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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I thought the same - however I also think this is very much up to us, the users. If I knew how to capture video on the desktop I would happily have a go.
  2. Glad we can do this without mud slinging. I may sound like I think only music I like is any good, but really I don't believe grown ups need to endlessly qualify with 'in my opinion '. Tastes differ and I don't believe mine to be any more valid than yours. The big change for me in the 90s was opening a live music venue. We wanted no jukebox, instead we made mix tapes and encouraged the punters to do likewise. It didn't take long before I was told that our music was fit only for dinosaurs, and the kids took over. I was strictly a radio 4 guy in those days having outgrown radio 1 but being way too cool for radio 2. So these cats literally introduced me to stuff I'd never heard of. Grunge, britpop, metal bands which didn't sound like my idea of metal. It was awesome. I loved it.
  3. I feel your pain. It is unlike any other pedal I've used, but the rewards are just great. I'm only starting to glimpse the possibilities but it's a really fun way to spend time. PM me if I can help I will. Sometimes having another total beginner to talk to can be helpful. Even if you don't bother learning to programme your own sounds, there are many really great ones out there you can download.
  4. The 90s saw the cycle grind around again. I clearly remember a mate running up to me, dragging me back to his place so he could play me the first Oasis album. It may be fashionable among the sneering set to denigrate them now , but when they landed it was so refreshing. As my friend put it that day, people are making pop music with guitars again, they actually sound like a band!
  5. Hi, I think the Phil Jones stuff is highly regarded, but definitely not cheap!
  6. Ooh, sorry I didn't read the opening post closely enough, I was only looking for speaker switcher. They all seem to be jack socketed.
  7. We're dangerously close to being in agreement here Chris. My combination of choice is Compact and Midget, but still... dangerously close.
  8. Yeah! That's the spirit. You gonna share your list?
  9. There's a terrible right wing historian of popular culture who tried to argue that Cliff Richard was more significant and worthy of the attention of posterity than the Sex Pistols. Because he'd sold more records. I quietly closed the book and left him to it.
  10. OK, so take out out the word crap and use bland, homogeneous, thin, lifeless, over produced, and gutless.
  11. Doesn't this do the opposite? Switching between speakers but with the same amp, rather than one speaker set up and switch between amps.
  12. I just completed the 1981 list, once again only drawn from UK charted singles. Already it is easy to see the crap production creeping in, some bands reaching their twilight others at a peak from which they would collapse never to recover. I still managed a good long list but it was harder picking over the dross to unearth the nuggets. Maybe '83 will see some improvement, but I suspect after '84 it will be extraordinarily slim pickings for my imaginary covers band. Popular music has always followed these patterns. Brief spikes when even the top 20 might contain a half dozen decent tunes, followed by long years of drought. I suppose there is a reaction from musicians to the dull, conformity of the times, so they shake things up. Then the establishment get hold of what they're doing and gradually wring the life from it in pursuit of sales. Then musicians rebel and the whole thing repeats.
  13. I raise this not because it concerns me but just in case it might concern you good people. I am getting ads which don't look like the usual BC advertisers. Just want to make sure no one is getting use of your ad space without paying for it
  14. Blimey! Weren't they about £60 new? Shows I should have definitely bought some, if nothing else for the investment opportunity.
  15. I still find it odd that we are living in a post OBBM world. Simple question - will anyone step up to fill the void? Deeper question - can anyone step up? If not, where do we go for custom cables which will literally never let us down?
  16. no need to apologise, I find it a fascinating discussion, especially the comment that really is interesting. Got me thinking.
  17. No matter how I listen, on a phone, through speakers, different headphones the SC is so dramatically different from the other two. I still struggle (even allowing for people's individual tastes) to understand how this thread has produced conflicting opinions. It's genuinely bizarre, not that others prefer one of the others, of course not, but that they don't hear that massive difference.
  18. Funnily enough I have been on a similar journey. Never risen to the real cloudy peaks where basses are concerned but I've bought what I consider expensive instruments (anything north of a grand is expensive to me) and not gigged them for fear of damage or theft. I now much prefer to find a real diamond in the rough (like a couple of my HBs which I wouldn't sell for love nor money) or mid priced like my Bass Collection P-basses.
  19. You're all very kind thank you. @Stub Mandreldon't be surprised by the quality of HB stuff. I've been telling you all for ages how good they are 😉
  20. I have been leaking gas ever since missing out on one of these a little while back. Let us know how you like it Frank. Looks so very nice.
  21. My greatest regret in life was missing out on the Sue Ryder bass. Still haunts me.
  22. Far from it . I'm headstock sensitive, some are literally bad enough to put me off the entire bass. I REALLY like the shape of the HB and am delighted to play them so the logo remains as well. Love nothing more than watching the confusion when I get gushing praise for the bass sound and they ask what make it is. But it's a Harley Benton, it can't be any good.
  23. I've been struggling with my health lately so not even had a chance to look at it. I will be giving it a go though. Its at the nothing to lose stage.
  24. Congrats! Great to see some pics.. sound clips... video... lend me the bass for a month...
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