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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Oh dear, I've been similarly afflicted hope you start to shake it soon.
  2. Paul responded to a plea for help and sold me (at an extremely reasonable price) a Zoom multistomp. Deal couldn't have gone more smoothly. Top basschatter, top bloke!
  3. I got a very abrupt answer when I asked about postage but as i say I love Basschat - I've already been offered another pedal! Thank you so much @RossHetherington this is such a great place populated with kind helpful people.
  4. Hey - I'm not saying it! I think it looks awesome and being a fellow CTM owner I can't wait to hear your review of them together.
  5. I'm just waiting for someone to say the sound dispersionationisation won't work that way up!
  6. FB seller has an MS-60B for 30 quid! I'm after one but he won't post it. Anyone able to help me out?
  7. stewblack

    Bass octave pedal

    You'll probably find you won't play below a certain fret on the bottom string, the sound just becomes too murky. I often use mine an octave down but play an octave up. Sounds odd I know, but it produces an interesting sound. Have fun.
  8. A fine voice, tragic story. As others have said would have been good to hear her sing some decent soul tunes. That cheesy 80s pop sound never floated my boat. Bland, wallpaper music, with a weak, mass produced feel for the most part.
  9. The behaviour @MoJo describes is all part of the GAS. I know my favourite bass is my Aria. It's the first one I fell for, had it for years will never part with it. So why would I buy anything else? So that for a brief time I can kid myself that the new bass is 'the one'. Which in turn justifies the purchase. Self feeding addictive behaviour. Not dangerous unless you plunge yourself and anyone depending upon you into debt. I see it as harmless fun. A voyage of discovery. After all even explorers love their home, doesn't stop them travelling.
  10. You'll have lots of fun. It rewards you for the time you put in. I've found the sounds my B3 produces have improved dramatically over the last year. Of course the pedal hasn't changed, I've just learned more about how it works!
  11. Excuse my poor choice of words. I suppose what I was driving at was as I have the Zoom and I'm happy with it, is there any compelling reason to spend big on the Thumpinator.
  12. Hey guys, gals, experts, and fellow confused travellers. What if any are the benefits of the Thumpinator over this Zoom hack ?
  13. Private party up in Twickenham. Went down a storm. Mandolin player and BL turned up sans mandolin and had to turn around and drive back to Oxford to get it. Our singer does the best photo bombing of anyone I know. Here she is ruining a picture of my rig.
  14. Yes! I traded a Sub n up for the Valeton, People thought I was bonkers but it's perfect
  15. I fingered one in PMT Bristol when they came out. I liked it a lot I must say.
  16. Which joyo model is it you have Bruno?
  17. What instrument, pedal, amp or any other piece of your kit has turned out to be an unexpected keeper? I was musing on this one at last night's gig after once again eschewing more prestigious amps, preferring instead to take my venerable Behringer BX4500H. This really has proved to be the hidden gem in my collection. The eq is hugely flexible, the 'shape' control in particular gives many usable options. Their undeserved reputation for unreliability is given the lie too. This beauty has run and run for decades now and outlasted other more famous brands I've owned. Another stick Behringer are beaten with is their wattage claims (let's not get into that here it's surely been done to death) but the 450w they claim on this amp sounds, if anything, quite conservative. It's a powerful beast. So, what unconsidered trifles do you want to champion? Zoom B1on better than your Helix? Harley Benton jazz knock your 72 Fender out of the park? Come on let's here it for the bargain basement, the rough diamonds, the secret love of your bass life.
  18. Finally got round to following the above suggestions at Friday's gig. It's a real game changer. Used a humble B1on as an ersatz Thumpinator, a compressor and a smidge of distortion too. Utterly transformed where the bass sat it the mix. I was never loud, no trouser flapping bottom but I heard every note clearly. Lost a bit too much dynamic control which suggested to me that I was a little heavy handed with the compression, but the band sounded better, and I was heard. Result. The sound itself was quite pleasing, the distortion gave it a bit of character without sounding like rock or metal (not what I was after in this particular band) and it was nicely tight and controlled. Count me in the HPF/Comp Club.
  19. Might be a bit of a big step as you're just starting out. I struggled with multiple pedals when I started (not very long ago) and I experimented an awful lot before finding what works for me, and even then I change it all regularly! Maybe start with a couple pedals, get a feel for them then add others in over time.
  20. I love mine! But that does not answer your question. When pedals are in series each one affects the next one in the chain. This is sometimes desirable. I have pitch shifter I always use with a distortion for example. An octaver which benefits from a graphic eq - that kind if thing. However a parallel set up means each pedal is blended with the clean signal and nothing else (unless you place other pedals in a loop with it). So the synth, octave and fuzz for example will be running side by side and not affecting one another but producing the sound of three different bassists playing simultaneously through three different effects. It's massive Or subtle You get to mix each one how you want to.
  21. Get a Tri Parallel Mixer rather than faffing with the little Boss thing. The order others are suggesting seems sensible to me i.e. fuzz before filter, tuner and comp before all, pitch near the start. But with the Tpm nothing is before or after anything else...
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