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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. You were any closer I'd let you have a loan of mine. All I can say is, I've gigged with it. Shame there's no real way to demonstrate 'bassiness' without physically being there. I suppose set up a cup and saucer on a table, vary the distance and see if you can spill the tea.
  2. That's it. That's exactly it. I haven't any either and now I have literally zero desire to buy any. If these basses were a couple of hundred quid cheaper, well maybe you'd get something worth the upgrade but they are like 10, 11, 12 times as cheap. It's crazy. Congratulations and jubilations, now get the pics up.
  3. I can't recall where I read that you shouldn't use flats on a through body string set up...maybe I dreamt it!
  4. Can't remember! I know the very first song I ever played on guitar was Do Anything You Wanna Do by Eddie & The Hot Rods. But when I came over from the darkside I was handed a set of some covers some originals and told to get cracking!
  5. Mr and Mrs Scrumpy have spoken. Thanks Mike, that's the kind of clear, unambiguous leadership this country needs. The good news is that Somerset was pronounced Covid free recently. Not that I have the faintest idea what that means.
  6. We were too late to catch the Fakenham train. But thanks @Painy for the kind offer. Anyone pass down the m1? South East of Sheffield?
  7. It's just a perfect, gentle pastel kind of finish. Perfect for that particular size of bass and the maple board.
  8. Thank you! I have messaged to see if it has left.
  9. Had a scroll through the FB groups. Got an uneasy feeling that I may have started a whole new love affair here.
  10. @Baloney Balderdash Just wanted to say what an excellent post that is. I share your sentiments where the Zoom multi effects are concerned. I wonder if some people might dismiss the quality of the sounds because of the plastic boxes in which they reside? I don't know of course, but often plastic is mentioned in negative reviews. I too wonder if I should have sold my B3, but I think the B1 Four and MS-60B are probably OK for my needs. I never once considered Line 6 or the other high priced units, ironically, until the G11 came along. There seems a hole in the market between the £100 - £150 multi effects and the £400 and above. Zoom make really good usable effects and the budget end will still win for light, affordable, small footprint applications. But Line 6 is winning just about every where else.
  11. No harm no foul. Not exactly an easy search when you couldn't know how other people might have titled their threads.
  12. Anyone able to help out? EDIT 4: Looks like the bass should land in Tamworth sometime next week. So if anyone is heading down the M5 and can get us somewhere farther down the map that would be great. EDIT 3: Can anyone get the bass from Derby to Tamworth? EDIT 2: @Len_derby is taking over in the Derby area on Sunday 9th. Is anyone passing that way next week? Maybe heading down and/or across? EDIT 1: @DaytonaRik has offered to pick up in Sheffield and take the bass towards Nottingham/East Midlands. Can anyone manage the next leg? Ultimately need it easing south and west ish. We have a bass in the Sheffield area and it desperately wants to sample the ambience of the south west. Just to add spice to the proposition it could travel towards Norfolk tomorrow. If you think you might be able to help with its journey in any way please let me know. I don't have precise coordinates yet but once we know who (if anyone) could join some of the dots we can work on a more detailed plan. Thanks in anticipation. Stew ps. This is a new request not to be confused with the last time I asked for similar assistance.
  13. Be a great shame if you don't feel safe enough to attend @Frank BlankI was very much looking forward to meeting you. Let's hope the situation with Covid has improved sufficiently by the autumn for everyone to feel safe enough to attend.
  14. But there's the rub. The police themselves probably feel exactly the same as you do. But what can they do if they're understaffed or underfunded?
  15. If we can get the damn thing from Sheffield to at least somewhere closer to Somerset then trust me, it won't be here.
  16. Just took delivery of a piece of Japanese bass history which Ash was kind enough to sell me. Great Basschatter, kept me in the loop, and delivered fine lump of wood exactly as advertised. Deal with complete confidence.
  17. Unwrapped a suspicious parcel only to find lurking inside, surprise surprise, another bass guitar 🤦🏼‍♂️ Seriously, somebody stop me. Every time I scrape together a few quid I tell myself to save it for a rainy day. Then find myself in a dark alley trembling and twitching as I hand it all over for just one more score. This week I have become the proud owner of a Washburn Scavenger. I have a few weak areas in my feeble defences, of which, early 80s MIJ basses is one. This is a doozy. Really lovely finish, great shape (I think so anyway) and it sounds wonderful. No neck dive at all. There can't be any really. Not unless the neck was another three feet longer and constructed from cast iron. This is a heavy piece of wood. No problem on a comfort strap, I played it all evening and even my dodgy shoulder is fine. It's also string through, which I've not had before. Tell me, does this mean flats are a no no? I know @Bassassin knows a fair bit about these. Any info gratefully received.
  18. I reckon this thread Could be the perfect advert for it if you want to sell
  19. I have done out of loyalty to a partularly hard working band leader. If it's a charity gig I always ask if the door staff, bar staff sound engineer and the owner are also working for free. Not maliciously, just so the other musicians recognise the value of their hard work.
  20. Doesn't lean away from your body though? If you see what I mean. I have a semi acoustic kind of tilts forward away from me when playing.
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