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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. And any of you with a plant based dietary preference would have been delighted with the grub the year I went - so never fear. I have booked myself out that day, no gigs - just bass, good company and good scram.
  2. Funnily enough one of the two basses I never see without maple boards just came up on FB for sale...
  3. You got a response from the man himself. You can never wash that phone now!
  4. Speaking to those of you similarly afflicted. To the 'I don't care either way' contingent please chip in if it gives you joy - I don't want anyone to feel left out. I don't like those aneamic, yellow fingerboards. I don't like how they look (like someone forgot to finish making the guitar) and I've never liked playing basses that have them. Or at least, not for long. No. It doesn't make sense to me either. I can only assume there are others who will feel the same about all the dark timbered fretboards out there, and good for you, we are no different, not really. To the nub. If you suffer thus, can you ever love a bass with the wrong coloured board? I ask because I suffer GAS for a particular species of instrument and I only ever seem to see it for sale with the wrong colour glued to the neck. I'm not so flush I can fling the readies about willy nilly trying this and that. In any case I'm the absolute worst Del Boy ever there was. I never make my money back if I buy then resell. Have you ever discovered the love that dare not speak its name? Is it possible?
  5. I have not. But I have a Bass Centre P Bass incoming which is strung with their flats (I believe) so I'll give them a go. The only reason I've not tried the Profile with flats is I love the Elites you sold it with!
  6. There will always be an element of personal taste, individaul physique and so on but I am pretty comfortable with almost every bass I've tried. Neck dive bugs me as does the old semi acoustic bass falling away from the body but I've played Fenders, and t-birds, acoustics, semi acoustics, Arias, westones, Yamahas, Rickenbackers, Chickenbackers, harley bentons, Vintage, Squire, Kay, Peavey, OLP, Ernie Ball and goodness knows what else and I've switched between them easily. I suppose I'm saying I'm not fussy. But this one fits. It just fits. And you know what? It was based on a stock instrument which a working bass player had worked on to make it so. Then he went away and got the sandpaper out again until he was satisfied with this one. So really, it ought to feel pretty good!
  7. I was interviewed recently, nothing exciting or prestigious, a bit of fun for our FB page. Which is your favourite bass? I was asked. After a moments reflection The Bruce Thomas Profile, was my response. I was a little surprised myself - I always assumed it was my Aria. So I took it out last night, wondering what made it so special. What became clear over the course of the evening was that either it produces a wonderful sound, or it coaxes a special performance from me, because every time I play it someone remarks on how good the bass is. And asks me 'what bass is that?' Which, given its superficial likeness to a P. Bass, is odd. But I think the main reason it's a favourite is that even when I'm consciously examining the thing, I just forget it's there. They say the best football referee is the one you don't notice, and this applies here too. I am unaware of weight or balance issues - there are none. I'm not thinking about how good or bad the neck is - it's perfect so I don't notice it. I focus on the audience and my fellow musicians not the playability or sound of the bass because they're exactly right. It's like breathing, I only notice I'm doing it when it's not working properly. I really love this bass.
  8. Out with a four piece I put together with drummer, keys, and vocalist from the wreckage of a previous band. Only our third gig in this incarnation, but our second at a football club. Bristol City last December, Swindon Town last night. It was a 40th birthday and typical of such events some people danced, some didn't. I had a great time. The other three are so good at what they do, and such good people, it is a joy to work with them, I have high hopes for this one. I had a bass fan in the crowd (chatting to me about my bass while I was playing 🤦🏼‍♂️) always nice when someone notices what we do! Every time I use the Bruce Thomas Profile someone in the audience remarks on how good it sounds. I have to agree with them. It's the best.
  9. Gorgeous. Had fretless version back in the day. Should have kept it.
  10. This is correct. The CTM seems reasonably light since using an svt
  11. This seems to be turning into my rig of choice...
  12. I fancy a bit of this, but Worthing is a hell of a way to go to see if I can lift it in my car or not.
  13. Getting a truss rod cover made so it doesn't pretend to be a Ric any more too. Also thinking Retrovibe pups...
  14. I'll tell you what, no idea if you're any good on the bass (😉) but you're a great photographer. What's the story behind your choice of head? I kind of expected to see the other HB.
  15. Oh God. I haven't eaten a roast spud since the last Mrs Black handed me the pink slip and left me to forage alone.
  16. This is a really interesting thread. I don't present well at an audition (long standing anxiety issues) but am a real asset on stage. On the other hand I am great fun to be around in the first 12 months of any band, then the d|ck side of my nature starts to come out and I'll be great friends with one other member of the band, ambivalent about one other and detest the other one. I will always be first to the venue, learn everything, carry spares of everything; I'm creative and sensitive to the needs of the song, but simultaneously ridiculously over sensitive to criticism - real or imagined. You wouldn't know any of this from an audition. Difficult isn't it?
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