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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Played one in PMT in Bristol not long after they came out. It was, I have to say, a very nice instrument. Lovely neck.
  2. As has been pointed out the rules and guidelines are clear, but it is still an interesting topic nonetheless. Part of me feels like helping someone selling something with a price tag greater than it can be bought new, part of me feels drawn to wanting to protect unsuspecting buyers from paying over the odds. The former because if I were the seller I would like to know I would never achieve the price I was asking, the latter because I don't know enough about second hand values and can't always find the new price online and I come away from deals having overpaid. I discover this, by the way, when I come to sell stuff on and cannot get remotely close to the price I paid. Ultimately I stay out of it not because of the rules but because its none of my business. It would be great to have a place where people could advise on a rough idea of a fair second hand price, then prospective sellers who really don't know could be helped. Doubtless there would be suspicions raised over the suggested prices if they came from potential buyers, and it could easily descend into argument. All in all we have the best of a difficult situation here.
  3. Happy to say that Chris is a fabulous teacher. I had lessons with him after decades of bass playing and he has transformed my ability and knowledge. I've put myself up for work I would never previously have contemplated, got the gig and the follow up. He's also a lovely bloke, highly recommended.
  4. Oh, and by the way, before my chronic fatigue kicked in and put me back to bed, I tried a little sight reading. Just to see what, if any, impact all this has had. Not just the transcription work, but also the online tuition via @Zoltan Dekany's website. I was amazed. I'm still nowhere near able, but the improvement was clear and unarguable. Playing without reference to the fretboard, looking ahead while playing, good finger choices, not confusing notes with those from the treble clef (a chronic headache) as often. I really think it is all having a positive impact. None of which would apply without the good people here on Basschat.
  5. I rely on musescore playing it back to me to know how the score sounds. Obviously not perfect but literally the only option. The two examples I gave sound identical to one another. I understand the difference as you've explained it, so thank you. As far as spacing goes, next time I sit down for a musescore lesson (as opposed to a transcription lesson) I will address this. Much love and gratitude for all the help.
  6. Ooh, gassed for one of these when they first came out Still tempted and I'm selling not buying amps right now
  7. I did buy a bluetooth receiver to plug into the aux in of my current headphone set up, so one less cable
  8. Well I did it. I resisted temptation. I haven't been earning but neither have I been spending so I had a month of petrol money left with the spiders and bird droppings in my current account. Saved myself by spending it.
  9. Yeah that's not really gas though is it 😅 Far too rational
  10. so now I want the pedal board @Hellzerojust introduced me to. You couldn't make it up. Only reading this thread to chuckle at the ridiculous nature of GAS, I have four pedal boards already, seldom use any of them. As to the OP, I do the same thing. I get something that works, fall for it, and end up wanting a harem of the things. Whatever 'thing' it may be.
  11. Thank you @jrixn1. Appreciate your help. It seems I need to just keep on with this until the hard and fast rules, the accepted conventions and the whatever works best, all become less tangled!
  12. I wish you'd all stop trying to make me buy something I really don't need.
  13. is there an accepted rule as to how many bars before I use repeat lines. say if I have 8 bars then they're repeated should I use the repeat sign bar lines, but if its only 4 bars then just write the four out again? And if I later use DC al coda will those repeat bars count again when they're reached second time through?
  14. Shame sharing patches didn't work, this is incredibly long winded!!! Also just tried it with a different bass and it utterly fails, so there may be very little value in sharing these anyway
  15. Also if anyone has a minute, I'm getting a little bit knotted up over repeats
  16. Hi guys and gals, I have a question. I can show a bar of music two ways. Both sound correct when Musescore plays them back to me but which (if either) is the correct or more acceptable way to write them?
  17. Today I discovered that Bad News Tour actually came before Spinal Tap. Which is awesome because I always loved it but there was that little voice in my head whispering, it's a bit derivative though isn't it
  18. Meanwhile here are a couple of Amp sim patches. Just examples of what kind of thing you can do. first one kind of Ampeggie second one kind of Tracey https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-tgCDoKaShJRdZa_9zL_rSNKaFsG2wLU/view?usp=sharing
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