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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. They're both missing the rust and filth around the pick ups.
  2. No more government subsidies for Volvo basses.
  3. I would guess yes. But as ever it depends on size of the room, your chosen style, and how loud the band likes to be. I'll certainly try it
  4. Sonic bliss actually. This Trace/Peavey, Barefaced combination is basically a marriage made in heaven. And so very small. They could be made for one another.
  5. Oh that looks splendid. Any clips?
  6. The Orange Terror is a great amp in my opinion. I sold mine when I foolishly thought that I could have too many bass heads. It's so powerful, such a great sound, but the 1000 was just too loud! So I guess the 500 would be perfect.
  7. You may well understand it, my condition leaves me very hard of thinking so I would have struggled.
  8. I have my midi controller coming soon. After much delibration I ended up choosing (broadly speaking you understand) based on; price, function, ease of use. Anything over 150 quid was a no no. First favourite was the Behringer FCB1010. Loved by those who use it , a whole host of ways to assign different pedals and two expression pedals. Second hand? As low as £50. Tech 21 Mongoose and Mouse I discounted after coming close. The Mongoose "simple to use" instruction video may just as well have been written in Esparanto and translated to Hebrew. Not the programming, the use. The Mouse I really liked because essentially it adds what the Future Impact most needs, a fast scroll and a back button. Special mention to both Harley Benton pedals - surely the best value for money out there. In the end though I went for this. Affordable, can be battery powered, and above all else, small. I was close to the Behringer, because I know the brand and know to ignore the tommy-rot about reliability, and anyway - look at all those switches!! Common sense prevailed however. I need simplicity on stage, not a thousand possibilities. I'm scaling my kit down not making it bigger. When people are paying to be entertained they don't want to look at me frowning at the floor trying to work out what the hell to stomp on next. This is just up, down, select. The only thing it does beyond that is allows me to set 20 presets. So instead of endlessly rearranging the order on the FI, I can leave that as is, and preset effects for whichever gig and band I'm in that night.
  9. Way louder than you imagine it can be. A great little amp. I happily endorse this sale 😊
  10. stewblack


    If it was a four I'd be interested in taking it off you. But if it was a four, you wouldn't be selling. 🤦🏼‍♂️ What a pointless post.
  11. I had exactly the same experience! Ric copy, bought some flats, loaded them up, sounded pants!
  12. Some basses just sing with flats don't they?
  13. Had a masked meeting in a Tesco car park with Geoff today. I left with one more cab than when I arrived and fewer sheckles in the bank. A really great guy to deal with, Geoff had to put up with my headless chicken routine when the cash machine refused to play ball, but remained patient and friendly throughout. The communication prior to today's face to face, was easy, swift and clear, and I'm 100% happy to recommend this fine Basschatter.
  14. Really fancy trying one of these after hearing such good things about them. But not only do i already have surplus cabs and no gigs, but all the money I've raised or saved is about to go on a BF Midget. Bloody GAS.
  15. Someone's going to get a fantastic cab. I love these.
  16. OK, thank you everyone. I feel guilty now for the total thread hijack. Sorry @ClassicVibes. Back to the build...
  17. OK so it's solderless, but what does it do differently from the stuff already in the bass?
  18. Ah, well that explains it. I just need to know what 'it' means in this particular context.
  19. stewblack

    Zoom MS-60B

    Can anyone explain the Line Selector on this little box of tricks? I have read the manual and it didn't seem to shed any useful light on it.
  20. I also read this. But cannot agree. Nothing wrong with it at all. However I am a passive bass kind of guy so if the preamp made it too hot or zingy I would have disliked it. Don't be fooled by talk if starter or back up basses. Harley Bentons are only cheap in one area. The price tag.
  21. Never played the 5er but the 4 string is utterly faultless to my fingers and ears.
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