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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Just about to go to sleep now but I shall read and properly digest tomorrow. Can I just thank you once again for taking the time to help me with this.
  2. I genuflect before the master. I am only learning by people sharing their knowledge. I have failed to tell Musescore how I want it all laid out, but I am making that my next priority. Thank you.
  3. It Must Be Love It Must Be Love.pdf It_Must_Be_Love.mscz
  4. Thank you so much, I have ordered it. Not sure of delivery times right now but I look forward to it. Today's transcription is nearly done. I have to learn how to direct people back to certain bit's that are repeated. That's a bit bloomin' complicated all that dc al coda mularky, so for now I'll put up in long hand as it were! Oh and I have not put the chords on as suggested; reverse engineering chords from bass notes is a big step for me and I'm trying to take one step at a time.
  5. For the first time in a long time I know what month it is. Thanks Basschat.
  6. I passed the advert on to our mandolin player but we've been locked down ever since
  7. Ha ha! I like it. Thank you so much for your input. I solved the problem with your advice. A triplet and two crotchet did the job. This is what I love about learning. I knew what a triplet was, but didn't understand its power. Thanks to your input I have a deeper understanding. The transcription is finished. First draft. Now I will leave it to settle then play through and correct any glaring errors. Then I will attempt to tidy it up in accordance with the constructive criticism received here. Then and only then will I share it. Hopefully there will be some improvement from my previous effort. Thanks again.
  8. But I shall look at your suggestion of time sig change.
  9. There jolly well are!! That's not all - look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_hundred_fifty-sixth_note
  10. In fact it may be worse than that! I wonder if the bar doesn't slow throughout its length Wait a cotton picking minute. Is it triplets???? No no no not the right amount of notes, sorry.
  11. Hello folks, I am undertaking another transcription. I had imagined it might be a nice simple one. Oh, how swiftly hubris is punished. Well, by bar 20, that's how soon. It Must Be Love, the Madness version. I have happily picked my way through the minefield of the timing, only to find bar 20 is shorter than all the others. I mean by that, it is 1.623 seconds long while every other bar lasts 1.709 seconds (timings are approximate but as close as I could get them) This is roughly equivalent to one and a half demisemiquavers. I assume this means the tempo is different for this bar from the rest of the song. I can work out the tempo for that bar, but how do I show this in the score please? Here is the bar as I worked it out it. But there is simply too much room at the end !
  12. Yes! I was thinking the same. The bass player should be the coolest person in the band but not this time.
  13. Maybe slipping into country rock territory?
  14. Doing a bit of recording today but only on a tablet to watch for mistakes in my playing so sound quality ain't all that. I'll try to set up something better later.
  15. I got some abuse for trying a similar thread because I used a more jokey title like cr*p songs you actually enjoy playing. It seems no matter how patently uncool and dreadful something is, someone somewhere will defend it.
  16. Don't know the song at all but man I love the bass line. Very engaging chap as well. We can learn so much from these people.
  17. God that's tedious isn't it? Guitarists noodling away. Where is the godamm bass? No more government subsidies for guitar effects
  18. Can't stop listening to that Gary Clark Jr track. Just awesome.
  19. Yep Down Down and Caroline on my list always glad of more
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