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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Can you indulge me? Take me through how this works would you? Is it for studio work? Surely you can't be expected to lug a laptop onto the stage? Or can you programme sounds at home then store stuff on it? I'm intrigued... and very, very new to all this midi stuff. (I have already 4X'd someone off asking questions about this kind of thing, so please let me know if I get annoying)
  2. I think there is a better choice than the one I made. I have to say Musescore is an astonishing achievement. And to be given away for free too! The deeper I delve into transcribing the more I discover in the programme. They set themselves a heck of a task creating useable software to cope with the myriad possibilities thrown up when creating a score. Bravo!
  3. And damn. £500 for Both! Nice work. Especially like the look of the Aria, but then I am a long time fan.
  4. Hi, what's the measurement of the longest side please.
  5. This is exactly why I was unhappy at using a courier when trying to sell my SVT.
  6. So sorry I didn't see that post. In fact I still can't see it. I'll stop bothering you now I only looked at models specifically listed in the manual.
  7. I have the m'audio midisport 4x4 en-route from a guy on FB market place but couldn't get an answer as to what cables I will need. Any ideas?
  8. Got a spare hour and 50 something going? You could do a hell of a lot worse. https://youtu.be/KSS_F5QcfHU Among much else Lee tells us that the best movie score is one you wouldn't be aware of - unless it wasn't there. And if it wasn't there the experience of the movie wouldn't be as good. A wonderful description of the less is more approach to bass.
  9. *blushes* *prepares oscar speech*
  10. Ah crap. Am I too late to put the price up?
  11. Asdown ABM500 now sold. Splendid amp, selling to recoup some money - but won't be the last one I own. Once the madness is over I'm sure I'll be after another one. Very versatile amp which will last forever. Solid,powerful, capable head with a fine valve pre-amp stage. Not pristine, minor tolex scuffs and some scratches to the corners and missing the vanity caps from the bolt holes. All pictured here. I'll have to get a courier to deliver it but I'm happy to share that cost with you 50/50. Here's a video of me twiddling my nobs so you can see and hear it working. I recorded myself playing then bunged the recording through the amp so I could be 'hands free'. Just a phone recording, but put it though decent speakers or headphones you should get the gist. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15T0Qt7ZVPdBUqvp17sXE41Al0BYmkp2e/view?usp=sharing
  12. Not bothered by the order, hardly worth getting my hair off about someone had a page to fill and as every journo knows a list is your go to when you're stuck for ideas. Many I've never heard of so that's great, I shall enjoy discovering them. My personal list would include JJ Burnel, Phil Lynott, Bruce Foxton, Norman Watt-Roy and my all time favourite Bruce Thomas. Simply because they inspired me and still do.
  13. Interesting this idea of p and j players being such an homogeneous bunch. I have gravitated to P-bass and flats only in my twilight years after a lifetime of exploring many other avenues. Even now I only own half a dozen or so. Also it's unlikely p and j owners are all the same given that there are so many of them.
  14. The slide is just bad Musescore work. I meant to signify no gap between the b and the c but I didn't use the right symbol.
  15. Hey come on Basschat we're better than this. Kudos to those of you who tried to help but taking the 4X out of a guy for asking for help, that's not why I I love this forum. For what it's worth I have three basses where the silks line up, and no I hadn't paid any attention before this thread. However, 2 of them (strung with Deroit Flats) only technically have three in line because on a P Bass the silk on the G string disappears entirely. Maybe on a 3+1 it might not? The other one has 4 beautifully aligned red silks but I can't remember what they are 😕. Probably best I don't discuss the bass pictured below with the OP though... They're Fenders and probably painful to look at for those who like neatness but like the Detroits they line up and so might the G on a 3+1
  16. Follow the way of the tort my son. You will never misstep.
  17. The simple fact that you noticed the bass and could name the make of the bass player's rig, loved the sound whilst you were a guitarist tells me you've made the right move! The scratchplate question is simple. Tort. Always tort.
  18. This thread has surprised me in the way its taken off. Mustard mitt I was hoping that one of you nutters would have made a 2X10 out of a laundry basket from Sue Ryders, but great ideas here nonetheless.
  19. I am literally the least fussy person on Basschat but I wouldn't accept those issues. Sorry for your disappointment, but they need to put it right.
  20. Ah yes, but are they in my set? That's the question 😉
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