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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I bought a Boss pedal from Si and it was as painless a transaction as one could hope for. The pedal came promptly, was exactly as described, very reasonably priced and all communication was fast and clear. Delighted to recommend this fine Basschatter.
  2. Bought a couple of bass related books from Nick. The transaction followed the same flawless course as the last time I traded with him. A1 Basschatter. Trustworthy, reliable, fair, and prompt. Deal with absolute confidence.
  3. Ah I'm glad. It looks great in a picture but good to hear its as good in the flesh. Friend of mine was chatting to a guitarist friend about us crazy bassists and our relay system. He just shook his head, said it sounded like a great fun thing to do, but he could not imagine even two guitarists doing a similar thing. Never mind six of them. In fact he shuddered at the thought.
  4. I've changed my mind. Can you take it back? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. This would be such a simple, 1 amp solution to my Bi-amp set up. Currently running two dedicated bass amps and a crossover unit. With this and a pre amp pedal I could have a quicker in and out set up. Am I correct in assuming it is a heavy object to post?
  6. Slight change in plans. @BreadBinhas stepped in to take over the final leg of the journey. I shall leave him and @andyonbassto hammer out the details.
  7. Anyone forming the impression Neil Young nicked @Dad3353 's girlfriend when they were at school?
  8. stewblack

    NPD BDI 21

    All really solid observations, thank you.
  9. I want this. @BreadBinpm coming your way 😉
  10. It was. I laughed aloud when I read it. I've been going through a similar battle and it can get really frustrating . Tabs do a job and if the job they do i.e. get you playing a song you want to play, then there is nothing wrong with them at all. However... I have begun to study this whole music theory thing (very late in life, but there it is) and while others can explain it better than me, I'm going to take a stab at it. If I follow a tab I am essentially following a trail of breadcrumbs through a forest. Wearing blinkers. Me that is , not the breadcrumbs. So can I start at the entrance to the trees and emerge at the appropriate exit? Yes. But all I will see is the trail of breadcrumbs. What I don't know is why they follow that path. Nor what any of the trees are called, nor how other paths intersect with the one I'm following. I either follow the breadcrumbs or memorise the path they take. At the end I know nothing else about the forest. If I learn to read music then I am learning to read a map and history of the entire forest. I learn how the person who laid the breadcrumbs knew where to put them. I learn what happens if I want to take a detour, or make my own path. Which trees I can climb, which I can duck under, which ones are hollow which drop their leaves and obscure certain paths and ultimately how the whole wooded wonder of the forest works the way it does. So if I want to enter the wood at A and leave at B I can do so looking around me understanding where I am and why certain paths get me there in different ways. Certain common paths begin to become recognisable at a glance and I can trip merrily along them while planning ahead for the complicated bit where I have to cross a tricky stream and not fall in. Nothing wrong with following the breadcrumbs. But look at all I'd be missing.
  11. Oh these are great little machines. I think, if you get one, you'll be very pleasantly surprised.
  12. I am agog with vicarious excitement for you.
  13. 🤔 is it HP or LP? Advert says one thing, photo says another.
  14. stewblack


    Some people don't take long to make an impact. Met Si in a Welsh service station car park, for a brief handshake and a handover. And then, just like that he was gone. Still think of him, how generous he was with that most precious resource, his time. Best tribute any of us can give him is to offer ourselves up to help others in the same selfless spirit.
  15. Singer lives in Calne, she's happy to collect, I'm seeing her end of the week
  16. stewblack

    NPD - Zoom B3n

    Oh God yes. In fact if I don't use any software literally daily, I'm Sisyphus back at the bottom looking aghast at the boulder.
  17. Sorry I started off answering you then kind of drifted off into a general Vulfpeck love in 🤦🏼‍♂️ None of that was aimed at you past the first sentence. I see how it came across, really sorry about that. I should A) read before I post and B) not post at all when full of pain medication.
  18. Terrific. You guys are the best. Coffee and cream cake awaits any of you should you pass this way. Take as read that I will pay these good deeds forward should I be in a position to help any other Basschatter.
  19. stewblack

    NPD - Zoom B3n

    What Ricky says: @Al Krow is the go to guy for all things Zoomatious. I did a dep slot for a wedding band with my B3 and programmed it in the way @MichaelDean suggests 👆 there. Named the patches after the songs, ordered them as per set list. Where I wanted a change mid song, copied and pasted the patch then made the changes to it, then copied and pasted the original again to the following patch. That way I had, say, patches 16, 17, 18 all for the same song, where 17 was the same except for added chorus for a middle 8. So all I had to do was press the right 👉 button every time. No going back and forth Sounds way more complicated than it is, especially with desktop software. And on the night it was a breeze Even used the pedal for the key change in a Witney Houston song to save me learning it!
  20. the video was just a bit of fun, never take JS too seriously. I think this is another creative way to monetise their project. while more established bands bemoan the lack of money in the music business these days , outfits like Vulfpeck embrace any and every way they can to popularise and earn from their art. I have nothing but respect for them. Apart from being genuinely funny, creative, and incredibly hard working musicians they are so very talented We all know how good Joe Dart is, Theo is, for me, the best songwriter working today, Woody is such a great musician and Cory Wong solo or as part of the 'Peck' creates beautiful uplifting music. If this idea to 'sell' a track on their next album earns them enough to make another vinyl possible then I for one will be very very happy. If you don't like them or their work ethic and business methods, that's fine too. There's lots of other musicians, plenty to go around.
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