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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Ah crap, failed to read the whole thread, I see you're sorted. The Zoom pedals are more than good enough to gig with btw
  2. Zoom B3. It's a splendid piece of kit with looper, drum rhythms, multiple effects, Di out, easy to use, also functions as an interface/soundcard for your pc. I don't know if there is anything music related sold anywhere which represents better value for money.
  3. Parking dubious at my last gig so went with a one lift sack truck set up. Old faithful Behringer on top of a BF 15. Zoom B1on sitting on the amp set for HPF, compression and a little dirt - battery powered always on. Stealth Bass, a couple of cables,and a handy little Ammoon clamp on guitar holder which saves carrying a stand.
  4. Facebook. Just round the corner from where a bandmate lives too, so ... in fact I bought the overdrive she was selling too even though I have a few more than I need.
  5. Right, so they've arrived and I've had a little play. Here are some sound samples I did for my own reference. Thought I'd share, because, well it's what we do isn't it? All follow the same pattern; 1) no compression, 2) Joyo Dyna, 3) Caline Pressure Point. Recorded via DI through my ABM500 with flat eq. Not like for like - can't see how it could be just getting a flavour of each pedal. It's live and how they affect the bass in the mix that really matters, but this was a bit of fun.
  6. Not if, like me, you opted out of Christmas. I did this two years ago , not in a miserable Scroogy way just no presents in, none out, and it's been a massive relief. I now look forward to the time of year as never before. Still take mum to the carols, pop in and see my daughters on the day because they have asked me to, am delighted for those who celebrate it but I have none of the money side of it, none. It's been wonderful.
  7. Everything I hear and read about Ashdown convinces me more that I was right to join the club. As much as anything the sound of their gear - it's just great. If I wasn't insane and convinced that I also need so many other amps I would use their stuff exclusively. For what it's worth my ABM grind control just makes it sound like a valve amp. Not overkill distorted, just lovely.
  8. All very cryptic. What does January bring I wonder 🤔
  9. stewblack

    Bass octave pedal

    Also you may end up buying more than one. Not just because Basschat does that to a person, but because they have different characters. Don't be put off if the first one doesn't do it for you. I started with the POG, widely regarded as a great pedal, and I love EHX pedals, but it wasn't what I was looking for. I went through other great stuff until finding a little Valeton octaver produced the sound I wanted. Also the pitch shift on the Zoom multistomp does a fantastic octave down while the digitech ricochet produces a lovely high octave. Dive in and have fun.
  10. Been looking into all manner of pedal based compression options for a while. Lots of good stuff out there but I'm on a tight budget right now so that weighed on my choices. Whittled it down from real world experience shared by people I trust to two. Sold some stuff to raise the funds and began my sniper like existence overlooking the second hand market. Then the Joyo Dyna comes up at a great price and boom its mine. It hasn't even arrived and bam! the Caline appears for an unmissable price . So if course now I have to have both. Ah well, chance to choose a favourite and move the other one on.
  11. I was only teasing! While I don't like the song I'll play anything I'm paid to. And the outro is great.
  12. Yeah that's the way to go then. I do learn from books but without the pressure of a lesson I tend to let things drift.
  13. Not specifically that one but I did sign up for an online course. I think it's very much down to the individual and how you learn best. I struggled to apply myself to the online course but I got so much from face to face lessons. I just needed the immediate feedback and always came home from lessons inspired If however you are disciplined and self motivated and have found an online tutor you respond to then definitely go for it
  14. you were lucky I didn't read this before I bought the book. Toto? Get a grip man.
  15. Just gave it a quick run through powering a Bass Whammy (1300mA) MS-60B (500mA) and a no name GEQ (can't be over 100mA and almost certainly less). These are the stated amperages - i've not measured any of them. Anyhoo, everything worked just fine and dandy. The unit charged pretty quickly, requires a very positive press to activate it so little danger of accidently starting it up in the bag. It's a nice size, not very heavy and nicely finished. So far so good. Picture for size comparison.
  16. What a splendid idea. And an eye opener too. Some of those pedals are not hungry at all!
  17. Way I see it this is just for effects. It dies, that's on me (unless it's faulty) just like my wireless died first proper gig (old batteries not holding charge) lose eithr of those things and I'm back in the game in seconds with a lead stright into the amp. But I have yet to try it. I may be here in a couple of months reporting a failed experiment, I may love it. Time will tell.
  18. I don't really suffer from it! But this way I'm totally free from any danger. As to other solutions yes I have a long pedal snake but it won't power stuff like my Bass Whammy I understand the worry about batteries dying but this has indicators as to battery life, my wireless is battery powered, the receiver runs off a normal power bank as does my always on pedal which sits on the amp. For real fast in out set ups, awkward load ins, long walks to the venue due to parking issues this and a couple of pedals is potentially a very fast solution. Anyway I've done bought the thing now!
  19. Just arrived - full review to follow. The other (more expensive) model I looked at charged via usb, the socket being attached directly to the pcb seemed a major vulnerability so I've gone for this. Hopefully it's bye bye to mains noise and extension leads. We'll see.
  20. Yeah Ashdown - what the hell?
  21. I love this. What a great idea!
  22. Stevie - I've made it to the first chorus! I don't suppose you fancy getting it in installments? You could be learning the song and checking my work as you go. Just a thought.
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