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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. 2.5 hours in down to one bar remaining. No loss of oomph from any effects. But most of all NO NOISE!!!!!
  2. I love learning new words. Being a bit of a philologos this has made my day, thank you.
  3. This is a wonderful bit of kit. Get to it you heathens, join the righteous choir in the church of @KiOgon Cast aside your old knobs and embrace the future.
  4. Hi everyone I'm back. Just bought a clickable tone knob from John. It's a work of art a service was sooo quick. Buy buy buy folks, don't get left behind.
  5. Just bought 2 of these One board is an hour into a test with some hungry peds and some normal ones. It's dropped one bar. I'll keep you posted
  6. I am a complete tart and happy to admit it. I bought this 100% on its looks. If it was a dog it would been worth it to look at. It's a kind of charcoal grey/black. In the flesh it's sexy as Diane Keen playing lingerie judo with Susannah York. Oh and I know I said I loved it straight out of the box but what can't be improved by the addition of a @KiOgontone switch?
  7. You do know that when God made pickguard He called them scratchplates and He made them red tort, right? I'm not saying all other colours are heresy, but they're pretty damn close.
  8. Can we learn from a guitarist? Hell yeah. Especially when it's a rhythm guitarist, and especially when it's Cory Wong. The thing that leapt out at me is that Cory isn't a 'born genius'. He is as good as he is because he works. Hard Every day. And not just mindlessly repeating shapes. He mixes musicality into his warm ups. All of this works for us on bass too. Check it out.
  9. Only had to ask for help twice and the response was immediate both times. Delivery has always been lightning quick too.
  10. I too have an older jazz and it's a bit lumpy, this one isn't.
  11. Surprisingly light. Not feather light but definitely not heavy
  12. Really? We just letting an open goal like this slide past? No one going to say we'll keep a cubicle free for you? Or some comment on Mrs Scrumpy and her curry? Nothing? Tut
  13. Oh no! That's rotten luck. Hopefully they will be able to sort out a replacement quickly for you. Loads of advice for people of all abities and experience here.
  14. Live the SG shape. You come over from the dark side (gu***r) or is bass your first musical adventure?
  15. No need for the tape measure, they're very different.
  16. I don't know I'll have a look at my fenders and see.
  17. Only if there's one left over like
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