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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Don't know what your budget is, but if you aren't one of those who lights their cigars with £50 notes I can recommend OLP or the Harley Benton. I'd keep the Harley over most other basses I own.
  2. The GAS sufferer's conundrum.
  3. My top 3 has remained stable for a while. One I could gave had here for a very reasonable price not long back but I dithered. We all know what missing out does to GAS. Anyway here's mine, what's yours?
  4. I think you just answered your own question!
  5. I tried the, leave it and you'll get over it, plan. I just ambush myself when I'm not paying attention. I did go several months without bass GAS back when I was buying and selling pedals all the time. Then one got its hook in me and the whole crazy thing was off again. I regret every bass I sell, but have to fund the new stuff somehow. It's bonkers really. However, effects, amps and cabs seem to have settled. Cases straps, stands and leads are flatlining. My GAS list only has 3 basses in the red zone, and a few on the back burner. Luckily I can't afford any of them right now.
  6. Nice work. I too am a starving musician. I keep selling gear to buy food. Then buying gear with the money
  7. I've been playing an active bass a lot lately, and switching back to a passive pbass with flats is, at first, like taking a big gulp of coffee when you were expecting tea. I'm with Ras on this. The difference is so wide that you win by having both. Time will tell which one you reach for most.
  8. Oh God yes, I wrote that like he had passed away or something 🤦🏼‍♂️
  9. No it's the one you wear when making a crap joke that nobody got.
  10. Just watching the Stranglers live in Battersea Park (gosh JJB was a great bassist wasn't he?) and it got mw wondering what the hell they meant by the line in Peaches, which seemed to be describing an anatomical impossibility. So I looked it up. Well blow me down. I have been living in ignorance ever since 1977. It turns out that the word is actually clitares. Which I now learn is a French bathing suit. edit: Allegedly
  11. How curious. I always imagined he'd have a Flemish accent.
  12. Feeling pretty smug right now. Sat down with the transcription of John Entwistle's bass line to Won't Get Fooled Again. Never played it before but I just powered straight through the first 17 bars almost flawlessly. Small flub on the g towards the end of bar 17, but otherwise I think I nailed that first part of the song, if I say so myself.
  13. I started cleaning strings and wiping down after doing a mini tour with grimy uncared for strings. A long time ago, I hadn't played with such frequency before and hardly ever changed my strings never mind clean them. I did the last two gigs with bleeding fingers which was an exquisite kind of hell. Never wanted dirty strings again. But the body of the bass? No.
  14. stewblack


    I really like how the pre shape tightens the sound. It's not dissimilar to the old Trace Elliot pre shape which so many people dislike. I'm not one of them!
  15. I believe legs (I have zero experience here) looked like a a miniature lighthouse, like the one at Burnham
  16. stewblack


    The drive is really gnarly isn't it? I like it a lot.
  17. Couldn't agree more. The California Sound is really good too. For a more subtle break up I recommend the Sweet Baby
  18. What Lozz said. Sounds bang on. A little back pocket insurance. Congrats!
  19. Surely they're just taking the pish aren't they? That comic type picture, I assumed was just a bit of a laugh.
  20. Oh and by the way don't forget you have two separate amps in that box. Get a smaller cab fir the highs and you can have all sorts of fun. One last thing. Pictures please!
  21. Thanks for the input. The slot is deep enough that I can get the rod flush. I think the splitting must have been there under the surface as it were, and the activity recently has just exacerbated it. The neck is so very very thin in places. Anyhow, onwards and upwards. I shall scratch the chin this evening. Tomorrow is another day. Rest assured whatever I decide to do will be photo documented for your entertainment.
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