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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Damn. If the stuff I have up for sale here and there had gone I'd have definitely bought the valve version at that price. Love the MOSFET version. Can't say for sure you'll like it, that's down to personal taste, but I can say I'll be surprised if you don't.
  2. I couldn't assemble yours. That 4 10 would destroy me
  3. I'm concerned that as I get older I might become less adventurous, more (small c) conservative, and happy to settle for tame little rigs. So I'm working on this three amp, three cab set up. Not only is it enormous fun, but actually sounds fabulous. I think of it as the Big Man Ting, Jamaican slang for no joke, which this rig certainly is. BMT also refers to Bass Middle Top which loosely is how it works. Trace head into 1X15 with eq pushing 60 and 100hz. BX4500 into 2x10 with tweeter bass cut mid boosted. TCE BG250 into 1X10 with horn bass cut to the bone treble and mids pushed. I shall be using three different effects set ups too but not finalised what will go where yet. I suspect I'll dirty up the top and use HPF on top and mid. Envelope and distortions on mid only to preserve the bottom end - that kind of thing.
  4. It's painstakingly researched, written with a light easy flowing prose, full of fascinating facts and manages to place the reader in another time and place. I love it.
  5. I shall remove the pups and gave a poke around but I think it may be.
  6. Yep, this is an excellent recommendation with which I heartily concur
  7. I have to say 'you gets what you pays for' seems to me a dubious proposition at best. The implication that the more you spend the better the quality you receive seldom if ever holds true. Especially in an area of such rampant subjectivity. What I value may be irrelevant to you and vice versa. A piece of kit delivering precisely what I want is better than one which does not. Regardless of what I paid. Reliability? I have literally never spent anything on my Behringer or Bugera amps. Had one since my kids were small. In the same time period I've had Trace, Ampeg, Eden, Markbass, Ashdown all need serious money and time spending on them. I got rid of my Stingray because I straight up didn't like it. But my Harley Benton sounds amazing. To me. Can't measure any of this of course. There may be something only expensive gear can do and that may be the thing somebody needs/wants above all else. If so, yes you need to spend the money. When I toss up between my old patched together Trace box loaded with a speaker from a Behringer cab and my Barefaced, it comes down to the ease of the load in. The weight is the only factor, not sound, reliability, headroom, price, none of it
  8. Welcome @Fractalman, good to have another Basschatter with a BA postcode on board. Sign up for the South West Bass Bash, it's a great day out and you'll meet some fine bass players - and one or two half decent people too. Almost guaranteed to meet someone who can help with that truss rod as well!
  9. To be fair back in the day, my whole band prepared like this. Only once did I actually lose control of my fingers. Not proud of it and took years to become used to playing sober when I finally got clean. My prep now at least doesn't include so many bottles.
  10. Never suggested for a moment expert opinion is a bad thing Nor do I agree with the suggestion that we can ever have enough of experts. It is simply that the competition to be 'best expert' on this and other subjects here on Basschat is poor entertainment, not particularly helpful to those hoping to learn anything and often resembles a handful of crusty academics flicking soup at one another.
  11. The only (non leather) one I could find was a little overpriced for me. But I found a pouch on ebay which does the job.
  12. The only amp I've ever played which 'seemed' as loud was my Orange Terror which is rated at 1k.
  13. I meant the sad truth about his alcohol problem.
  14. Oh God, the flood gates will open, fur will fly. The experts and Anti Behringer mob will be lighting torches and waving pitchforks as soon as they read this
  15. Hard to say how they come to their wattage figures, the older stuff was more conservatively rated. I had a 1k cab but that was 4 x 250 speakers so very easy to believe
  16. stewblack


    You know I will need to buy it just so I have the full set 🤦🏼‍♂️
  17. I ran my gain almost flat out last night. Best sound I've ever had from the CTM, bass I used isn't that loud effects level not too high.
  18. Not specifically, however I still gig a bugera 15" speaker I bought a very long time ago (around 15 years) and despite some years stored in a garage (dusty in summer damp in winter) it sounds great and has never missed a beat. Claims 600w and I've never had cause to doubt that either.
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