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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. One on FB for £110 right now, hmmm, no, I mustn't , got two valve amps under the doctor's knife. Have to save my money. But well, you know, you were so very right about the Yamaha BB..
  2. As I said, I've been told that and read many other such comments, such as the ones I mentioned above.
  3. Sorry guys all the names I offered earlier have now been sold. thanks for your interest.
  4. I would never presume that anyone else is wrong. Ever.
  5. I can throw in 'e' which was left when The Weeknd couldn't afford the full name.
  6. and it's two for one on the following £6.99 Drive By Clive Catalyst Boner Best Dress Bessy Bang Bang Orangutan Gulag Gladrags Mushroom Kaboom Sweet tooth
  7. I have some economy £5 names as well Munich Widow Big Pharma Hollow Marsh Proof Favorina Humble Crumb and of course Black Friday.
  8. Yes but they aren't premium though. Mine are premium.
  9. I have always been brilliant at coming up with band names but have been hamstrung but idiot bandmates who can't see how great I am. Here's some I recently had rejected which i'm offering in a Black Friday fire sale at just £10 each: Voodoo Baboon Human Angle The Natural Black swan Death Threat Road Of Bones
  10. Take a book of the shelf (randomly) open it. I just did it first thing that caught my eye ... Heyday. great band name. It actually doesn't matter because a crap name in the end becomes associated with the band never the other way around. Look at Oasis. Before they chose that name only dreadful cheesy low rent Crème brûlée types would call themselves Oasis, but pretty soon the name was associated with the coolest band in the country. Yes, they were, for a while.
  11. Anyone tells you the Zoom isn't good enough for gigging is fully entitled to that opinion. However, you should suck it and see for yourself before making your mind up. I've gigged all manner of effects which I've been relieably informed are 'toys' and 'only suitable for a beginner' and believe me the fact that they are made from plastic or cost less than a pack of expensive strings did not affect the sound one iota. Glad you're enjoying it. I'm going to get one myseklf, i feel the B Four is leaving a hole in my Zoom armoury, or Zoomery (as no one ever calls it).
  12. Careful what you wish for 😂😂😂
  13. NOW TRADED The pedal cull commences. Too many distortion options so I'm starting here. Price includes P&P. Trades very welcome. Particularly fancy MXR bass envelope filter but always open to other effects.
  14. Absolutely - the very first thing I noticed about the yummy yammy
  15. Effects for me have become more of a fun home hobby. I actually enjoy stripping and rebuilding boards, buying new clips and tirs for tidying cables, making patch leads, practising with ludicrous combinations of weird noises in a style unsuited to my current bands. But live, well, a bit of funky wah quack, a bit of grit and a volume boost cover most things.
  16. was just about to start a separate thread on this. Asking what I'm doing wrong. Andy knows what he's about so clearly I must be missing something. This could explain my problem. It just doesn't do very much. The Zoom produces a lovely thick, liquid filter but the Tron seems to do very little of anything.
  17. This has been an interesting read. Playing bass over many years has actually altered the way I perform certain tasks. Also I used to wear a 'no plectrum' badge because I believed that only guitarists trying to play bass would use one. But then a couple of years ago in an idle moment I attempted to play with a pick only to discover I couldn't! I realised in that moment that there isn't a right or wrong way, just different ways. I believe my prejudice was a result of coming to the bass via the guitar. Because I had actively to learn to play finger style, I assumed it was all part of learning to play bass. So the farther I got from the plectrum the more of a bass player I was becoming. I'm so glad I have since been taught to examine my own prejudice and not waste time examining and bemoaning the prejudice of others.
  18. you're still teasing us with these close up detail shots!
  19. I have a similar issue. My Q-Tron was bought because I liked the Zoom patch based upon it. And I think the Zoom does it better.
  20. it's too late, and I'm tired and out of gaffer tape........ sneak preview?
  21. I love everything about this. I can't wait to show you my cardboard pedal board /flight case when it's finished.
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