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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Damn - if you don't want the gig I'd love it!! That's bass Nirvana right there
  2. Inspired by this thread I just learned a neat run based on the minor pentatonic scale and spent a happy hour jamming over some jazzy backing tracks - not a thing I ever saw myself doing. I learned the run down from this video and jammed variations of it over this one. Stranglers fans will no doubt notice similarities with the run and a certain classic.
  3. I'll have a day out and collect it from Ludlow, it's not a problem but thank you for offering to look after it. Mother has all sorts of family scattered around the Wye valley and forest of dean, I'll use it as an excuse to take her out to see them, then mosey on up.
  4. I love this thread so much. Best of luck, you will never look back from this.
  5. I had vast experience but had nothing going on so resorted to whoring myself out on line it can happen. Just give it a go, might be fun.
  6. Really hard to pick bones from that. I'm in a band which is absolutely excellent but until recently had nothing online to share. Although we did crack on and fix that ASAP
  7. Comes into its own live, really pounds through the mix
  8. So it made it to you in the end!
  9. mine will be set up at the SWBB in April if you fancy a look at it in all its bi-amped goodness.
  10. no worries mate, I will swim up to Ludlow myself if there's no one about.
  11. Bump for any Basschatters who could take the bass on from Ludlow? I understand this may be an aquatic operation if the weather doesn't improve soon.
  12. Looks like a beast of an amp but I can't justify another 😞 would go from unused in West Sussex to unused in North Somerset. Hope someone snaps it up.
  13. Very far from my usual taste but the music just lifted me. Even the jazz John Bonham bit
  14. Wow what a brilliant idea. And I thought I was crazy trying to upholster a scratchplate, turns out everyone is turning basses into soft furnishings.
  15. It has brass saddles, that's how it came
  16. I think I might be able to cope with this design The black block inlays with the black plate ties it all together. But to return to the opening post, could I ever love it?
  17. Any of you who are legends of the lathe, wizards of the workmate, genies of the jigsaw or maestros of the mortice joint can look away now! I've begun, in my own small way, to mess and meddle where I previously feared to tread. Mainly just decoratively but the screwdriver has been out. Behold my works ye mighty and despair. All I've done is replace the pos bridge supplied with the bass when I bought it (and at a mark up I might add) (must get that 'gullible' sticker removed from my forehead) which had curled like a week old leaf of lettuce. Oh and added no. 001 prototype Stew Black custom scratch plate. 002 will be significantly better, but we all must start somewhere. The bridge is a Wilkinson which brand seems both inexpensive and well thought of around here. I plan to introduce a little more of the black/gold so the bridge doesn't stand out like a blind cobblers thumb. Possibly at the nut, possibly at the nobs. Who knows? Now I've started this could go anywhere.
  18. Wonderful stuff, so happy for you getting this gig again. You are modest to a fault, a great photographer and clearly an awesome bass player or they would not be asking you once never mind twice. I feel sorry for you that your view of the audience appears blocked by the dancing backing singer, but hopefully that's just camera angles and you had an unobstructed vista.
  19. I'd keep it. All my pedal board set ups have that handy little box of tricks on it. Some of the effects are way better than people expect them to be and it does so much. I always seem to find a use for it.
  20. Line 6 was the brand but I can't tell you the model. Hated it twice. Also I am being unfair as on one occasion it got me a gig, and on neither occasion did I have time to learn how to set it up. First up an audition. So appalled was I by the mix of duvet and fluff coming out of the provided backline amp that I kept fiddling with it trying to get a sound recognisable as a bass guitar. They were impressed because I was the only one who bothered to try to get the amp to sound any good so I got the job! Lord knows they couldn't tell if any of us could actually play. Second time a showcase of many bands (translation : fill the stage on an otherwise quiet Sunday with unpaid acts) all using their backline. Same bloody mess of indecipherable buttons and nobs and no time to get anything other than the sound of a wooly mammoth snoring. In a cave. Heard from the other side of a hill. Maybe with an instruction manual and a week or so to fathom it, I might have made it useable, but I'm scarred now.
  21. I want this. I want it very muchly. How on earth will we move it to Somerset?
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