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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Looks like, barring a last minute hitch, this will be sold by close of play tomorrow. Don't be too sad, I have a bit of special Trace gear going up next. Not for the faint hearted nor the weak backed though.
  2. Yep I remember that from my lessons! But thank you nonetheless I really appreciate the help I get from people like yourself.
  3. BL wants us to do some recording while we're locked down, which is a great way to use the time. He sent out a demo/click track and this is what I've come up with. Left a bit of the guide track in so it's not just an endless noodle. I have played the song live but totally jammed it following the chart on my tablet, so it's been good to acrtually think about it!
  4. @Ashdown Engineering HELP!!!!!!
  5. Misleading title alert. Just in case one of our resident pedants starts chewing on his logarithm tables, I know what I'm about to talk about is two thirds, but you see I preferred the title as is. A bit snappier I'd say. Anytwittwoo, I was thinking of that old saying, with which I am sure we're all familiar, 'a bi-amper is just a tri-amper who doesn't really mean it ' This thread is also my 'best thing delivered during the lockdown' thread but you can have too much of a good thing where titles are concerned. Hands down the bestest thing I've sprung for since being holed up is my Super-X-Pro crossover by Behringer. It has opened a Pandora's box of sonic possibilities and is, in short, enormous fun. Having played with the two way crossover for a few weeks I decided that it's time I looked at the possibility of a three way. Fnaar. I pressed my little monitor into service and oh my golly gosh! Sounds like nothing I've ever heard before. At first I thought the experiment was a bust. Muting the low and mid outputs produced something akin to the old plastic radio which I used to listen to Luxembourg as a boy. But this is actually where the magic is. mix with the mids and the little speaker is actuallyadding purely the fresh, sparkling edge to the sound. Being able to control that without affecting any other frequencies is a joy. Similarly the bass. On its own just a huge wamping blooob of a sound. But compress the bejasus out of it, fold in a but of mid from the two 8" speakers and ay curumba! I spend hours just muting the outputs, singly and in pairs, and chuckling. With just a hint of manic about it. I'm probably just doing something everyone else has been doing forever with Helix and earphones. But I don't care. It's amazing. It's fun. Honestly it must be great to find what you're happy with and just stick with it. But I can't be what I'm not. I'm a restless soul, the joy for me is as much in the journey as it is in the destination. ps Oh and did I mention how simple it is to set up? Everything stays connected, just one mains lead two speaker leads and the input on the little top cab. OK I keep a couple of pedal snakes coiled in the back of the rack box in case I decide to use effects for a gig. But again, they're right there. No rummaging for them in a box or bag. The psu for the effects already plugged in and attached to the amp end of the snake. Different effects for different parts of my sound. Oh what fun it is to be alive. pps The Super-X-Pro has an adjustable limiter AND a HPF. ppps 😁
  6. I'm glad you pointed it out though before I went rummaging for spares among Dad's old and extensive collection of plugs wires cables and various electrical ephemera
  7. Must say I didn't dislike the Kid (or his coconuts), but to my ears this is way better than I ever realised. It's me gaining a deeper love of music nothing more.
  8. Check the comment just above yours for actual experience. But I'm happily predicting that I will gig with this. How can I say that? While I have only played it a few times at home I have also played various gigged rigs at home. I know what I am comparing it with. There is a simple test I use. If it triggers my CPAP machine into life when played below half volume it will be fine in a gig.
  9. I mean, I presume so. I only meant they looked like 5 pin din, I'm a total newb where anything midi is concerned. I'll find out if and when the post arrives
  10. I have ordered a couple of 5 pin din leads (or at least they look like the old 5 pds we used to use) as that's the only cable I could see looked like it would join the midi interface to the pedal. Which I assume is what happens. @prowla you were quite correct the unit came with nothing at all, luckily enough the type of USB cable looks to be the standard USB type A to USB type B, of which I have many. The reason I asked was to order the correct stuff before the pedal and interface arrived. But never mind I'll just wait for the postman. Some interesting squeaks and honks coming out of the machine though. Hopefully I will be able to suss it all out once I'm joined up and can use the software.
  11. You're bang on about the Club. I just finished recording Tina Weymouth's part from the live version of Take Me To The River. Club, flats, foam mute, pick. Put it through an Ampeg sim and it is thump heaven.
  12. But the ancient rune I explained all that.
  13. Shipping is a necessity for me, I can't leave the house. I will split the cost of the shipping with the buyer. I have an interested party but not finalised yet. I will keep you all posted.
  14. But don't listen to these heathens, an overhanging amp is nothing less than proof of the devil's presence here on earth. 👿🙈🙈🙈👿
  15. Not pretentious at all. What you describe is close to HDR and I have that in mind with my bi-amped rig.
  16. Depressed market, I figure if I sell low buy reasonably low I'm not really losing.
  17. I have had a quick blast through a Barefaced Compact. 8ohms, so a little bit more heft to be had if a second cab is added. Holy moly. This thing is loud. Trace Watts translate into micro amps very nicely. That cool 'edge of breakup distortion' as the gain begins to clip is really good (to my ears) at volume. Think a low gain distortion pedal rather than a valve overdrive. Compresses the sound slightly and roughens the edges. How can those old TE Watts possibly exist in such a modern amp? I think I can explain. Despite having 'facts' on their side the pointy heads and boffins still get their baggy Y fronts in such a twist when the rest of us talk about Trace Elliot Watts. Obviously they are juicier than common or garden watts. Everyone knows that. All the chalk board stuff and logarithms and whatnot 'proving' that all watts are equal misses the point. The phenomenon owes its existence to a magical property of green on black when arranged in the form of an ancient rune. When applied to the outer surface of any amplifier it instantly doubles the juices in each watt, while leaving everything else appearing to be unaltered. QED. It so happens that this mystic rune appeared, from some angles, to spell the words Trace Elliott, and that is how the company got its name. The rune was discovered by a apprentice cleaner in UU when dusting the appendices of the Octavo. But he didn't know what it meant. Later he came to Fred Friedlein in a lucid dream (this was widely thought to have been an accident as he had actually intended to visit Zarniwoop on his legendary office bound intergalactic cruise to ask why everyone kept telling him to turn down these days ) and so the magic passed into our reality. It's a huge relief to finally end one of Basschat's longest running arguments.
  18. I do too. And am similarly buggered.
  19. One of the areas of transcription I'm still weak on is adding chords. It has been suggested it's a useful addition to a score, and I have to agree. Knowing at a glance I'm moving between say, Gm C and F gives that little boost to my knowledge of which notes I am likely to be playing. However, as confident as I am in finding the notes in any bassline, establishing, with that same confidence, which chords are being played isn't easy. Here's what I do at the moment. 1) guess the key sig. Learned a trick to do this by ear but also by how many sharps (or should they be flats?) occur with great frequency. 2) assume I have the correct key (a leap of faith in itself) and I can establish the chords in that key - so broadly speaking I've narrowed it down. 3) look for triads. 4) hope for the best. How is it done by those who don't have to guess (I have no piano or guitars to try the chords with)?
  20. Ever rediscover an old tune and think, wow this so much better than I ever realised at the time?
  21. I will do. I have only shared first impressions here. Can't wait to crank it through a bigger cab. I cleared space at the back of the garage for a lockdown practise space but the blue tits are nesting right outside so I don't want to use that now. I get the house to myself for half an hour a day, I'll blast it then and get back to you.
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