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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Good to see you Sven. Wilkommen.
  2. exactly what I'm after, driving bluesy footstomping stuff
  3. So beautifully done. You have a close up?
  4. Just talking about how lovely white / tort / rosewood is on a bass. Mine is more white white. I love this aged creamy white though. Beautiful bass thanks for sharing.
  5. I filled some of my day gazing at mine. Its a striking combination.
  6. Fancy a bit of a boogie today. Thinking AC/DC (Bon Scot Era ) ZZ Top (pre pop era) that kind of thing. Suggestions of fun stuff to play along with?
  7. Bad luck mate! I would advertise it as pre-dinged. Save the new buyer worrying about putting a mark on it.
  8. I live with my elderly mother who takes one walk a day. This is the time I can plug in my amp. Silent practice otherwise. A music room I could store my gear in and play at reasonable rehearsal volume whenever I want is the stuff of dreams for me.
  9. Similar situation here. Jammed with some guys online had video chats with one of my bands, but nothing scratches that itch
  10. It's learned. I don't think I was ever in a band that wrote songs with a Gb or a Db in the chord structure. However F#m cropped up all the time and Bb and Eb often came up too. A, D, G all the time. Heck, I only just discover B# and Cb aren't made up!
  11. Just watched Hang In Long Enough. Now that I really enjoyed. The whole thing not just the bass. To see that LS reacts in exactly the same way as I do toa mistake was heart warming and hilarious. Please keep them coming.
  12. My pleasure. I am getting there, I can now recite the circle backwards (anti clockwise) without having to picture a bass and work out what comes next! The great thing about the exercise is it shows me clearly the area of the fretboard and the chords I don't know well. Probably predictably it's DB Ab and Gb. Weirdly I have less of a problem with C#, G# and F# 🤔
  13. OK, well, that is a record for me. Three Phil Collins tracks in one day. Three more than I have listened to in the last decade! But oh what a treat. I Missed Again was a bit sloppy apparently. Ha ha ha - oh to be so sloppy. Wonderful wonderful bass line.
  14. Hey back to the guy with the beard. I noticed he often plays with just his first finger on his right hand. Today is the day I stop seeing this as a major technique defect and, whenever I see a video of myself doing it, just let it go.
  15. Things I have discovered during this period of isolation. 1: The sleep function of the G75 really works. Put the guitar down while going to the loo and the batteries cease to drain until you pick it up again. 2: Lloytron recheargable batteries bought from Proper Job run out when the remaining battery time on the G75 shows 3 hours and 30 minutes. 3: A fully charged set of Lidl 'Tronic' recheargables shows 6 hours 45 minutes when inserted. 4: I realise 2 and 3 above are pretty useless pieces of information when trying to determine the playing time privided by either Lloytron or Tronic. 5: Even the most disgusting cough sweets contain sugar. 6: 5 isn't more than tenuously connected with music but is important to me. 7: Plectrum delivery time, even while using Amazon Prime, is entirely unpredictable. 8: I have too much bass gear.
  16. Realised my knowledge of the arpeggios was patchy (at best) so I've been working on the major / dominant 5ths exercise. Needless to say the course has stalled while I get my head around it! But it's coming ............... slooooooowly
  17. Must stop looking at this. Not only do I need to save the last of my pennies but I literally fell over a bass earlier. I can't fit another one in my tiny space
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