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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I just assumed that I was too thick to know what deign meant.
  2. Really wanted cash for this but no one biting here or anywhere else. So... any trades? Not actually after anything in particular to be honest but you never know.
  3. Am I right in assuming you found an svt in the end then Walshy?
  4. I'll wipe the flour off before I deliver the bass by the way.
  5. Just taken delivery of a magic pedal which will make me sing like Cher. Great communication throughout, simple, straightforward deal. Item was in superb condition, arrived safely and quickly, well packaged. Happy to recommend this excellent Basschatter.
  6. Hi mate, can you share your knowledge and wisdom? What functions are served by the expression pedal on the Zoom?
  7. Although I have to be fair and say if that's the only thing you want it to do you can buy a more simple pedal more cheaply.
  8. Goodness me that is well expressed. That should be a sticky above every thread discussing lower priced gear.
  9. So it would appear, 🤔 hang on let's try kitchen scales
  10. Try to stay calm folks... I have the box!
  11. I love the gradual evolution of the Zoom multi fx. With the understandable exception of the standalone MS-60B, this looks like every single improvement they've made to their pedals incorporated into one unit, with some new spice added. Love the idea of 5 individual pedals which can easily be switched to patches, the scroll up and down options, the master volume and tone options and the use of knobs and pedals reducing the need to menu dive. Bass version please Mr Zoom.
  12. So the middle mid frequency on yours would be 400? Is that right?
  13. Oh gosh. Going to be very difficult remaining patient for the early buyers to start selling these second hand. I don't know how Zoom do it to me but they do. Can't resist! I know some don't like the interface but it suits me fine and there is always at least one and often more than one effect makes each pedal they sell a cost effective alternative to buying the equivalent stomp/s
  14. All joking aside (I know some of you are very passionate about maple boards 🍁) if the shape is determined by improving the instrument musically then really that ought to matter more than the look of the thing.
  15. Looks interesting to me, the only surprise is that all the negativity centres around the headstock. No one has mentioned the hideous, anaemic, yellow fingerboard. What's that all about?? Can't afford a nice bit of dark wood?
  16. The mid range is a subtle one - in fairness so is the one on my SVT! So it's in good company. I tend to wind it right round and click through the frequencies to find which suits whichever bass I'm using,and which band I'm working with.
  17. Great review. Really thorough, thank you. I like the comparison between preconceptions and experience and the variety of bands / rooms / circumstances. Great stuff. GAS is now fully engaged.
  18. I suppose the obvious answer is why not? The world is full of different peoples take on Fender basses (and all other manufacturers as well of course) and they will have subtle and less than subtle differences. People enjoy a bit of variety, it's fun I guess. I have a bitsa P in my collection, I could have bought a second hand mim Fender for a little more, might not have been all that different in any objective sense. But it wouldn't be my individual bitsa though. Congrats on the new addition @Bass Fumbler I hope you will be very happy together.
  19. I've tried both approaches over the years. Doing my own songs and my own choices of covers is incredibly satisfying when it attracts a following and goes down well. Doing a set of well loved standards which appeals to a wide range of punters and goes down well is incredibly satisfying.
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