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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Believe me if I had the cash this would no longer be for sale.
  2. very nearly bought one but needed food! Actually 16 quid. 6.70 postage... The great advantage over my other options is the volume controls to quickly and easily mix instrument and track. But is that worth 16 quid
  3. Good man. Precisely my attitude. If I can, and I want to I will. OK I have bought a few lemons and sold on some gear I maybe ought to have kept. But each rig has its own charms. The only thing I must not do any more is buy an 8x10. Even so I still want one
  4. testing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BQlF9m9K14cl2kL3DhVd9963u9AHrWf8/view?usp=sharing The above is a little test I did with three of my P basses. 1st line = the 7ender with the new pup and Detroit Flats 2nd line = Bruce Thomas Profile with Stadium Elites rounds 3rd line = Bass Centre power bass with Detroit Flats then the three lines repeated. Had I thought to do this before the restring you would have thought the 7ender wasn't actually on the recording! Now it is right up there. The surprise is how bright the Power Bass is with those flats on. But there is very little in it. All recorded totally dry, same settings, pots wide open.
  5. But but... that's it - the strings the pickup and the boxes they came in. What else can I show you?
  6. Sorry mate, I'd love to help you out but the dimensions just don't work. It's too wide one way, too narrow the other.
  7. For me it was bass lessons with @chrisaxe where he had me analyse JJ's bass line to Ain't no mountain high enough. The breathtaking ability - alchemy I should say - to create bass gold from the same mundane, every day scales we all have at our disposal. As a poet who, having no more than the same 26 letters that you and I employ to ask for directions to the bus stop, creates a delicate, unexpected and powerful piece of written art, so Jamerson's work, at its heart has nothing remarkable and yet is extraordinarily beautiful. The master indeed.
  8. I am after a 1x12, lightweight, cab, however my hope was to find a scruffy BF 1x12 to match my BF 1x15.
  9. I nearly took one when the guts were out but figured you'd all seen that kind of thing before
  10. I do know what you mean Some brands just don't 'take'. I love listening to many bass players who use MB heads but don't find them remarkable when I use them. However the cabs I rate very highly. Of all the gear I have sold I'd have back my MB 15s and my Orange Terror in a heartbeat. A marriage solemnised in arcadia.
  11. Picked up a PJ in a trade. Already had my share of basses but my sale ad wasn't shifting. This was a while back and it has cut a forlorn figure, gathering dust, unloved in the corner of my room. Why so? I couldn't really say. There was just something vague, unremarkable about it. It seemed somehow insubstantial both in feel and sound. The exciting news is that I have restrung with Detroit Flats by The Bass Centre and replaced the pickup with a Kent Armstrong Vintage. Exciting to me I should probably say. It now sounds resilient, supple and exuberant. And those flats! They've transformed the tactile experience entirely. I don't know why I'm surprised that pickup and strings should be so crucial to the instrument. And yet it amazes me every time just how powerful is the effect they can have.
  12. I think you don't like Markbass 😅
  13. I've decided to change pickups in a P Bass recently as well. I have ordered Kent Armstrong Vintage P Bass Alnico pick ups. For no better reason than the Kenrt Armstrong I bought for my old Aria is fabulous. My favourite P Bass pick up is the one supplied with the Bruce Thomas Profile. I emailed to ask if they would sell just the pick ups but sadly never got a reply. I'm interested in the Entwistle's now I've read this thread. If the ones I've bought don't do the job I'll give one of those a try.
  14. +1 for Vintage, Revelation and , if you can find one second hand, a Bass Collection P bass. They are seriously good. Harley Benton Enhanced is probably the most crazy good value for money anywhere - and is under £300. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_enhanced_mp_4mn_natural.htm However shipping from Germany might be a bit hit and miss at the moment.
  15. I have used the lock down to organise my bi amped rig. Rack mounted Trace and Bugera heads, a crossover, a couple of always on effects and my wireless receiver. All wired together and ready to roll, should actually be a faster set up now. Deep rack allows for multi socket at the rear and space to pack some cables. Planning on two different effects set ups too, one for each amp.
  16. Ampeg SVT CL. 15" Barefaced cabs. Two. You will never look back.
  17. Another faultless transaction. I relieved Nick of some surplus strings in exchange for some surplus cash. Really nice guy to deal with. Clear, precise communication, stuff arrives promptly and well packaged
  18. Today's attempt. This time I have attempted to add chords Rockin'_In_A_Flat.pdf
  19. My turtle picks have arrived and I have been bashing out some rocky stuff with them. I'm just worried they might damage my lovely strings 😃
  20. I still haven't heard the digital artifacts on the Zoom so I'm still happy with it. But all this talk of dedicated headphone amps is getting my gasssss leaking Is there not an elephant in the room though? We're discussing amps without mentioning cabs. Which headphones pair best with which headphone amp? This seems crucial to me. But not as important as which cans can be comfortably worn by a spectacle wearer for long periods of time?
  21. Sorry Al, been crazy busy, will try to find time to look at this tomorrow
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