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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Just not quite as good as an SVT, right Tone? 😉
  2. That guy is actually one of my favourite youtubers. Never bought anything in his recommendations nor followed his method and been disappointed. My review is on hold as this suddenly happened today. Granddaughter is the only thing takes precedent over music.
  3. Did a charity gig in Swindon. Down to play just 2 tunes ended up playing six, which was great. Love that my band has the confidence to play new material entirely unrehearsed This is our first year together and we've really gelled
  4. This Black Friday thing is becoming sufficiently well known now, I suppose retailers could have a case for saying you choose to buy the week before then that's your perogative. It's a trap for sellers really. People could end up selling nothing the month before then get cleaned out at a discounted price.
  5. I'll start a new thread and do a proper review but the first quick test suggests this is a Holy Grail moment.
  6. As recommended by he who shall be obeyed, I speak of none other than @TKenrick@TKenrick this is absolutely brilliant
  7. I sold a Markbass cab to Nuno, communication was good, arranged a mutually agreeable meeting, and he was punctual and paid the asking price. Nice meeting you Nuno hope you enjoy the cab.
  8. Just got in from gig and it was waiting for me.
  9. Glad its not just me. Well it makes a good case for my spare pedals.
  10. I want someone else to thank you! Need this gone, have tubes to pay for.
  11. I won't risk a rifle bag in the current climate. They may shoot first ask questions later
  12. * cough * Markbass *cough"
  13. So I am not a gear nerd, gear head nor do I claim any useful knowledge about my kit but I do love watching the Rig Run Down series on YT. Idly listening to the ZZ Top episode and began paying attention when the bass and guitar tech was asked what the Micro Thumpinator was for. He said (and I quote) "it filters off everything below B Flat ... because we want the octave down effect on every note except B flat and lower" which use for and explanaiton of a Thumpinator i had not heard before. So thought i'd share it with y'all. Now he'd grabbed my attention the guy went on to show off his custom made wireless transmitter strap clips or holders. He uses old tobacco tins. It's genius. I've been wrestling with how to make something sturdy and dependable and not pay £13 for a neoprene pouch and here is a wonderfully elegant solution. Any road up, here you go
  14. and I cannot afford one Well without selling some stuff first...
  15. This was precisely my thinking. Except... the foam won't allow the lid to close (not even nearly) and the rubber feet are on the deeper part and the clasps work the other way up!
  16. So I bought one of those fancy brief case pedal board thingies. I have been left with many questions. The bottom half has little rubber feet at the corners indicating it should be the half in which the pedals sit. If this is so then given the bottom is deeper than the top the pedals sit too low to use. Also the handle and clasps are then vulnerable to being trodden on. If the pedals go in the lid, no rubber feet and you have to open the case upside down. There is a strip of furry velcro stuck in the lid. This runs the width of the lid and has scratchy velcro attached to it. I don't know what this is for. The block of foam supplied with the board would raise the pedals to a usable height but is far too squishy so can't be for that. With the pedals in the lid and the foam in the base the unit won't close. Yours, bewildered Stew. 🤔
  17. Oh and actually Behringer pedals are great. If they were in tin boxes and double the price people might rate them more highly.
  18. Joyo dyna comp is OK and reasonably priced. I learned to use compression by playing with the various options on my Zoom B1on. Found it helpful to record myself playing and watch the metering on screen to 'see' what I might not hear. Also there are simple compression models on there and others with multiple options which helped me understand what all the different thingummy bobs do. I didn't honestly 'get' compression until I first learned how to use it and secondly used it in a band setting. That's where it wins. Suddenly I'm more audible and not being moaned at for being too loud. Suddenly I hear myself better on stage. Suddenly my bass is attracting fewer adverse adjectives like boomy, muddy and painful. One day scientists may prove that compression actually doesn't exist and we've all been kidding ourselves, but so what? If it is a mass hallucination it makes me and my band mates happy and that's what matters to me.
  19. OK thank you, I'm not really up on this side of things, appreciate the heads up
  20. how would I know if I have a nitro finish and what is the problem with the stand?
  21. Yes, or at least it will be when I get it back from the menders ☹️ but these are getting GAS igniting reviews and the svt is so heavy and and and, oh God you're right. I don't need any more gear.
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