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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Well this is the place to come if you want to feel inadequate. The only ace in my chequered employment history is steeplejack - and two other people already had that on page one! I have singularly failed to cope with the politics in every large organisation I've worked for. I've similarly failed to cope with the paperwork side of self employment. I have no job beyond the gigs I do and a couple of shifts a month as a roadie for a drummer who is registered blind. I have no retirement plan and failed to navigate the (deliberately I suspect) over complicated obstacle course at the job centre and after six weeks was refused benefits. I am extraordinarily fortunate to have the charity of family and friends otherwise I'd be on the streets. One day I hope to get a gig pays enough to be independent but physical and mental health issues dog my every step.
  2. +1 for the Elites. Mine arrived with them on and it is gorgeous bass. I'm a bit fussy about balance and there's no dive on mine. Its not featherlight but a long way from heavy. Wonder if this is a new batch. 🤔
  3. My gig yesterday same as today. Selling a function band at a wedding fair. I'm not in the band but as a regular dep it doesn't hurt to remind them what a great guy I am.
  4. If he's a great player and you get on together, let it lie until he's got his feet under the table. It might come up more naturally in conversation. When has any audience ever said 'great band, shame about the artwork on the guitar'?
  5. Thanks folks. If and when I dig myself out from under learning dep sets I'll spend some time reflecting on all this invaluable advice and rework a few transcriptions.
  6. Yep, I love the pre shape when I'm on my own. With a band it needs a bit of help
  7. Yes! There's only one on this amp. It may look as if I counter it with the eq but trust me it sounds beautiful.
  8. Absolutely! I only worked it out for a dep gig so it's not 100 %, for instance I have written it for a four string with normal tuning. So no low D. I'm working this weekend but I'll get it to you when I'm back
  9. God I love that Trace sound. Tonight's rig...
  10. Yes I'm learning to use Musescore, frequently stopping to find and follow tutorials. I'd like to arrange things more neatly, and when I work out how, I will. And thank you.
  11. Hi I played a Scorpio a little while ago and liked it. Do you know how this model differs from the basic one?
  12. Ah I wondered about this. I confess I look up the tempo and key online! I just assumed that anyone else would know better than me so went with what I found.
  13. Thank you both so much for your feedback. It's really helpful when you're learning a complicated process on your own to get this advice. I've only done a handful and not shared because I know tgey make sense to me but might not be correct. In future I will share them all in anticipation of help like that above. Thanks again. Stew
  14. I was unlucky with the reliability of my Markbass head or I may well have said it was the best I've tried, its impossible to say. I've only had four class D heads, Bugera Veyron, MB 800,TCE 250 and Orange Terror 1000. The best, hands down was the Orange. Unbelievable power, clean as a whistle unless you cranked the gain (which you could hardly do unless playing Che Stadium) responsive tone controls. Awesome bit of kit.
  15. I'm intrigued. I don't really fully grasp what these do Are they only for in ears users? Do they just vibrate? Or do they produce sound? I'm interested because I don't use in ears but often get told I'm too loud and turn down to the point where I can't enjoy playing.
  16. I went to see David, and a thoroughly good chap he is too. Came away with a toaster in my pocket and escaped a hair's breadth from buying a bass from him. A beautiful Les Paul shape, medium scale with Ric style pups. I can't afford it, no room to keep it, don't need it. Been thinking about it ever since!
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