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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. @dave moffat mate, I've been at this for decades and I till feel overwhelmed and inadequate while tackling lots of new stuff. Just think where you were 12 months ago and read back what you just wrote. That's incredible progress.
  2. I know some of you are not keen on this method of charging as the socket is directly attached to the pcb and thus a vulnerability. Wondering if this could be a solution...
  3. Now there's a thought. Actually wish I'd chosen a set with some slower numbers!
  4. just to sprinkle a bit of spice into my daily rehearsal I decided to play all the songs in the set with a nod to JD (bass player not the booze). In other words I just played 16th notes right through. Needless to say i lasted just one tune. Jeez, do I need to learn to relax my right hand! Great fun though.
  5. The... gain... goes... up.. to.. thirty. THIRTY.
  6. Yep it just warms and thickens the sound of mine. Close your eyes and it could be an all valve head with the gain set not too high. Not an overdriven distortion - unless it's up full and you really dig in then it breaks up a bit. But I don't think it's really meant for that. It's more to give the sound a little valve compression and dirty things up so it's not too smooth. I find it helps the bass in the mix and gives it character.
  7. So glad you like it. Often I go overboard about a piece of kit and wonder if others will get the same pleasure from it. Joyo really stepping up here I'd say.
  8. I enjoyed our little A46 layby meet up Stubby old fruit. Like you I've had testing times of late and the people here have been simply splendid. When life as I knew it dropped into the khazi a couple of years back I picked up my bass and (literally) blew cobwebs from my amps and started to play again. Getting back in touch with Basschat was an absolute must and it never disappoints. My life is focused on my music as never before; I've found a tutor here who has revolutionised my playing, I've spent a fortune I could ill afford, met some great people, learned to sight read and transcribe, discovered theoretical and technical concepts I'd previously not suspected, discovered Vulfpeck (cannot put a price on this), driven to Preston to pick up two basses neither of which I now own and received messages of support and practical help when the darkness threatened (no not that Darkness) which reduced me to tearful gratitude. Some truly remarkable people here.
  9. I really liked them back in the day. Bizarrely they formed a bridge between glam and punk in my musical journey.
  10. I could only find one pouch online and that seemed a little pricey so I went right ahead and spent more on a variety of pouches so you don't have to. Here is the winner https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323892531956 So if you have this And want it on your strap, you can use this thus
  11. Thank God I read this. Been searching Google to try to find out what had gone wrong with my sound card! Turns out Berklee to blame not me.
  12. I don't have a standard method for leaving bands. It all depends on how ill they make me feel. I certainly don't worry about what gigs may or may not be coming up - deps are many and very easy to find. If I have to leave but like and respect the guys, I might help - suggest a good dep, even sound one out for them. I won't burn bridges with good people but some of the utter time wasting dangleberries I've put up with in the past just get a goodbye and good luck. Life is way too short to sit in endless rehearsals with people you will never relate to musically or personally.
  13. Had a bl who couldn't communicate, couldn't stay in time and couldn't listen to advice. The band left him. The line up before I joined actually sacked him from his own band. Nearly happened again with us, we all left but one singer stayed with him. He'd say things like, you change when I go (insert random screeching widdly noises) not when I go (insert random screeching widdly noises). If he couldn't nail part of a song he just dropped it rather than put the time in to learn it. Regardless of how much work we'd all put into it. When keys player gently pointed out that he was playing several wrong chords (band all playing major 7th he's playing a minor that kind of thing) he refused to change what he played.
  14. This is what I meant. Same with Fairytale for me. Never even give it a moment's thought for the rest of the year then suddenly faced with trying to remember it for one week.
  15. Yes, I'm very pleased with mine. Nearly sold it, glad I didn't
  16. It's the MOSFET. Very clean, very loud, very good. Just a bit too clean for me.
  17. I remember your original post when the drummer sped off shouting abuse @BrunoBass that night. Sounds like the BL is displaying poor judgement if not moral cowardice siding with the abusive, childish member of the team. I think the right thing to do is rise above it all and do the gig showing them you are not in the least bit going to stoop to their level. However, in your shoes they would be dead to me and I'd never speak to them again. Good luck, hope this is the springboard to better things.
  18. Played a pub which shall remain nameless. Been there several times, landlord is not my favourite person on earth, place could be nice but is a bit filthy. Bouncers are excellent which is a good thing as there's usually a fight and twice now our guitarist has been attacked by an angry punter. I put my Bugera Veyron through a Trace 15" cab which is loaded with a Bugera metal coned speaker taken from an old Behringer cab. Left eq flat but eventually tweaked bass down / mid up as the room was a bit boomy. Dirtied things up with Sansamp type patch on Zoom pedal, P-Bass with flats and it sounded phenomenal. Good crowd, got paid, hideous journey through a lot of rain and standing water, then crashed at a friend's house en route home as its a long drive. Closer to home next weekend, but not as well paid. Swings/roundabouts.
  19. Not nearly bassy enough for me Paul! But great take on the song. Shame the band split big market for 80s stuff
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