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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Absolute bargain. I've two of these and they're very good.
  2. Maybe not cheap but it's a work of art
  3. Love that scratchplate. Did you have it made?
  4. Lovely instruments. Really well made.
  5. Used to do all my gigs through Eden amps at one time. The Nemesis 650 head which I sold, and I have an 8x10 450 combo which is too big for my car! Really special amps. I wonder if this is a similar but in a more portable package.
  6. I built this board. I had a top bar and sides left over after fitting a power bar to my 60cm board. So I added a couple of bits of batten some velcro and a couple of bolts for feet and presto! The Harmonic Booster is at the end, the comp and octaver are first everything else is in the loop of the X5.
  7. Extraordinarily good bass. Very good price. GLWTS
  8. Fascinating stuff, thank you
  9. I went for the no fuzz for Nazi scum one.
  10. ITDAA you'd think they'd sell one type of unit and let you install whichever software suited you. Rather than separate bass and guitar models, let the user decide. Surely more cost effective than producing different bodies.
  11. I still get disappointed at the self serving decisions people make in music. But I'm getting over it now. I need the work. It used to be a passion, but while nowadays I'm still passionate about playing, it's a job first and foremost. My favourite singer and very close friend recently pulled out of a project I'd set up. I didn't get stroppy, she had a heavy workload and said she couldn't commit to it. Then not long after she went and auditioned for a busy function band. Does it sting? Fk yes. What's my attitude towards it? Stay cool, after all I may pick up some dep work with her new band. And she puts regular work my way in another project. If I stuck out my bottom lip and spat out my dummy, how much better off would I be?
  12. What a beautiful blue black head cab combination. Really pleasing on the eye.
  13. My 60B lives in my Bits Box, also known as my Get Out Of Jail Free box. I have pressed it into service many times. As a replacement or in its own right when travelling light. I wouldn't be without it. I would however happily be with a new improved version.
  14. I'm not familiar with it either. What I can say is the Gloam sounded great on Thursday evening. Sat in the mix and gave the bass a synthy goodness.
  15. In stock https://spartanmusic.co.uk/products/joyo-jf-24-orthros-selector-channel-pedal
  16. It's how I earn my living. All you need to do is drastically reduce your financial dependency. No expensive cars, no big house, no holidays, no drink or drugs, no fancy clothes, no hobbies. Anything the money you make doesn't cover, you need you take the odd bit of cash work here and there. In other words you have to really want it.
  17. Another problem free transaction with Lawrie. Bass exactly as described, very well priced, clear Comms throughout. Perfect Basschat purchase.
  18. I've used a Lekato wireless bug system for iems and it was absolutely fine. Bit of jiggery-pokery to connect it up but no reason at all not to use it
  19. Hmm. Why didn't I get one with my Jive I wonder 🤔 *starts digging for the box*
  20. I'll have to record some sound samples to do this justice. Brief review first. Asking me 'Why do you need another octave pedal?' is asking a philatelist why they need another Penny Red. I don't, but I have it anyway. Is it any different from all the others? Goodness me yes! The first thing I noticed is the wide variation of sound available to the button tweaker. Nothing subtle about any of the controls. The two switches (notch filter and fuzz mode) literally change it to a different pedal. The fuzz is gnarly through synthy, the octave is nice and growly - not synth fat or clinically clean but the options to blend it with the variable clean sounds are manifold. And then you have the fuzz to blend in with or without the clean too. Or it's just an octave. Of just a fuzz. Or it's a clean boost, with or without a tone change. It's a doozy.
  21. Ordered a rather fetching shirt from this lovely company. It arrived today and along with a sticker (I like stickers) there was something, small, flat and made of metal. Well, we Blacks are well known for quick thinking, and for me it was the work of a moment to deduce that this must be a business card. The world's most expensive one at that. I showed my mum and she immediately recognised my error. This, my child, she said in the patient tones of one who knows, is a vital component of an effect pedal. You should return it forthwith. What do you think Basschat? Should I? Or, should I perhaps break out the solder (or sodder if you're from the US of A) and have a go?
  22. I'll call you first if I move it on
  23. Sorted thanks a lot
  24. I was wondering if it might be better for forum members to run their Harley Bentons past me first? You know rather than risk one going somewhere else.
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