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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'm not giving up mate. I'm going to plod on but I am resigned to a less than satisfactory outcome.
  2. Out of interest, say the body end of the rod was anchored, and the headstock rout lengthened, what problems would this cause? I appreciate everyone feels it's too long, I suppose my interest is does this have structural ramifications or is it just not a neat job? Just for future reference and to increase my knowledge of the subject.
  3. yeah but now that it's falling apart do I really want to spend any more money on it?
  4. However, whatever happens next, I've learnt so much from this thread. It's been well worth it.
  5. Looks like the headstock is going too
  6. However it's all pretty academic now. This little laquer cracks have developed into a full blown split (can see daylight through it). I've squeezed it shut and applied a bit of glue, we'll see what happens to it but this is no longer looking viable
  7. Any way I have cleaned out the groove with sandpaper to accept whichever rod ends up in it.
  8. But if I lengthen the gap at the top I will be able to adjust it
  9. I have risen from my misery and made it out. The rod sits happily in @Andyjr1515 's blue yellow range without protruding into the pick up cavity. In fact when I line up the heel end of the rod with the end of the fingerboard I can almost adjust it as is without lengthening the headstock rout.
  10. Decided before I do anything to have a quick look under the bonnet, in case something was glaringly obviously wrong. And in fact there was. The led is broken, snapped off at the tip. Sooooo, any of the fine people of Basschat fancy talking me through replacing an led on a pcb? I would love to learn.
  11. luckily enough this band has what football pundits refer to as a utility player. The drummer is also a bass player. So we have one regular dep (a drummer) if I'm out drummer becomes our bassist. He even depped on guitar for us once. Swiss army knife musician!
  12. One of my band leaders is fully intent on going out the moment the pubs open again. Suffice to say they will be using a dep on bass 🤣
  13. I was looking at this thread from @zvirus and it got me thinking. I have a power bank designed for 9v effects pedals but it has gone hooey on me. Still charges, holds its charge and I can still run pedals from it. But the led which indicates it is charging, turned on, or when power gets low has failed. So I can use it no problem, just charge it up night before I need it and I'm good to go. But it would be good to know when it's fully charged without reaching for the multi meter, or to know it's on, or off. Would it be possible to plug something like @zvirus has made into one of the outputs and have it light up when power get's too low, or come on when power is full and go off when it reaches a certain level (which might be better)? It has two outputs so using ne for this would be fine.
  14. stewblack


    Noticed how seldom they get sold on too?
  15. stewblack


    I get you. Even if they were a bit pants, brand new for that money is hard to argue with. But when they play like a dream, well.
  16. stewblack


    I'd be surprised. The cheaper option is this one which I didn't even consider until very recently. I thought it looked a bit unremarkable. But my goodness it plays and sounds really nice.
  17. These are fantastic. You can gig anywhere with one of these, and they sound amazing.
  18. stewblack


    There is something weird going on with HB basses. Thomann seem to be bringing out endless guitars right now but their basses are either vanishing from the site or have really long wait times. I don't know if Covid is a factor, that's what I first assumed. Maybe I'll message them and ask. I will have nothing to spend my money on if they don't get jiggy with more basses soon.
  19. I just bought a cheap one on ebay I usually turn Bluetooth off on devices I'm not using as a matter of course so never had a problem with it looking to connect elsewhere. I don't take it anywhere so can't say if other people's phones would be an issue.
  20. I don't really get good deals. The Del Boy is not strong in me I'm afraid. I think I've been responsible for a couple of other people getting good deals though. I think the trade I did here in a motorway services was the best I've done. Not because the other guy got ripped off, but I got an amp I really love and I gave a bass I never really bonded with. So for me that's a win.
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