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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Well I did wonder but I hate to disappoint any one in the green ink brigade 😅
  2. No it looks like it was just a mass produced Chinese faker of the kind advertised on AliExpress. Someone imported it and then put it in the 2nd hand shop. Don't know why the guy down there thought it was a Chowny, I was entirely ignorant back then. I have learned since!
  3. Extremely good bass. Mine is fretless I would buy a fretted without hesitation.
  4. When they filter through to the for sale ads I might take a look, but I'm a little bit more excited for the new zoom multi fx - assuming they release a bass version
  5. You can! You give them a letter then scroll through alphabetically. If you want to use multiple effects in a patch the footswitch only turns off and on the individual effect showing on the screen. In ABCDEF... mode you go through individual effects not patches.
  6. Wish I'd kept mine. Whoever gets this is in for a treat
  7. I have downsized my transport to cope with falling gig fees and rising petrol prices so I can't really take my preffered rig any more. The frfr solution sounds neat, elegant and tempting. I can't quite explain however why I get goosebumps at the sight of 2 15" Trace cabs stacked with a Trace 2 x 10 on top.
  8. I love to bi and even tri at times. Yes it is Quixotic, but it's also great fun. At present my most regular gigging band doesn't allow time to properly set up such wonders, but I do it whenever I can. Nothing sounds quite like it.
  9. Yep, it makes no sense. I think you're a splendid person in any and every way imaginable, but these pictures make my tummy hurt.
  10. Yes. I am the worst person at wheeling and dealing. I sell low buy high. I miss every bass I've ever sold.
  11. On my long term bucket gas list. Utterly gorgeous.
  12. Actually just remembered, Peavey have produced a couple of gasworthy beasts, not least
  13. It's all subjective of course, and who knows I may see a coffee table bass tomorrow that makes me swoon. I'm not just opinionated I'm fickle too. Feet of clay!
  14. This thread is quite interesting in what it tells me about P and J basses. Take them away and with a few obvious exceptions (Rics, T birds, semi acoustics ) most everything else looks hideous. * Not all, but most. So perhaps it becomes increasingly obvious why those ubiquitous fender shapes remain the start point for so many manufacturers. The Aria Proll SB for me is the exception to the rule. *personal opinion expressed as fact, not actually a provable proposition.
  15. Hey I'm not worried at all. Honestly just having a bit of fun. I paid 180 quid, have I got a 180 quid bass? Not as far as I'm concerned. I think it's superior to others I've owned which cost more. It's immaculate, feels plays and sounds great and I love how it looks. I now want another just like it but in a different colour. Maybe it will be cheaper when I find it maybe it won't. But I'll enjoy looking for it, buying it, and looking at it once I have it. Can't put a price on such things.
  16. ⚡⚡🌪️🔥🔥🔥☄️🌀🌀🌀🌀⚰️
  17. Well you guys got bargains and I paid a fair price. I repeat you guys got bargains and I paid a fair price. You guys got bargains and I paid a fair price you guydgitbargsinsandipaidafaurpriceyouguysgitbargainsandioaidafairprice😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵 🤯
  18. Absolute bargain. If it isn't then I was seriously ripped off paying 180 for mine.
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