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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Dan advertised a pedal at about a tenner cheaper than the shop price and with free delivery. He claimed it was as good as new. When you see this guy make a statement in an ad, take it from me he is not kidding. The box was like new, the packaging like new and the pedal still had those little bits of plastic on it. Great Basschatter, deal with absolute confidence.
  2. I don't know how to describe necks very well. Wonder if we have any others in common I could compare it with? It ain't heavy. 8lb ish, just over 3.6kg on the kitchen scales. I have an old jazz of theirs which tests the suspension of the average family saloon, this is totally different. I wonder if the horror stories associated with the brand originate with their early models.
  3. Baseball bat. C profile. Slim. D profile. Chunky. I surely can't be alone in wondering how all these adjectives translate in the real world . I have now grasped that Jazz necks and Precision necks enjoy a 4mm difference at the nut end. And while I can happily play either I prefer the wider one. Is there an idiots guide to necks?
  4. My only concern is this. What conditions are they made under.
  5. You'd have to either buy out the rest of the syndicate or set up another five similar syndicates.
  6. I have a Talman 4 string and I love it. None of the cons you've listed worry me - and to be fair you don't see them as huge cons yourself, just minor improvements you're content to do yourself. However neck dive is an automatic no for me on any bass. I hate it. I added a strap button at the neck plate on a T Bird years ago, and have to say it worked just fine. Congrats on your new bass. More evidence that no one needs to spend silly money on an instrument these days.
  7. I'm not terribly bright. Do these bridges require specially made strings? Shorter, no silks? Or am I not getting something?
  8. Congratulations on a great design. Have you changed the material of the intonation tubes?
  9. stewblack

    Benson Preamp

    Anyway back to the point - I found this guy on Reddit (a guitarist, but hey, no one is perfect) who shares some interesting thoughts on the inherent 'bassiness' of the pedal.
  10. stewblack

    Benson Preamp

    Wow! In the States they have an expression I've only heard in relation to photography. Theres a Panasonic camera which you can buy at the normal price, or you can pay another few hundred pounds and get it with a red dot on the front. The Leica red dot. Same camera off the same production line but the red dot elevates it from Panasonic to Leica. They call it a dentist's camera. Because only a dentist could afford it. Obviously this isn't an ordinary pedal with a very expensive bit of branding, I'm not suggesting that for one moment. I'm sure it's wonderful, but £750 for a pre-amp pedal? I'd want it to straighten my teeth as well for that kind of money.
  11. Or six of us, 2 months each. A Harley for 2 months for £16. Then 10 months later you get it back.
  12. We need to get a Basschat syndicate going. Four of us put in, buy a bass and keep it 3 months of the year each. Draw lots for who goes first. All the guilt of buying too many dissolves away into nothing.
  13. Dayum! We need to take this forum underground.
  14. B-Stock, £32. And I got free postage by buying a Harley Benton bass as well. Win Win Win.
  15. The prophet kodiakblair hath thpoken
  16. Considering I used all 5 pedals all on all the time, whereas in 'real life' I'd only have 1 always on, and 1 often on, I'm saying that, for me at least, the Harley at £32 is totally silent, mess free, slim and packs plenty of power for any gig I'm likely to play. I'm approaching 5 hours now and powering down. Didn't need two really but hey ho.
  17. 4.5 hours stil working fine. Can we call this a success now?
  18. I'm getting a bit worried He may be straying from the point...
  19. Ah, This is a tributary is it? I shall search for the confluence
  20. What you say may ineed be true. But here I am testing my new purchase.
  21. 4 hours I need to get a life.
  22. Nice one supreme being. And presumambly cast down the plain black and plain white 'pickguards' too.
  23. I am not buying any sort of Helix, oh no, that is literally out of the question. Don't need, can't afford totally happy with my three effects boards, and anyway lost most of my work. Now that's cleared up, say some other fictitious (not me) person were to be looking, are we any the wiser on the differences between the Line 6 Helix HX Effects and the Line 6 POD GO? Seeing as they are both the same price but appear different in some ways. If a young bass player were to ask me, what would I tell her (or him)?
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