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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Don't panic. I'm getting tortoise shell.
  2. Good shout. this occurred to me too as a work around, always on pedal first in chain, then on-off effect second with the second one showing.
  3. So why am I browsing this thread, looking at Andy's orange one? Well I have managed to sell a bass which I put up when in desperate need of funds. I sold a few other things and cleared the debt so technically I don't need the money any more. So guess what I'm doing with it?
  4. I get this all the time with my salmon pink bass. 'ooh the orange one' they say. Colour blind asshats. I'm having that.
  5. Chatting with Mick earlier and he told me to check this out. Utterly blown away by it. What unbelievable craftsmanship and so good to see an instrument saved like this. I am now looking at a couple of my own basses which have niggling issues and wondering what fairy dust the magician might be able to sprinkle.
  6. Hi @pete.young and thank you. I read that pesky manual but somehow didn't grasp that pointy. But I appreciate the clarification, as far as the Thumpinator goes it's not exactly that - but more of a way of producing a similar result. There are active threads on the subject where others explain this better than I can. Here's one i started earlier
  7. And then there's all the greats who died before I discovered them...
  8. The way i look at it, and I know this sounds morbid, we may not get many more chances to actually see these great bass players in the flesh. Phil Lynott and John Entwhistle are gone, Bruce Thomas seems to have virtually retired. Bruce Foxton, Jean-Jaques and Norman enriched my life from when I first started out. These are the guys who inspired and motivated me to play bass. I'd hate to miss any opportunity to see them play.
  9. Two Ians, do not connect two Ians in a chain
  10. Thanks folks. Looks like I'll be watching an old man sweat through a suit again.
  11. Anyone know if Norm is still gigging with the Blockheads? They're just down the road from us at the weekend and I'm not giging, but as much as I love them and have enjoyed watching them since Ian Dury passed, my £20 would only fight it's way from my wallet so I could stand gazing at one of my bass heroes.
  12. Welcome one , welcome all: the LDCECC may be in it's very early days but we shall grow into a mighty movement. Until Thursday when the middle aisle gets changed.
  13. I don't fully understand the whole Thumpinator /HPF thing. I get what it does and broadly understand why it is desirable. However your most recent post @Chienmortbbhas me questioning whether I actually have grasped it. I've spent my many long years as a bassist focused firmly on the jumping up and down pulling faces at the audience side of things, technical discussions always left me cold. Now I have an interest in learning anything and everything but I fear my brain is so much less malleable than it once was. I had formed the impression that the point was to save the speaker from wasted effort handling unwanted and unheard ultra low frequencies and in so doing enable one's amplifier to operate more effectively at lower volumes thanks to the cabs increased efficiency. This would save the amp and speaker from hard work and perhaps enable us to play at gig levels without shaking people's insides quite so much. If all this is vaguely correct then it wouldn't matter what room we were in as the Thumpinator /HPF is all about what happens in the amp and the cab. The vagaries of the room would be a job for the eq. At least that's what I thought. Now I just don't know.
  14. Thanks for the review @spyderI don't have that set up but I do have a 2x8 cab (TC Electronic) and I agree that the weight and sound are just unreal for those of us brought up with old fashioned heavy gear. Interesting what you say about the Elf and the way it is designed. That lack of real deep bass and increased mid punch will always get you heard and keep the band mix clean. Sounds like a well thought out little amp.
  15. Why did I read this? Want an Elf too now.
  16. Desparate decision, my heart goes out to you. Depression and low mood don't play they are deadly serious. I hope you find something less tiring and closer to home, get the joy without the pain. Stew
  17. So all fur coat and no knickers then. OK thanks for that.
  18. More information: I've reloaded the firmeware and tried it with other power sources. problem persists. The problem is in fact more nuanced than I thought. When multiple effects are in a patch, stomping only turns off the effect on screen and not the whole patch. Is this perhaps the issue? If I want to use it as a simple stomp can I only have one effect loaded? Would make some kind of sense I suppose but I had hoped to have the thumpinator setting at the front of all the effects. perhaps i can't do this.
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