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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I am going all battery currently have mishmash of different solutions on my boards but I am going to tidy it all up with two of the 35 quid Harley Bentons. Everything I've ever had with HB on the label has been first class, and the power/pound ratio looks good to me.
  2. I've changed it now to stewblack'n'backer
  3. That sucks Andy, keep your head up mate.
  4. Sadly Chris until I understand the condition, what limits it puts on me, that decision is out of my hands. Even folk who've had it for years and have worked out how to live a virtually normal life can wake up one morning and just like that, realise they're going nowhere that day. Band leader can't organise around me if she never knows I'm going to be there or not. But for now she is talking deps and waiting for me to 'get better ' - if only it were that simple. Time will tell, meanwhile they're cracking on without me.
  5. I played with one of my 'part time' bands yesterday. Boy was that good therapy. Mellow set with a couple of the guys out, so drummer used cajon and I stripped back to more rythmic, basic playing. We were outside early start and finish, and a largish crowd were sat relaxing in the sun and were highly appreciative. When I get on top of this something else will come along, just need patience.
  6. I'd be happy for you to borrow mine and try it but I see you're possibly a little bit too far to the north and east of me.
  7. I have the black version, gigged it yesterday. Really nice instruments these.
  8. Hi, short answer : Yes. Slightly long winded answer is I used to use mine for small jam sessions and really small venues . there was one time I turned up at a pub to find it was way bigger than I'd been led to believe. I only had the 208 with me and although I rode it pretty hard, it kept up with a 7 piece band including full drum kit. However.... when I ran it with a single 10" extension cab it was seriously good. Lovely full sound, plenty of volume. Compressor in the tone print otherwise clean signal.
  9. Had an afternoon gig outside the Tap Social in Oxford yesterday. Used my RM500 12" combo with a 12" extension. So RM through two by twelve, effectively. It sounded righteous. The singer from one of my other bands was there to watch and said it was a perfect bass sound. Round and full of bottom but a nice cutting top. My sound not my singer. Never an easy gig for bass kit, outdoors, no PA support, but man it sounded good. Small, easy to load and the volume barely above bedroom levels. Very, very impressed.
  10. Hopefully it's just a phase @Lozz196. Like me buying a bass with a maple board. In time you'll be back to playing a proper bass. 😉
  11. Well done Stubbsy, nice work. Really like the colour.
  12. I learned to work on my basses with no 'proper' tools at all. You can easily improvise, there are great ideas and tips on YouTube. Buy cheap buy once Unless you plan on going into business.
  13. You're a lovely bunch. You know that?
  14. Sad day for me. My main band, which has a hugely ambitious, hard working BL, is getting back into the swing. I have been diagnosed with a condition which, in a nutshell, means I could be off the board any day, any time. I may be better able to predict it on future but not right now. So quite rightly they can't go ahead not knowing if I'll turn up or not. Really gutted as she's a pro and got me a ton of work last year Great voice, hard worker, and great with an audience. I've been around long enough to know how rare they are. Very kindly said that my place will be kept for me (my dep is the bands drummer) but the drum dep is a seriously good player so I can see the new line up settling in really well. I am now reduced to a couple of hobby bands where the others all have proper jobs. I'm not getting down about it. I live by a 12 step program which is based around accepting what life is, and not mithering over what I wish it was. Still a massive set back nonetheless.
  15. Thank you so much for sharing this. Absolutely loved it.
  16. OK forget it Apparently the US slang for bottom is a swear word now?
  17. Can't believe that Basschat, with the collective intellect of an eleven year old, schoolboy totally missed one member asking another member to measure their backside.
  18. I don't think the op was asking which style of playing was correct, nor which we choose to play in which context. The question seems to be more which kind of player are you. By instinct, in your heart. So even though my style has matured (become less risky and adventurous) as I've gotten older, there's no question I'm a front of stage player by nature. I have always been excited by the bass. While I love finding a groove and just sitting on it, I adore hearing an ascending run climb from the swamp, muscle its way through the mix, and rise to glory. When I started out I couldn't play enough notes. I always tried to stay with the kick, but I matched every drum fill beat for beat. I loved it. I had no one to tell me it was too busy and therefore wrong. Listening to the very few cassettes I have of that band, I am astonished by the playing. I doubt I could play half the lines today; my memory isn't good enough, my hands get tired just thinking about it. So that's the player I am. But it isn't the style I play any more. Have I become lazier and boring as I've got old? Yes, absolutely no question. But luckily I have found Basschat where I've learned that I can justify this by saying I am 'serving the song', and 'less is more'. But come see me play and every now and then the music takes me, like a Tardis, back to 1982 and for four bars or so I'm that naive, enthusiastic young bassist who just can't get enough.
  19. I got 10. I comfort myself that, with one exception , if I'd actually heard of the bassist I got it right. The others were all guesses.
  20. Anyone else unable to see this? Either by following the link or searching reverb itself all I get is a big blank
  21. Banish your doubts. It's loud all right.
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