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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thank you Mr Gary Mac sir. Just today I noticed a fellow Basschatter is looking to replace a P neck with a J neck. I'm hoping we might be able to get together on this.
  2. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/420571-sticking-my-neck-out/
  3. Unless it's a maple board. The person with the jazzy neck might prefer rosewood. In fact I'm pretty sure he would.
  4. What about if someone had a Fender and the neck was too jazzy for them and you and this person swapped?
  5. Calling all modders, builders, choppers and changers. I have a Fender bass I singularly failed to love. So sell it you say. Good plan except its been modded by a previous owner and as such I doubt I'll get much for it. I have put some decent strings on it which has helped. I've dropped a new pick up in, which has also helped. In fact for a few days I thought I'd sorted it. I've come to realise it's the neck. I checked online and sure enough it is a Precision with a Jazz neck. I like something a bit more like a Precision neck. Is it as simple as buying (or trading for) a P neck and just banging it on? Or are there complex and highly dangerous woodworking procedures? I have half a mind to get someone to reverse the mod, return it to its original state and then try to flog it. But if I can make it loveable as it is I would like to try.
  6. No problem, have my eye on another wish list bass as well. So many opportunities so little cash...
  7. If my experience is anything to go by you'll soon be buried in excellent advice from some of the finest Basschatters! Only thing I can say is did he play a five string? Or detune? I never knew...
  8. Wasn't as clear on my phone app just saw the photo.. Too good to be true then.
  9. On my wanted list.... ... collection only?
  10. Never heard of them, I see they do full length strings 5 for 20 quid, but alas only very thin gauge. Many cheap strings on ebay.The Adagio flatwound ones are pretty good. Also https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143544107796
  11. Glad you bumped this, I missed it first time around. Absolutely inspirational. Also great for us HB fans to have someone who really knows what they're talking about to pronounce on their inherent quality. I have a HB Jazz which is heavy but plays and sounds so nicely. Often wonder what could be done about it, and now I know!
  12. This is exciting news but I have to sell to buy and the market is soooo sloooooooow right now. I wonder what you have incoming to make you sell this and a CTM 🤔
  13. Absolutely extraordinary work. Thanks for sharing this project with us. Reminds me of the children's story of the ugly duckling. You should change your name from Maude to The Alchemist.
  14. "don't worry mush we'll be there in plenty of time and I promise we'll stay sober till after the gig" Last time I played with them, sadly. (private b'day party, we're being paid out of the girlfriend's pocket. I think I was there two hours before they fell, rolled and staggered in. They'd used a sizeable chunk of our fee to hire a minibus and pay a mate to drive so they could drink all the way there. A three and a half hour drive)
  15. It's almost as if Norman Watt-Roy is better than us. 😬
  16. I too have been learning (with a lot of help hereabouts) and this looks great Ťhank you
  17. How's this for irrational GAS. I have been getting increasingly frustrated in my search for a small, second hand 1X12 or 1X10 cab to complete a rig I've put together. I want it to be the same dimensions, or close to, as the cab I've already got because that fits perfectly on top of the 15 and below the rack. Not only fits but sounds great. I used to have a BF 1x12 which was wonderful combined with a 15 of the same make. I got to thinking how splendid it would be to have it back and so started looking for one. The search became less focused and then obsessive. And I already have a cab perfectly suited to the job. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  18. Returned to Rhythm Stick for my annual bash at it.
  19. Amazing how many of you have had underwear chucked at you. My experience wasn't so gentle. It was Bob's Palais in Midsomer Norton, early 1980s, the band, Neurosurgeon (formerly The Rubber Vultures) , played an eclectic set of deliberately weird originals. We scoffed at such outmoded conventions as time signatures and keys.The yokels however obviously put more stock in such things. The boos and catcalls were eventually followed by one of those enormous pub ashtrays. You probably remember them. Giant bowls that could hold the ash and dog ends of an entire evening's puffing. It span from the crowd like an overweight china Frisbee which would have laid me out had it dipped a little earlier. As it was it hit the proscenium arch shattering into shrapnel and showering the stage. We beat a hasty and overdue retreat. The ashtray got the biggest cheer of the night.
  20. It's not always cut and dried. I have a bass which I got in a trade. I think the bass I traded was worth what I had originally paid. I have come to suspect the one I received may actually be worth less, by a bit of a stretch. I don't know much about these things but I've learned a bit since the trade. If I try to sell at what the previous trade suggests it's worth and it doesn't and no one says anything do I reduce? Is it the price too high or is it just that no one is interested or is someone waiting to see if I reduce so they grab a bargain. No way of knowing. I suppose the simple thing would be to invite people to tell me - am I pricing this correctly. Either way this is all just hypothetical. I restate - the rules are clear and no one is holding a gun to my head and making me sell on Basschat. I'm merely enjoying the discussion.
  21. Darn it. Difficult to organise a Basschat relay right now too. But 80 - 100 would be a very very good deal... for you!
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