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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have to admit I laughed at rehearsal last night. Singer breathed near the x18 and the router flew off the table onto the floor. If only I hadn't scoffed at HJ and his velcro I thought
  2. (I think two would make a divine little mini stack)
  3. Thank you so much. Right, now we're moving. Let me get the Ordnance Survey out. This is assuming we can get to Chester of course!
  4. OK @Happy Jack I'll see your crazy over engineered gadgetry and raise you my charity shop suitcase! Pocket for ancient (FREE) Hudl with nothing on it but x-air software A second pocket on the back for, erm looks like Nurofen Now, let's open the big pocket.... we see the hi-tech impact protection NB this can also be used in the event of post gig alfresco sleeping. Wouldn't fancy spending a night in a layby with my swede on Jack's fancy sliding shelf! Remove the protective layer and voila! All you need
  5. I blame bloody @wateroftyne banging on about how amazing they are. Dropping his gas bombs left right and centre.
  6. I thought I'd start with broad brush strokes see what response I get. You know maybe someone from up that way says they could get to The Midlands. Then I could get more specific once I knew what I was dealing with. It's just a bass delivery.
  7. Selling to raise the funds to buy one. Or trying to. But now we are outcast from the common market I don't know if I'll be allowed to buy from Poland.
  8. Anyone in or near Ludlow? We're trying to organise a bass from Chorley to Bath(ish) EDIT : Updated details : Chorley to Chester, Chester to Ludlow looks sorted. So is anyone able to pick up in or near Ludlow then head south or south west? Cotswolds, Forest Of Dean, M5, Wye Valley? This looks to be happening second week in March. A Basschat relay to end all Basschat relays maybe? (not counting the other one of course)
  9. Don't blame you at all. Once you hear what you love, hang on to it.
  10. I have the Tony Levin OLP five string and it really is a fine instrument. Great basses for not very much brass. Good luck with your sale.
  11. As a fellow fence mending bridge building Gower loving depression battling bass playing camping fan I wish you well in your search.
  12. Teach me to respond to the title and not read the post 🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. Don't know what this 'flight case' that happy jack keeps mentioning but I do know that velcro doesn't stick to the old suitcase I carry mine around in. I used the internal router without an issue... until I had an issue! Busy city centre pub, lots of interference, kept losing connection. BUT it taught me an important lesson. Once set up and sound checked it all still works regardless of the tablet being connected. So learn how to save snapshots (behringer YouTube tutorials are ace) and you can have a basic set up which will work even if your tablet or phone catches fire! Oh and don't waste money on an expensive laptop or tablet. I was given a Tesco Hudl by a gear snob whose gear snob offspring refused to use it! So that is the mixing desk. It works fine. I have the app on other devices just in case but have never needed them. I do use an external router now so I am in the lordly realm of the 5G brigade gliding high and interference free above mere 2.4g mortals. Above all do not be afraid. Treat it as a fun bit of kit and enjoy it. Take it to rehearsals, set it up in your bedroom, put your TV through it, just use it loads until you become familiar with it. You'll never look back.
  14. I went from HH guitar head to Cobra 90, because I could not afford a Trace Elliot and Carlsbro had a good reputation for bass gear back in the day. Put it through a Laney 4x10 and was very happy. To be honest I didn't know or care about the gearhead side of things until Basstalk or whatever this place was called then. Now I know exactly why the basses I like are crap, the amps and cabs I love are rubbush, the strings I prefer are garbage and my taste in effects is risible. Which is nice.
  15. I did this on Sunday. Played a charity gig was told backline would be provided. It was, by one of the other bands, who took it home after their set! So I went into a DI box with bass in my monitor. It was OK, I suppose. At the end of the day a performance is a performance and a pa guy will make your bass sound how he likes it so in the scheme of things it didn't matter. But it felt and sounded gutless and horrible. Anything beyond 3ft from the monitor and I got a weird mix of foldback and out front sound. Yuk. So I had to stand in one place and stand still at that. Which is no way to behave when on a stage.
  16. I had hoped to be getting mine about now but can shift neither the Ampeg nor the CTM which I need to do to fund it. As to what cabs to use with it I plan two Barefaced 15" if I ever actually get my hands on one!
  17. they come in different sizes apparently most folk are medium but old dumbo here needed large. I honestly thought they weren't working first time I used them! Fitting them is a little odd as they don't go in that hard or far but I swear by them now https://www.happyears.co/uk/shop/
  18. What is the maximum width bass you can get into one of these please?
  19. I've tried a few but Happy Ears are the best if you're on a budget. Actually do what I always looked for ie drop overall volume leaving the sound of the band intact
  20. No, I was surprised when they plunged us into near darkness.
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