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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Nothing I said was meant to suggest he isn't a good guy. I just know that when addicts are in full blown addiction they are pretty revolting to be near.
  2. stewblack


    Easy to challenge other people's prejudice, your own on the other hand...
  3. stewblack


    So another sale prompts another purchase. I thought what are the three big no-no's for me. 1) Maple board 2) Active electronics 3) That Stingray I had. So I went for all three. And it is unreal. Utterly sublime.
  4. I am listening to this. My band recorded a version recently and I'm ashamed to say I was horribly out of the pocket. So I've promised to do it again, but I want to immerse myself in it so it's on heavy rotation. Must be a good tune though because I'm not sick of hearing it
  5. Thank you @geoham that was a rather good summary. I do know of Pink Floyd, they were in the 'older brothers' bands category when I was at school. Apart from the few very well known numbers I knew precious little about them. I now know more. Having no dog in this particular fight I can see how the schism came about and how both parties might feel animosity towards the other. If the keys guy really was hoovering the Peruvian then he would have become a deeply unpleasant character, the fact of his rehabilitation into the band therefore speaks of a capacity for forgiveness and rapprochement among those remaining members. However none of us is privy to the detailed mechanics of the fued and so probably best leave that to those involved. What I can see is how difficult it must be for the songwriter and band leader to watch other cats get fat out of what he regards as his larder. Having said that, I'm a firm believer that such things are best kept off the record.
  6. I have an Ibanez Talman en route from BC Marketplace and technically I tried it in a shop first albeit 2 years ago. Otherwise I buy here. My decision based nothing but GAS and occasionally what you lot say about it. I buy new if it has Harley Benton written on the headstock because I know it will be an extraordinary bass for very little cash.
  7. I used to earn my living fitting out show homes on new estates. I would have killed for a box of these.
  8. Can't recall who recommended it, but this just arrived
  9. I know none of the history here. But I didn't think the chap in the video was ranting.
  10. Thanks for sharing this. What a nice guy, and what a great player too. I feel a bit out of the loop not knowing who Steve Wilson is.
  11. Anyway, I'd say Wake Me Up Before You Go Go is a prime example.
  12. I tried to start a thread like this once but just got burned by other people explaining to me that the examples I gave weren't cr*p. Oh and helping me to understand the function of subjectivity and its application in popular music. For which lessons I am eternally grateful.
  13. My regular Harley Benton bass orders have been arriving in reasonable time. Having said that time is a very elastic concept at the moment. I'm totally relaxed about when stuff arrives. After all I won't be gigging with any of it any time soon.
  14. It's all shut away for the night. I'll measure up tomorrow. I just went to the recommended site and chose the shortest of the two.
  15. If you look at the long picture the rod ends exactly where the neck joins the body and the other end just about fills the allen key slot.
  16. Don't think it interfered with the pup at all.
  17. Just watched a youtube video on operating the Behringer. It acrtually made sense to me (in a way) but I got a headache as it became increasingly complex so I'll save the second part until later. Considering I didn't know what a midi cable was a couple of weeks ago, I'm quite enjoying the learning curve
  18. Well, no not really. I don't mean that a goos multi fx cant do amazing things but the FI is different in every way. You create the noises/effects from scratch yourself and the available synth sounds are extraordinary. With something like the Behringer total cost would be in the region of 300. Obviously not saying you can't buy a great multi fx for that, but I bought the FI as a standalone synth, I was surprised to find myself selling of a ton of pedals now made obsolete by it. Another 100 quid to make it fully stage worthy doesn't sound that much considering the pedal sales mor ethan cover that.
  19. Update time. Trussrod arrived, wasn't any good for ice cream so I took it to the shed Softer and much fatter than I expected, no way that lot would fit so I took off the outer layers Ah, that's more like it. As suggested I ran a thin line of superglue along my crack. And actually managed to put the bottle down again. Result. However , Houston, we may have a problem. The rod is too long. I don't mean it sticks out either end of the bass just it sails past where the previos one ends. My guess is I'll be extending my groove, um, man. Intuition suggests I take out the wood from the body not the headstock but hey - what do I know? Maybe I nibble a bit of both. Close up? OK If the rod ends here Then the other end is here
  20. That does look great, however it is very expensive
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