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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Who's looking for a headphone amp with aux in? Battery powered? With a tuner? And drum patterns? Maybe some adjustable amp sims? How about some effects, compressors and the ability to chain them? Oh you want a looper too? And you expect to get that lot for £30? Posted? Boxed? No velcro, virtually unmarked? Anything else you want? A date with Eva Mendes? A yacht perhaps?
  2. Thanks for sharing these, I don't 'do' Instagram so I am particularly grateful. John's a lovely guy and his bass lines challenged my prejudices back in the day. I assumed that Duran couldn't be any good because they were just a pop band for teenage girls to scream at. Then my drummer at the time told me their bassist used the same bass as me. They have a bassist? It's not all programming? Wait, they're a real band? Then I listened properly and he blew me away. So grateful he's doing these, it's always interesting to hear a bit of background to how a band worked. And of course always wonderful to have the bass without the surrounding clutter. Sorry, other instruments. Yeah sure they're homemade, and other people doing similar things have professional help putting them together. But who cares? I'm there for the bass.
  3. don't forget your cat tranquillisers when buying it
  4. Well yes. *cough* I'm not the kind who just reacts without grasping the thrust of a post. Oh look over there *sound of running away*
  5. Band has been recording some tunes so I've been preoccupied with that and bass rebuilding. Can't wait to get back to my synth pedal. Enormous fun and the sounds are just amazing.
  6. Lovely tune from bassist/singer Danielle Nicole Cry_No_More.pdf
  7. Well, to a point yes. But a hammer is just a tool right? I'd say it was very relevant if it's a 4lb lump hammer or a 4oz toffee hammer. Relevant to hand size, what exactly you plan to hit with it, and personal preference.
  8. Yes, that was my understanding too.
  9. Oh my, that's really sweet.Please show more pics when the tort pickguard arrives. 😉
  10. Ioved the MB cabs I had, came down to a coin toss which I kept when desparate for cash, the Barefaced won the toss. I think there are two basic personality types; those who find what they like and stick with it, and those (like me) who enjoy trying different kit for the fun of it. Sounds to me you're in the first bracket. Not saying don't try new stuff, but you really know what you like don't you?
  11. I have the 4 string version, if I wanted to play 6 this is exactly what I would buy. Good luck with your sale, someone will be getting a lot more bass than they realise.
  12. Actually in fairness he said it's brand new unused and unaltered. So we can imagine what it looks like. Trouble is with my imagination it could end up looking like Raquel off Corrie on a trampoline dressed as Henry VIII. Depending on my meds.
  13. No I pick up my spare bass. The soldering iron has been used during set up /soundcheck or half way break but not for intricate stuff. I now carry those little joining blocks for quick emergency cable making/mending. Since I discovered obbm my cables don't fail but other people's do. Also if I'm not going home between gigs I have plenty of time to fix a loose wire.
  14. Thank you very kind I'll give you a call. Absolutely, a repair is all I'm after not a complete refin
  15. Good to hear. I would not hesitate to gig and record with any if my HB basses. They're not good basses 'for the price' they're just good basses.
  16. Got a dep gig with a wedding band. Good hourly rate including waiting time before and after our set. Markbass amp crapped out on me during the soundcheck. Doubt they'd have been in a rush to book me again if I didn't carry a back up of similar quality. I was appalled depping with them later when guitarist broke a string and had no back up guitar. Just assumed it was a given.
  17. I always have superglue to hand, in fact I often struggle to put the bottle down. I will buy tight bond if it is superior stuff. Thank you as ever for shared wisdom.
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