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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. My 8x10 rocked back onto wheels handle on the top, very easy to move. I drove it about in a trailer. Trailer was low enough and centre of gravity just right that I could lean the cab back and it would gracefully tilt and lie flat then I slid it in. The trailer was backed into a lock up. Job done. Handling was actually very easy. But if the venue had stairs...
  2. My 8x10 Eden combo is languishing in a the local 2nd hand shop. Suspect it may put down roots. Sounds amazing, easy to wheel around, a bugger to lift. It's there for the same reason it now won't sell. Lightweight cabs. I know all the arguments in favour of everyone through the pa wearing earphones, they have been made again and again. But some of us love a good cab. A good big cab at that. Sadly I can't move a big cab any more
  3. Yeah I can see that getting the job done! Very nice.
  4. Our mandolin player arrived from Oxford at a gig in London... without his mandolin. Years ago he was my guitarist and turned up at a gig in Bristol... without his guitar.
  5. I absolutely meant no slight on anyone else. I was literally owning my own snobbery which was visceral and very real.
  6. Not if you have none of the necessary gear nor a sound man!
  7. For pub work the wisdom in this thread lies in the three words mentioned above - keep it simple. No one has given bad advice but the quicker you can be in and set up, then packed down and out the better. You need a simple rig which you know inside out, which can handle that unexpectedly huge pub but will still squeeze into the postage stamp sized corner space in the snug. A DI out whether from amp or pedal to the desk is a great idea, quick easy and no special kit needed. Eq it so the mids are prominent FOH, no need for a sub that way, then hope that guitarist has discipline not to turn up throughout the evening. the last part is always out of our hands whatever we do.
  8. Well I think she wrote every bassline ever written but this one sounds terrifically Jamersonish to me!
  9. That does look quite classy. If I ever I decided a pickguard was in order that might just be the way to go.
  10. Yes, and I really want to persist with it for those reasons! Thanks for what you said about different gain settings altering the tone, I thought I was going bonkers. It's so changeable and there are so many variables with each control seemingly acting on the other. Lovely amp regardless of whether I know how it works.
  11. I am in the midst of a pedal board creation the likes of which the world has never seen. I put out the call and Ian responded with alacrity. Pedal is, basically, brand new, came really quickly, was super well packaged and I hereby heartily recommend this fine Basschatter to the community. Thanks Ian.
  12. Spent a while fiddling with these three knobs and three switches. Something is going on but I'm not sure what! I know some people have modded theirs but I'm intrigued by the standard set up. Anyone provide a CTM for Dummies guide? Sometimes the sound alters dramatically and sometimes not in any discernable way. If I could understand what's happening I could tweak things in a less random fashion.
  13. Function band I dep for also do that version of Brown Eyed Girl. Great fun.
  14. Spot on. The Bruno Mars songs are great fun to play. Losing my musical snobbery was such a gift.
  15. until I joined a couple of function /pub covers bands, I had literally never heard nor heard of Mr Brightside nor Sex On Fire. Oh an that Weeknd one, yeah learned that a month back, fun to play but knew not of its existence until I was asked to learn it. I understand bands not wanting to do what everyone else does but the great unwashed know what they like and like what they know. Now I'm trying to make my corn from music it's what the majority of the audience wants not what I want, that's all that matters.
  16. BL has come back from her holidays got stoned listening to some godawful new soul track and decided it's what the punters down the Dog and Trumpet want for their knees up at the weekend. No problem, I'll learn whatever I'm told to, but don't see this one lasting. She has also asked us to learn Grapevine so lovely bit of Jamerson to get my teeth into and handy to have in my repertoire. However the third track we will be throwing out there unrehearsed is Mustang Sally. As I sat learning the bassline I couldn't help but wonder - am I the only person on this forum never to have played Mustang Sally? Am I in fact the only bass player in the world who had to sit down and learn it? What about you? Are you the only person alive who has never played Superstition? Not been asked to learn Play That Funky Music? Mr Brightside entirely unknown to you? Not had the pleasure of a quick Brown Eyed Girl?
  17. Not tried in anger yet but I have taken delivery of Mick's gold Yammy. However I've seen and heard enough to know this. The bass looks so much better in the flesh than any picture I've seen and it looks OK in pictures It is beautifully balanced and a very nice weight. The neck is gorgeous. Slender, smooth, playable, oh and it has the first ever useable bridge pick up I've come across on a PJ. You know how the P pick up is usually full on, rounded and rich like espresso coffee and the J pick up is like a lukewarm Birds instant? Well not here! A lovely melodious gargling throaty bouncing sound which out punches the neck pick up and dances around it. I'm so happy that all the hype around these basses is not illusory. Seriously tasty bass.
  18. This guy is the gold standard in Basschat deals. Honest, friendly great to chat to. Wrapped the bass better than I've seen, Hermes couldn't have damaged it, it was that good. Not that he used Hermes Mick is too canny for that. He would not allow me to pay until I had the instrument in my hand and was certain I wanted it. What an absolute gent.
  19. Forme it was Dave Goode . A frightingly able musician who somehow ended up slumming it with me and some mates when I was a kid failing at guitar. I would stand open mouthed at what he did on the bass. I loved the instrument but actually fell into playing it accidentally when auditioning as a rhythm guitarist. The bass player had stormed out before I arrived, would I stand in on bass? The rest is history. As far as pro bass players go JJB made me listen to the bass shoved it right in my face. Phil Lynott was the coolest guy alive, Bruce Foxton I adored but Bruce Thomas showed me what could be done.
  20. stewblack

    Kemper Video

    Great idea for an fx vid
  21. Done spending! Oh that's a good one, oh deary me, ha ha. Thanks for that, priceless.
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