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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Your files are all .zb1xf and mine are .zb1f I changed the extension cos, well you never know - but nada
  2. It was from the one 37 minutes ago just a few posts up. But they are different file types, I'm looking for a workaround but... you can't use patches from different pedals.
  3. I shall do that - humour me and try downloading the one I just uploaded in case I did something wrong the first time (the patch is better now too) EDIT: don't bother! It is incompatibility of the two pedals.
  4. FYI, I download the file to a folder then open ToneLib and then import the data to an empty patch.
  5. @Al Krow I am at my pc now just going to try uploading the patch agauin (I succesfully imported it onto my FOUR again) let me know what the issues are please. Double Wah2.zb1f
  6. I should flippin' well say so. I bruised mine once after losing contact with a mountain bike. Extraordinarily painful. Every breath hurt. Would not want to gig under such circumstances.
  7. and I am the lucky person who bought the bass from @la bamand can happily confirm it still does not hum, plays beautifully and sounds really good.
  8. I get the urge to bite when people talk about the headstock logo. As if by coming over all self righteous I could somehow convince myself that it doesn't matter. It's all about the sound, the feel, I would cry... And yet it's the worst thing I've ever seen on the headstock of a bass. Definitely put me off for ages. It was only once I had played the Profile that the urge to try another overcame me. They are, mercifully, so good that I can now avoid thinking about it.
  9. @uk_lefty I haven't gigged using the amp sins on the Four, but I have done a rehearsal and fannied about at home with them. The SVT and Trace ones are good straight out of the box and of course can be tweaked in all manner of ways. @Al Krow my CFS is on me today, computer hasn't even been turned on. I will get back to you I promise
  10. fanboy /ˈfanbɔɪ/ INFORMAL noun a male fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, Trace Elliot amplification, movies, or science fiction. That definitely describes me.
  11. Ooh this can be today's exciting adventure, thanks for the reminder
  12. absolutely but I hoped people might elaborate if they felt like it!
  13. Anyway this isn't about me! I hoped to provoke others into sharing some amusing, poignant, happy memories.
  14. #6 was a sad one actually. My father had recently died and we were playing Enjoy Yourself (Specials style) and it brougfht back a recent memory of him and mum singing along to a much older version as we drove to the last holiday we'd ever share.
  15. Could I pay you in body organs? In installments?
  16. Just a bit of fun. 20 simple yes or no type questions but please feel free to elaborate if you have a good bass playing related tale inspired by a question. I have, on a whim, chosen 20 all of which I could answer (surprisingly in some cases) with a yes. 01 Ever played a gig sitting down? 02 Ever gigged on a different instrument? 03 Ever shared a stage with a musical hero of yours? 04 Any fan ever had a tatoo of your band's logo? 05 Ever signed an autograph in a dressing room? 06 Ever cried on stage? 07 Ever worn a hat on stage? 08 Ever gigged with a band you hadn't met before the gig? 09 Ever been in a relationship with a fellow band member? 10 Ever played in different bands on the same day? 11 Ever had anything thrown at you while playing? 12 Ever crashed on the way to the gig? 13 Ever left a band over the choice of set list? 14 Ever slept in the venue despite it not being a hotel? 15 Ever been supported by a band clearly better than you? 16 Ever played a gig suffering from some debilitating medical condition? 17 Ever been in a band where the guitarist was your favourite bandmate? 18 Ever played in the grounds of a stately home? 19 Ever injured yourself on stage? 20 Ever been told that your bass isn't loud enough?
  17. I take your point. If it had been advertised at 16 notes post free, probably would have bought it without hesitation. I think I lost a bit of perspective when the postage came in at nearly the same price as the unit.
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