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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thinking about my OP, it's interesting because the machine is triggered by pressure. Makes you realise that all this moving air talk is far from the bunkum it might sound.
  2. I've read some far fetched stuff in my time, but this? Now the pre-emptive anglo french nuclear strike on the other hand
  3. Ah, well turns out it's a great little set up for those gigs and I mean literally not a euphemism ! Some places I'm gone the moment I can unstick my feet from the carpet
  4. I found it a harmless bit of fun.
  5. I just set off my sleep apnea machine with my bass. What bizarre and unexpected results have you had from playing?
  6. Never fussy to want the band to be the best it can be
  7. I started dabbling in effects last year, previously I'd enjoyed a love hate relationship with them. My approach has always been to throw the kitchen sink at anything new and slowly work back to what I want. Well, I think I'm getting there, finally! I now have the octave pedal I always wanted - Joyo XVI, the distortion - Big Muff, the pitch shift - Ricochet, the envelope filter - EHX Mini Qtron, and various Zoom multi fx units any of which which cover HPF, compression, synth sounds. Still after the perfect chorus but I'm getting there, the zooms can carry that for now. For those gigs where I want to be in and out with as few bags as possible I slip a Valeton Dapper Bass strip into my pocket. Takes a long time doing it this way but I'm getting there.
  8. It's a mini Qtron by ehx. Takes a 3.5mm jack
  9. If you're really looking forward to gigging, find something else before you quit. I was going to say we, as musicians, can enjoy playing any style, genre or subgenre of music, but that's not the same as enjoying being in a band that can't play well! I used to cycle a lot and read some great advice once Never set out on a long road trip with other riders if your fitness levels are too far apart. You'll end up resenting each other, either because the iron men make you feel inadequate or the slow coaches mean you have to keep stopping for them just as you hit your stride.
  10. This is shaping up to be a success story along the lines of the Bass Centre's collaboration with Bruce Thomas. The Profile is absolutely one of the best instruments I've ever played. I love the colour of both, not common but not insane either, this is a kind of gentle rose - very nice. I'm not a jazz nor active bass kind of guy but Betsy looks very interesting to me.
  11. Don't worry, the ride continues. Strap in - I'm going up into the loft to see if I can find the box! Hold tight folks, scream if you want to go faster...
  12. I'll apologise publicly as well. Sorry for causing offence I was merely having lighthearted chat with @owen and not having a pop.
  13. Hhmm. A 3.5mm fits rather nicely in the hole.
  14. Same. I too thought, as much as i love HB gear their bass, in a blind test would either be thin, or weak, or muffled. Wrong.
  15. I just did her PJ test as well. Interestingly my results were very similar. I guessed the Sandberg but thought the Harley was the Fender.
  16. How well did you do? I got 25%. or in other words one right.
  17. Yeah but if I wanted to do it myself
  18. I'll keep you posted. It's a white knuckle ride this one
  19. Excuse the utter imbecility of this, if it offends just move on. If I want to power a pedal with a centre positive socket is it simply a case of hacking off the centre negative plug from a power cable and shoving on a 3.5mm jack in its place?
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