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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Hmm, OK, that looks a little more involved than I was thinking. I shall ponder further.
  2. For anyone enjoying this topic, a quick update. I'm waiting for delivery of my trussrod. I will need to widen my slot, which I intend to do slowly with sandpaper. I'll wait for the rod. As I only want to remove the appropriate amount and not more, that seems wise. Once I bung it in and slap the fretboard back on, the next job will be to repair the finish - or I'll be cutting myself when I play. I know the Elders of the Build have a plan in mind for reattaching the board, I assume I need wood glue, which I have. But what (if anything) should I get for repairs to the finish?
  3. Is it as simple as pop a pup in and wire where the existing one was wired? Assuming I didn't keep both.
  4. Looks like a great idea. Two different slot widths and non destructive height setting.
  5. Anybody any experience with this?
  6. 100% Common conversation in one band - BL: Stew, the PA doesn't work can you fix it? I'm going out for a smoke. BL: My music stand/mic stand/fan keeps falling over can you fix it? Guitarist: My strap has fallen off, I'm going for a smoke with the BL can you fix it. A different band - Drummer: You still carry a drum key/spanner/gaffa tape? This is hilarious because in most other walks of life I'm considered the ham fisted one you wouldn't trust to mend a bicycle puncture
  7. Yes, I do. Put in a new battery and found a poor connection, resoldered it and bingo! I have a working bass. While I have the ear of the master, is it beyond the wit of man to make a hole and put a different pup into an active bass? Do they need to be specific pups for active circuitry? This is an OLP Musicman and I like everything about it except for the sound. I'm a pbass kind of guy and the only pick up here is too far back for me. Happy to not have the bridge pup at all and blank it under a homemade plate, or leave it in unconnected.
  8. I also take a small repair kit for the most common 'fails'. This includes cocktail sticks, screwdriver, spanner, soldering iron, drum key, gaffa and insulation tapes. Takes very little room and can live in the car
  9. This thread motivated me to dig out and ressurect my OLP 5. After a bit of fun with soldering iron and pliers I got it fired up. It provided some useful insight. I don't know my 5ths well enough going down (as it were) certainly not as well as going up. Put another way I'm fine with 'what is a fifth of...' but less well versed in 'what is ... a fifth of'. I assumed all would be easier as the hardest part of bass is often horizontal movement. However I quickly discovered what you gain in remaining in one position, you lose in open strings. Obviously the open strings are there still there but they don't flow as well. The other thing you have is wider fretboard and or narrow string spacing. Which might be fine for you, but is a consideration. In my case the thing I missed most was the rounded punch of a pick up in the P Bass position, but that has nothing to do with the number of strings!
  10. I spend longer agonising over which two basses to take and which will be A and which B than our singer takes doing her hair and makeup.
  11. stewblack


    Come here @Lozz196 I want give you big kiss 😘 Problemo solvo as Del Boy might say. There's a horn in the other cab which is fine so until I decide to get it sorted (which I probably won't unless I sell it) it is fine, and I am a happy camper. Not being the world's biggest fan of a tweeter in the first place I won't miss it.
  12. stewblack


    I think I can turn the horn off, I'll take a look. Thanks Lozz
  13. stewblack


    Awesome thanks mate. Don't know what yours was like but this is a kind of pressure cooker shhhh in time with the bottom notes.
  14. stewblack


    Unfortunately I'm hearing something untoward from the extension cab. Could be something vibrating somewhere, but sounds horribly like the speaker not handling bottom end very well. Not going to despair yet. I've played it with the Elf and I don't recall any issues. Might just be something in the room. I'll move it when I get a chance and try it again.
  15. Found an assortment of problems. Two cables trapped between pots and scratchplate, both severed to varying degrees. Two different connectors on pots bent together and shorting. Tested continuity everywhere and now all is well but the sound is extremely quiet and fuzzy. I'm going to get a new battery just in case.
  16. Can't stand these hard Lionels, my bums going numb sat here.
  17. Stop scratching boy, people will think you have fleas. Sorry sir, its this jumper me mum knitted, making me right Lionel it is.
  18. Ooh, scuse me, you might want to open the window. Had a jalfreizi last night and I just cut a nasty Lionel.
  19. Stay with your senses, I can't afford it yet. Leave your senses the moment I say the word.
  20. Space between d and g does look a lot wider (even allowing for string thickness) than the rest
  21. Hang on I may have found it! Red wire trapped under the pot. It comes from battery
  22. Yes, definitely bass. It's active BTW. Battery checked.
  23. Item: One bass guitar. Problem : No noise comes out. Available tools : multimeter, screwdrivers, pliers, axe, soldering iron. Done so far: had a look inside for unattached wiring. Success so far: nil.
  24. stewblack


    Yeah, I hear you, I wonder if justification might be a better word.
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