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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. See this kind of baiting would have once upon a time got me up in arms, but I don't see why anyone else here would benefit from reading a point scoring political row between two strangers. Even if one of them was as charming and eloquent as me. So I let it float past.
  2. Selflessness makes it work. And the ability to mute the very, very few agenda driven types who are so in love with what works for them they can't see why it shouldn't work for EVERYONE. Even they, I like to believe, sincerely want to help other people by sharing the truth they've discovered. The rest give so freely of their knowledge and experience it makes BC a joy to be here. Apart from introducing me to a seemingly unending way to spend money BC has introduced me to some amazingly helpful people. Just today I passed on two broken amplifiers to a guy I met at the Bash last year knowing he will sort them. My cables are made either by our own @obbm or with bits he supplied, the cabs and amps and basses I use I discovered here and almost exclusively bought here. I discovered my bass tutor here and that was the most important thing I've ever done. Even after playing bass since the early 80s I discovered the joy of being taught what I didn't know. I'm reading and writing music thanks to him and the great work of @TKenrick given freely here. Sure people will get hot under the collar about things that, in the scheme of things, don't matter. God knows I can get defensive about brands I like - which is utterly ridiculous - but when I've struggled with life folk here have offered real life, real world help, kind words, and genuine support. An online forum which enriches my life - what's not to like?
  3. Not that I noticed, I gigged it Sunday night - some ludicrous stuff going on (up to five simultaneous effects on each unit possible) but latency didn't appear to be a problem My fabourite was a distortion featuring octave up, octave down and several overdrive, big muff type stuff going on Along with noise gates and compression As I say ludicrous but enormous fun. My original idea was to collect ms-60b pedals and do a board full of them but they're harder to come by. Still planning to do it over time. The experience of using it live actually taught me a lot about what I really want to bring in and out and what is less useful. HPF, volume boost, compression, some kind of ott gnarly distortion, envelope, chorus and an always on tubey subtle grit. Occasional flange and phaser effects are useful as are octave and synth sounds but less useful than others. I think two B3 units would be awesome. Just to deploy as six standalone pedals.
  4. Massive shoes to fill. Basschat will be the poorer without your bespoke cable service. Knowing that whatever is wrong with my gear it definitely is not the cables has made my life so much easier, so much less stressful Enjoy going home, and thank you.
  5. Buy these and you'll never need anything else. GLWTS
  6. First time out together... I think it's love
  7. Yep it's a great cab. Very nearly picked up another at a bargain price but it had some unspecified fault which the bargain price wasn't quite bargain enough to tempt me. A little 4x8 stack with the 250w head would, I fancy, rattle some glass.
  8. *cough* don't forget my option was 50 quid, second hand, designed to tilt, good not just for bass but vocals too. Just saying if you're after a monitor then maybe a monitor is the way to go. 😉
  9. Just got in from a rare Sunday evening gig. Arrived to a lively bar, people were well oiled and having fun. Turns out they'd been at it from early and were not staying for the night time entertainment. Ho hum. I ended up playing through my little TC Electronic 250 watt back up head as SVT went the same way the CTM 100 went earlier in the week. Turns out the place I store my gear has started suffering from damp. Which I didn't realise until now. Valve amps don't appear to like damp. My amp tech will be a busy boy.
  10. Sounded and played beautifully. Just wanted to thank those who have kept this thread going. Without it I'd have remained in blissful ignorance. Essentially I swapped a 'faker for this bass plus a fair few quid my way. Faker looked awesome but was not in this class. Win.
  11. Hard to say for sure - a lot of variables - but this is the back of mine
  12. Mine gets a first outing tonight. Very excited. BB > SVT > BF
  13. I mustard mit I scored, for £50 on FB, a Studiomaster powered monitor / pa top. It's literally all you need. But Stew I hear you cry, can it possibly be loud enough? Well, I gigged with it as backline in a large pub, playing with a 7 piece. So yes. As others have said deep bass isn't helpful on stage especially if the keys are down there too. It's clear mids you'll hear.
  14. That's really lovely. Looks like you could eat it.
  15. Ah ha! You see the thing with the ZoomB1onathon is it's streamlined and neat on the outside, but absolute bluddy chaos to actually use. Sooooo many options.
  16. come on guys, we've all had a few drinks, let's not spoil it for the bride and groom.
  17. @Ashdown Engineering tried contacting you but it wouldn't let me kept saying serial number must be less than 0. I'm not very good with numbers but my serial appears to have 4 of them (might be 3 can't quite be sure if the first digit is a 0 or a 6) and so these always add up to more than 0!
  18. Pete's a great guy to deal with, completed a pedal purchase with the bare minimum of fuss and he had it packaged and on my doormat before you knew it. Highly recommended
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