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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I wish to clarify that when I wrote hit me up Ped, it meant I'm in. And when I'm in, I'm in all the way. I'm strapped in. I'm ready to go on the ride of my life. Hit me Peddy one more time.
  2. When the rest of the bass playing world wakes up to the fact of HB's astonishing ability to turn out flawless instruments and flog them at a 5th of the price of the competition, there will be more than a few manufacturers looking nervously over their shoulders. This is another beauty. Not 'good for a beginner' or 'OK considering the price point' or 'will do for a back up' or 'good as a start point for a mod' or 'might be OK once I replace every working part of it'. No. It's just great, straight out of the box, no qualification, no prevarication. It's beautifully finished, plays like a dream balances and sounds like a a P Bass. 42mm at the nut, no sharp edges, no dead spots, beautiful 3ply tort plate, no buzzing, no blemishes. And a laughable price tag. *sigh* in love again. Happens all the time.
  3. I really fancy the Embassy Pro, but the T Bird is a fine instrument. Best bet; find a red Embassy at really good price, then buy a Thunderbird and send me a link to the Embassy so I can get it.
  4. I am reworking the transcription on a piece of software which adds Tab at the flick of a switch so no problem at all.
  5. Now I've heard it isolated I'm going to rewrite the sheet music. Can add tab if that's how folk prefer it.
  6. One of my favourite basslines thanks @tourdefran The band dropped it but I still enjoy playing it.
  7. Hmm. Good point. I suppose you'd really need to carry some sort of scaffolding framework to cover any eventuality.
  8. Really? Just need to add a step ladder and some basic tools to your gig bag...
  9. Those of you mourning the loss of the Grolsch rubbers can always go to Bigger Jugs dot com and buy a pack.
  10. Why would you go to all that trouble Jack? When this elegant and simple solution has already been devised...
  11. It will be immense. As @Lozz196 says eq one for bottom, one for top and you are in the wonderful world of biamping. Buy an inexpensive crossover and the world becomes even more exciting. Trust me it will be amazing.
  12. Um. Am I the only one can see that video 👆. Showing a man playing the air? With sticks 😕? Only no one has commented on it. And I want to be sure I'm actually seeing it and it's not the final piece of my breakdown slotting into place.
  13. Yeah, I've had to take daytime work too @Bluewine. Unfortunately have developed a medical situation which makes late nights really difficult too. So on top of lockdown I have to contend with that. A guitarist friend who is a full time musician has spent lockdown working at a Hermes depot to pay his rent. He absolutely hates it and now will never send an instrument via a courier ever again. He was told off on his first day for being too careful with the parcels!
  14. I'm bringing a student along. Only had about two lessons. Hell of a singer mind
  15. Oh wait that's MJ Hibbet. Sorry Carry on.
  17. I suspect there's more than one or two of us just 600 quid or so short of the asking price, otherwise it definitely wouldn't be!
  18. Used to love Q when it first came out. We subscribed at the bar I ran and had quite an impressive, well thumbed collection by the time I left 13 years later. Sadly I suspect the above description is all too accurate.
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