up a picture of a blue bass and everyone else appears oblivious to this crime against nature? For me it's the headstock shape, it can utterly ruin an otherwise beautiful machine. There are combinations of colours (black body and plate, maple board) which don't appeal but that's more than one thing. Come on, prove to me that I'm not the only irrational fool here.
  19. Chatting with a mate about a one off gig we might throw together, first thing he said was 'can I use my BC Rich?' I was able to say, 'you better had after all I will be using mine'
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