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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. This interests me. My main board is full but I use the Tri Parallel Mixer and an always on pedal in front of it. Not in front as in the chain 🔗 but physically in front, currently on the floor. A little board like this would be just the ticket 🎫
  2. I wonder if the fretless sound itself, being so distinctive, colours what he hears to the point where subtle differences between P & J are lost. He's just hearing 'fretless'.
  3. I am enjoying this. The most important observation -
  4. Never had a weight issue. Amazing sound. Wish I'd kept mine.
  5. At the moment this is the system: My own homemade isolated power supply. In other words a multi socket extension lead with multiple power supplies! Big, ugly, easy to fix totally noise free. Effects loop send or bass > Zoom MS-60B. This is my HPF, compressor and tuner. I use both outputs. Output 1 goes into Sweet Baby low gain distortion which colours the sound when I'm not using a valve amp. Not much but just roughs up the edges. Sweet Baby > Tri Parallel Mixer (TPM) main input. Zoom MS-60B 2nd output > Joyo XVI octave pedal > Big Muff distortion > Mooer Pitch Shift (used as a chorus). This chain into channel 1 of the TPM. Source Audio Soundblox Bass Envelope > channel 2 TPM EHX Mini Tron > channel 3 TPM TPM main output > amp The Zoom and Sweet Baby always on. The short chain can be all on / all off using the TPM, or used individually as needed. Usually 1 octave up with some distortion kind of mixed into the background when the other guy takes a solo. The two envelopes is a bit of an experiment. I'm not keen on an envelope taking over the whole sound so the TPM allows me to keep my clean signal and blend them to my taste. Having both isolated in their own loops on the TPM means neither is affected by any other pedals and opens the door to some interesting double envelope sounds. I may decide in time this is ott and ditch the Tron but right now I am enjoying myself. When I do a quick set up/pack down gig I take either the Valeton Dapper or Zoom B1-Four. The B1-Four set up as individual stomps not as patches: HPF, Distortion, Chorus, Octave, Tron. This gives me similar to my main board in a small battery powered package.
  6. So glad I'm not alone! I was beginning to think that I was doing something wrong when I kept seeing others with their boards built to fit specific pedals! Although as I say I'm inching closer to something that feels right for me.
  7. I came here because I like Steve Hillage ended up reading about Genesis tribute bands. Fascinating stuff actually. And I know absolutely nothing about the band. Made the conversation more interesting actually.
  8. 😍 Is this a cash only scenario or are you amenable to a trade?
  9. I'm learning a set for Tuesday. I am. listening to two tunes I'd not heard before. Grace Kelly by Mika and Take your daughter to the slaughter by iron maiden. The first is great fun, a cleverly constructed pop song. They should go far. The second one is not very good at all.
  10. Mind you, old Ben Franklin said "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that"
  11. I'm a couple of years in to this whole effect mularky and had assumed it was just a gas driven obsession like everything else. However, I have come to realise that I'm not hoarding effects, boards and psu's but actually get rid of stuff when it doesn't work out. I began to wonder if I could be heading towards my ultimate ideal board. Yesterday I took delivery of a Source Audio envelope filter. It's exactly what I have searched for. Perfect bubbling, liquid envelopes and a ton of variables. Even including this new one I only have 3 dedicated wah/envelope type pedals. I literally can't remember all the different ones I've had, there have been loads. Similarly distortion pedals. Down to 2. Octave pedals? Just 2. GEQ? 1. Compressor? 1. Chorus? 1. Pitch shift? 1. Multi effects merit a discussion all of their own, and yes, insanity creeps in here. Once used a board made up entirely of multi fx - all the same model. A surreal experience for all concerned, not least of all me. I'm a restless creative by nature. My instinct when I am satisfied with anything is to immediately ask, what more can I do with this? So to see my board settling into a recognisable set up is unusual to say the least. In a curious way though it validates my two years of fettling, fiddling, buying, selling and pi ssing off my band mates with, at times, some truly horrific noises. As Paul Heaton once sang, how do you know you can't swim until you've drowned?
  12. Bought a pedal from Jay , arrived a couple of days later, well packaged, as described, no problems at all. A perfectly smooth transaction with a highly recommended Basschatter.
  13. I shall probably throw mother out as I speed up towards Ludlow - if she comes she'll want to stop with family - but we could have a three way at the garden centre,.
  14. Only ever did it once in a kind of Glam Band put together for a mate's wedding. The drummer (one of the very best) said it was far from straight forward, maybe why not so many bands play it?
  15. I loved this, wish it had carried on into the performance. What an absolute star she is. When I think of the fuss I used to make down at the Dog and Duck if someone broke a string!
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