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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Great, thanks @dodge_bassI am beginning to get a feel for this. Transcription takes less time now, and being more familiar with the nuts and bolts allows me to see the bigger picture, if that makes sense!
  2. This. And I have found it goes both ways. My reading and ability to hear intervals has improved through writing.
  3. Thank you both. My solution in this instance: The song has a 4 bar intro. 2 just drums then 2 with bass. Then an 8 bar section with other instruments added. These are the 10 bars of repeated bass line. So I wrote: 1st line - 2 bars of rest 2 bars of bass 2nd line - 4 bars of bass with repeat lines either end. That way two neat lines of 4 bars. Sound OK?
  4. Or back to front. That would be bad too
  5. Alignment of the board ought to be (relatively) straightforward in this case as there are clear demarkation lines where the paint finishes. I just need to remember whether the wide frets go at the body end or the head of the bass.
  6. Hi guys, still plugging away, making progress. I have a question about repeats. I am transcribing a piece where the bass repeats the same bar for 10 bars at the start of the song. I am unsure around this kind of question. It's come up before and I'm still not sure of the rules - if indeed there are any. Is there a convention as to how many times one writes out a repeated bar before using repeat signs? or do you just write it once and say play 10 times or something?
  7. @Simon. is spot on with his praise of the selflessness of Basschatters. The knowledge you people share so freely must have been very hard won over a long time. To just give it away is beautiful. I would never in a million years attempt this just from watching a youtube video, but with my hand so firmly held I haven't felt the slightest apprehension at any time. A wonderful experience already no matter how things go from here. Thank you all, and a special mention to @songofthewind who first told me to get a grip and do it, then @Maude who picked me up when i thought I couldn't do it and set me back on the path, @Reggaebass for offerring tools, and of course the Elders Of The Build, Des Meilleurs Ouvriers de Basschat , those who's sandals I am not fit to tie. Thank you all.
  8. That is uncommon civil of you. Thank you very much. Let me eliminate that doubt by double checking Double Checked 7mm.
  9. It's his obvious love of music and of bass in particular touches me. Love to see someone transported by the joy of a piece.
  10. I think my input now is limited until the elders meet and decide between them the best course of action. I'll then get on with whatever the consensus is. Can just I say if I follow anyone's advice and up with a broken neck I hold no one but myself in any way responsible. It's my choice to follow the advice, no gun to my head.
  11. The careful use of a file and or sanding block is fine (assuming I could take evenly from either side and not deepen the channel by mistak) I have the necessary tools and patience.
  12. Many many folk recommended Superlux HD681. They are utterly inexpensive and the last time I used such great headphones was in a studio. Perfect for bass
  13. I understand about the jig, I have built such things when using a circular saw in a previous life. And I'm not afraid to use a router. I would make several dummy runs on scrap wood first. But I can't afford to buy one and can't imagine it getting much use hear after. Although this job has got me thinking about a build one day.
  14. Ignore me, sorry. The doctor warned me that one of the symptoms of my condition is confusion and foggy thinking. I think we both just witnessed this.
  15. Not all. I'm here too remember 🤯
  16. Ha! Beard envy. No @3below I think you have those columns mixed up. The neck is 14.5mm dropping to 12.5mm, the depth of the channel fairly consistent at 9. 5 the 5mm is the width of the channel. Otherwise the channel would be deeper than the wood in which it sits!
  17. 1cm from paint = 14.5mm 2cm = 14 and so on in cm increments 13.5mm 13mm 12.5mm 12.5mm 12.5mm in fact 12.5mm all the way to fret 7
  18. Trying to work through the questions posted above, but am here with the bass so keep 'em coming
  19. doing this now: Channel = 9.5mm deepens to nearly 10mm at 7th fret
  20. 16.5mm at the paint line slot here 9.5mm deep
  21. 1cm at thickest 8 mm at sides
  22. Hi guys, thank you all so much for your thoughts on this. I'm heading to the shed now and shall attempt to answer some questions when I get there. Andy's question about material removed from the nut end I can answer now. I scraped back a couple of mm from top and sides of the rod (before we embarked on this craziness!) as a first attempt to expose more thread and thereby have space for a washer. The (now snapped off) end of the rod had no useable thread at the tip so a washer essentially made it impossible to start the nut. Which is why I thought I might win by exposing a little more of the rod. I removed nothing from the underside.
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