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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. *begins feverishly searching Double Muff*
  2. Idly wondering if my distortion pedal habit isn't a little out of control - especially given the nature of the bands I play for - and realised I'm actively trying to find a Big Muff Deluxe purely because Tony Levin said so. I already have Joyo Sweet Baby, Ammoon American Sound, Caline Overdrive and MXR Bass Fuzz. I recently moved on my Mark Bass Distorsore. Reasonably modest number you say? But then if you add in the available distortion/overdrive and fuzz on my three different Zoom pedals (probably a dozen or so on each plus the amp sims most of which can be driven via increased gain) then it begins to look like Overkill.
  3. The moderators are certainly a cut above the average,
  4. I don't know many online fora nor real life meetings where the membership remains unchanged to be fair. Since I returned some regular posters have faded and some who were once mainstays barely pop in. On the other hand there are still many kind, thoughtful people here. Just stay away from the off topic threads. Nothing worse than discovering that lovely bloke who leant you a bass or sold you a pedal you'd been searching for is a nazi.
  5. In a life often marred by a series of unlikely yet avoidable fork ups I still manage to surprise myself. I spent many days labouring on this tune, teaching myself both to transcribe a bass line and to operate new and complicated software as I went along. Then last night I sat down to attempt to actually play it, and guess what. I have not been working on the bassline to The Night by Frankie Valli but rather on some Youtube guy's bass cover of The Night by Frankie Valli. It's a great line, and the experience was invaluable. But it isn't the original. Face. Palm.
  6. I'm at the design stage of a big board, a few sketches and ideas for methods and materials - no more. Interim board for gigging while the build takes shape: Valeton does a good OC2 impression but there is a volume drop hence mini GEQ close by so I can stomp both simultaneously. MS-60B does HPF duty and the odd bit of chorus, flanger and such. Two distortions, Caline pretty much always on to grubby up the sound and help the Bassballs shine. The MXR for when stuff gets nasty towards the end of the set.
  7. Saw an interview with Pete Townsend who said one of the Who reunion tours was organised purely to bail Entwhistle out. Lots of very expensive habits, not great with money.
  8. Compressor, Octaver, Distortion, Envelope, Chorus, is I think what I would go for, but I might need to sacrifice the compressor for a second distortion. One low gain one high. I'd power it with my little recheargable battery gizmo I think. Impressed with those including a tuner or coming in under the five. You show restraint the like of which I can only dream about.
  9. The board isn't important It's a plank of wood with carpet stapled to it so don't worry about that.
  10. Ooh ooh, and of course which patch cables and most importantly effect chain!
  11. Fantasy board time - within strict limits! I was looking at those little pedal strips, you know the Valeton Dapper that Tech 21 ripped off with their so called Sansamp Fly Rig. Got me thinking. If you could have just 5 pedals, in a row on a small board what would you choose? And how would you power it? Thinking initially just type of pedals (at the moment I'd probably have 5 different distortions, a month or so back it would have been 5 envelope filters) but if you have brands in mind too then have at it. Only five, no multi effects, all stomp boxes. Go for it.
  12. Why don't we just club together buy one and pass it on each month? After all we usually end up trading or selling everything with each other eventually 🤓
  13. Hi, I've never really known what midi is. Never needed to really. Can someone explain it in the context of this device?
  14. @stevie Not sure if it's perfect but I think it's pretty close. If I revise it I'll let you know https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XqCLPbExOmZPepVca8bRTQVDMjEf0NmV/view?usp=sharing and here is an mp3 of the bass line played at half speed on what sounds a bit like a cello! https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YMiU_nkQzbzFnJqrBfx9i9chpya3WVZ/view?usp=sharing
  15. I think it looks amazing in green. I was thinking of Trace Elliot green. Maybe even carpet. I like carpet on a cab.
  16. Oh wow, well enjoy. Just as well sell the TV and let the family know you're busy until May. Possibly June.
  17. I think it ebbs and flows. Sometimes folk are after something specific, sometimes there's a flurry of bargains. I suppose there is lots of competition from Facebook Marketplace these days although that probably hits Ebay more than BC. Also some folk go on extended buying sprees and end up with 20 distortion pedals *cough* then the day comes when they realise that actually one is enough and suddenly the market floods.
  18. Man I am failing at life today. Twice I've posted on separate threads and twice not read the whole thing. I see now we are talking analogue not digital. Sorry everyone, move along, nothing to see here. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  19. Zoom MS-60B has a pitch shift which does super work in the octave department. Before you tut, shake your head and dismiss it for being too cheap to be worth considering, just hang on. You might not care for my opinion but how about the legend that is @Dood? Scroll to 13.46 and hear what he has to say.
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