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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yep I've used them before, good solid fixture. Cheap and no moving parts
  2. I only own one Hercules product (because I'm notoriously tight with money) it's a multi instrument stand, sits at the end of my bed with 9 basses in it. Well made and I'm happy with it. When I played a T Bird I very nearly bought the one they make from which the bass hangs. However Thomann produced a near identical one at a favourable price point. It has never let me down. I wouldn't hesitate to hang a bass from the wall, but I don't own the room in which I live. However if I did I'd use a heavy screw in U hook from my local hardware shop.
  3. I agree with you Paul. The first Sabbath album is as batsh*t crazy as it ever was, Purple sounds musical and interesting but Zeppelin (apart from the sublime bass playing) holds my interest less.
  4. I did it for a year assuming it would thereafter be a lot cheaper but it was still very expensive. I liked the lessons but got way more from face to face with a tutor. That is nothing whatever to do with SBL and everything to do with the way I prefer to learn. Or as Ped would say, you can't not agree to disagree that it isn't not a good way not to learn to not learn.
  5. While I agree those three were massive, Zep was always seen as not really a heavy metal band, Sabbath's legend was kept alive partly by Ozzie's continued fame. I wonder how much Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow and Whitesnake helped to bury Deep Purple? And then before you knew it metal was redefined and they were just another bunch of old guys past their sell by. Odd how it can happen. They sound more prog than metal to me now.
  6. We have Blackmore, Lord and an amalgam of bass players (but not the one that sings like a choirboy on helium)just Paice and....
  7. Myself and some pals were just discussing this very album on FB. By the end of the conversation we'd all but formed a DP trib.
  8. Been after one ever since I traded mine.But not in funds and really want a black one. However, can I just say to anyone else looking who hasn't used one, this will blow you away. You won't believe how small, light and incredibly punchy it is.
  9. The Holy trinity Felicity Suzi and Debbie.
  10. It appeals to me as it is affordable and nice big easy to see hard to miss buttons for stage work. Not necessary but interesting. I like @Quatschmacher idea of chords! Anyway had a great session with the FI this afternoon. Just continuing to feel my way in. Followed the tutorial on making a chorus pedal and then did a prolonged 'what if' session. By which I mean, what if I wanted an octave lower, distortion to track the chorus? Or what if I want the clean signal mixed with a different sound that kind of thing. By doing this I find I'm building an idea of how different controls impact on the over all sound.
  11. Anyone ever do anything like this?
  12. God he makes me smile, every time. The transparant LOVE for his work. I don't care if I like the track or not, watching him losing himself in it just wonderful.
  13. At the moment it's just a idea. If I use the FI as a multi effect (which I shall) it would be nice to turn on and of certain effects as and when I want to use them in a song. At the moment I'd have to place them in a specific order and click / double click back and forth to find each one. I wondered about assigning certain pedals on something like this to certain patches (or programmes, or effects or however you like to think of them)
  14. Hello hive mind, can this be used in conjunction with my FI? https://www.behringer.com/Categories/Behringer/Accessories/Midi-Foot-Controllers/FCB1010/p/P0089#googtrans(en|en)
  15. That's great thank you. I wasn't holding it for long enough.
  16. What's all this 'cutting' strings business?
  17. Can't wait for mine to arrive now, talk about wetting my appetite!
  18. stewblack

    Advice please

    If you're prepared for a bit of an early learning curve, the Future Impact can handle all of the above. I bought one second hand for about £200 and have immediately started selling off pedals. I bought it as a bass synth but have been delighted to discover how capable it is in other areas too. Otherwise it all comes down to budget. Individual effects are fun but the inevitability of extra spending has to be factored in. Power supplies, pedal boards, cabling, none of it comes cheap if you don't want whines and buzzes and do want reliability. Multi effects can be an easy one stop shop. Zoom do several but then there's a bit of a leap in price to the world's of Helix. Personal recommendation? Zoom B1Four.
  19. I am trying to reset the tuner on my FI. I power on while holding the left footswitch down, then turn the Parameter dial to Note Off Level, the screen first reads 3.03, then very briefly bSS but before I can do anything else it just reverts to the usual bank/programme / data values. Am I missing something?
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